Index for surnames beginning with M (Pedigree Pages)
[McDonald, Elizabeth] - [Merrill, Joshua S.]
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
[Maars, Conrad John II] - [Matthews, Barnabus]
[Matthews, Helen M.] - [Merrill, Ethan]
[Merrill, Frank Merton] - [Mix, J. Allen]
[Mix, Lydia] - [Murray, Charles Solon]
[Murray, Dorothy Pauline] - [Myers, Norma]
Merrill, Frank Merton
Merrill, George
Merrill, George O'Rell Stewart
Merrill, Gideon (b. 1749 - d. 27 JUN 1803)
Merrill, Gideon (b. ABT. 1716 - d. 9 SEP 1757)
Merrill, Grace E.
Merrill, Hanna (b. 1747)
Merrill, Hannah
Merrill, Hannah (b. 9 JAN 1765 - d. 19 AUG 1845)
Merrill, Hannah Belden
Merrill, Helen Lorraine
Merrill, Henry Smith
Merrill, Hezekiah
Merrill, Hugh Moshier
Merrill, Isabel
Merrill, Jabez Wright
Merrill, James
Merrill, James (b. 23 SEP 1769 - d. 9 APR 1791)
Merrill, James Wells
Merrill, Jane
Merrill, Jeremiah
Merrill, John
Merrill, John Burdett
Merrill, John Wallace (b. 1 NOV 1824 - d. 21 JAN 1907)
Merrill, Joshua S.
Merrill, Lemoine Josephine
Merrill, Libbie E.
Merrill, Lyman Burton (b. 31 JAN 1803)
Merrill, Maria
Merrill, Maria
Merrill, Mariah (b. 22 MAR 1822 - d. 7 MAR 1843)
Merrill, Mary
Merrill, Mary (b. 15 MAY 1774)
Merrill, Mary (b. 1745)
Merrill, Mary Ann
Merrill, Mary E. ( d. 1942)
Merrill, Mary Emma
Merrill, Mason Fitch (b. 2 APR 1817 - d. 4 APR 1848)
Merrill, Minerva
Merrill, Minerva (b. 27 SEP 1808 - d. 1887)
Merrill, Morris F.
Merrill, Nancy
Merrill, Nathaniel (b. 3 OCT 1762 - d. 29 AUG 1834)
Merrill, Nathaniel (b. 7 FEB 1741/42 - d. 1 MAR 1820)
Merrill, Nelson
Merrill, Oliver Myers
Merrill, Patty
Merrill, Percy (b. 24 DEC 1781 - d. 19 MAY 1847)
Merrill, Perry Eugene
Merrill, Ruth
Merrill, Ruth
Merrill, Sabra (b. 1780 - d. 23 MAR 1813)
Merrill, Samuel
Merrill, Samuel (b. 1741 - d. 1761)
Merrill, Samuel (b. 23 FEB 1768 - d. 7 MAY 1834)
Merrill, Samuel Baldwin
Merrill, Sarah
Merrill, Sarah
Merrill, Sarah (b. 13 JAN 1696/97 - d. BEF. 1748)
Merrill, Sidney
Merrill, Smith (b. 16 OCT 1810 - d. 21 JUL 1894)
Merrill, Stephen Brown
Merrill, Sylvester
Merrill, Theodora Grace
Merrill, Thomas Paxton
Merrill, Tillinghast
Merrill, Truman
Merrill, Truman (b. 26 SEP 1766 - d. 24 AUG 1856)
Merrill, Voltaire
Merrill, William
Merrill, William
Merrill, William
Merrill, William O. (b. 1812 - d. DEC 1867)
Merrill, William Oliver
Merrill, William Wallace
Merrill, Wilterton (b. 28 JUN 1675 - d. 14 MAY 1755)
Merriman, Comfort (b. 1720 - d. 1801)
Mescher, Maria Elisabeth
Messinger, Amherst
Messinger, Emily W.
Messinger, John B.
Messinger, Sarah A. (b. 1822)
Metcalf, Albert (b. 1 JAN 1852 - d. 6 SEP 1852)
Metcalf, Almina (b. 8 JUL 1863)
Metcalf, Amos ( d. 11 MAR 1885)
Metcalf, Carrie Jane (b. 25 AUG 1875)
Metcalf, Charles H. (b. 5 APR 1868)
Metcalf, Cora O. (b. 19 AUG 1870)
Metcalf, Elial (b. ABT. 1804 - d. 8 MAY 1851)
Metcalf, Elial Frank (b. 1844)
Metcalf, James Franklin (b. 15 MAR 1866)
Metcalf, Letitia L. (b. 5 JUN 1837 - d. 26 APR 1885)
Metcalf, Levi (b. 16 FEB 1745/46 - d. 22 APR 1832)
Metcalf, Lois
Metcalf, Olive
Metcalf, Sally (b. 1779)
Metcalf, Wesley W. (b. 22 FEB 1873)
Metz, Catherine (b. 18 JUL 1766 - d. 3 JAN 1847)
Metzen, Dorothy
Metzger, ?
Metzger, Annie
Metzger, George
Metzger, Josephine (b. 23 JUL 1874 - d. 20 MAY 1929)
Metzger, Katie
Metzger, Louis
Metzger, Louise
Metzger, Mamie
Meyer, Francis
Meyer, Frank T.
Meyer, James
Meyer, Julius
Meyer, Leonard
Meyer, Louise
Meyer, Raymond
Meyer, Vicky
Meyer, Walter
Meyers, Amanda ( d. AFT. 1880)
Meyers, Arthur Frank (b. 26 SEP 1906 - d. MAY 1959)
Meyers, Brian James
Meyers, Dale Lee
Meyers, Deborah Sue
Meyers, Elmer Henry (b. 2 MAR 1919 - d. 14 DEC 1972)
Meyers, Gabriel Adrian
Meyers, Henry (b. 24 MAY 1876 - d. 2 SEP 1956)
Meyers, Hugo Joseph
Meyers, Ida Ann (b. 16 SEP 1902 - d. 7 MAY 1980)
Meyers, Jason Dale
Meyers, Jeffrey Thomas
Meyers, Larry Dean
Meyers, Leona
Meyers, Loretta (b. 22 AUG 1904 - d. 10 MAR 1975)
Meyers, Mary Elizabeth
Meyers, Ruth Ann (b. 2 SEP 1952 - d. 5 FEB 1977)
Meyers, Todd Eric
Meyers, Troy Dean
Meyers, Wayne William
Miars, Sarah Elizabeth (b. 7 FEB 1860 - d. 1 OCT 1938)
Mickley, Lotta ( d. 1 JAN 1895)
Mies, Mary Ann (b. 7 MAY 1884 - d. 13 MAY 1940)
Mies, William (b. 19 OCT 1862)
Mikulich, Edward (b. 6 SEP 1910 - d. 11 OCT 1977)
Mikulich, Phyllis Irene (b. --Not Shown--)
Mildred, (b. 1604 - d. 1673)
Milhous, Franklin (b. 1848 - d. 1919)
Milhous, Hannah (b. 1885 - d. 1967)
Millard, Abiathar (b. 1744 - d. 1811)
Millard, Phoebe (b. 1781 - d. 1831)
Miller, Anne Virginia (b. 22 DEC 1865)
Miller, Charles H.
Miller, Charles Pratt
Miller, Clarissa (b. 14 FEB 1799)
Miller, Clyde Beaumont
Miller, Cora Elizabeth
Miller, Elizabeth (b. 1852)
Miller, Estilla Myrtle
Miller, Frank
Miller, Gail Marlena (b. --Not Shown--)
Miller, Harriet A.
Miller, Henry
Miller, Julia Bell
Miller, Laura May (b. 24 AUG 1878 - d. 23 APR 1949)
Miller, Loria
Miller, Malcolm
Miller, Nancy Jane
Miller, Patty Ann
Miller, Percilla E. (b. 3 SEP 1836)
Miller, Sarah (b. 1737 - d. AFT. 1790)
Miller, Sherman
Miller, Silas
Miller, Susan
Miller, Thomas Foster
Milligan, Amanda Malvina (b. 28 MAR 1835 - d. 24 FEB 1869)
Mills, Edward (b. 12 AUG 1781 - d. 5 JUL 1869)
Mills, Elizabeth T. ( d. 5 FEB 1869)
Mills, Esther S. (b. 15 FEB 1807 - d. 1892)
Mills, Ethel
Mills, Ruth (b. 1771 - d. 1808)
Millspaugh, Bessie Mae
Mils, Stephen (b. 1729)
Milz, Elizabeth (b. 24 JAN 1762 - d. 29 JUN 1836)
Minard, Elizabeth (b. OCT 1839 - d. 28 APR 1916)
Minor, Grace (b. 1670 - d. 1753)
Misfeldt, Kathleen
Mitchell, Abigail A. (b. 13 MAY 1829 - d. 4 OCT 1832)
Mitchell, Alonson C. (b. 1844 - d. 1897)
Mitchell, Benjamin Bigelow (b. 17 FEB 1820 - d. 9 MAR 1844)
Mitchell, Electa V. (b. 2 OCT 1826 - d. 10 NOV 1855)
Mitchell, Frank H. (b. 1875 - d. 1938)
Mitchell, Harmon (b. 1884 - d. 1910)
Mitchell, Irene (b. 22 FEB 1814 - d. 25 JUL 1837)
Mitchell, John Fuller (b. 30 JUL 1832)
Mitchell, Joseph (b. 3 JUN 1834 - d. 5 SEP 1834)
Mitchell, Joseph (b. 9 AUG 1790 - d. 1865)
Mitchell, Joseph K. (b. 28 SEP 1815 - d. 13 MAR 1835)
Mitchell, Lucy (b. 20 APR 1823 - d. 18 OCT 1823)
Mitchell, Mary A. (b. 1876 - d. 1956)
Mitchell, Paula (b. --Not Shown--)
Mitchell, Russell Bigelow (b. 10 DEC 1817)
Mitchell, Thankful (b. 24 DEC 1824 - d. 3 DEC 1825)
Mix, Hannah (b. 30 JUN 1666)
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