Index for surnames beginning with H (Pedigree Pages)
[Hand, William Frederick] - [Hathaway, David]
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
[Haack, Amber Lea] - [Harrington, Edla]
[Harrington, Elizabeth] - [Hennes, Kelly]
[Hennes, Kevin] - [Holland, Raymond]
[Holland, Stella M.] - [Howe, Lucy Anne]
[Howe, Lydia] - [Hungerford, Lydia]
[Hungerford, Lydia] - [Hyman, Gayle]
Harrington, Elizabeth (b. 3 JUN 1777 - d. 4 FEB 1847)
Harrington, Henry H. (b. 1811)
Harrington, Irene
Harrington, Isaac (b. 2 FEB 1692/93 - d. 21 JAN 1778)
Harrington, Marion (b. 1819)
Harrington, Martha
Harrington, Mary (b. 16 APR 1754 - d. 22 DEC 1787)
Harrington, Mary (b. 8 MAR 1729/30)
Harrington, Rosanna (b. 1822)
Harrington, Samuel (b. 3 AUG 1704 - d. 18 MAR 1784)
Harrington, Thankful (b. 20 SEP 1701 - d. 6 NOV 1759)
Harrington, Thankful (b. 24 JUN 1729 - d. 16 JUN 1795)
Harris, Emma A.
Harris, Frances (b. ABT. 1799 - d. 13 JAN 1834)
Harris, Leslie
Harris, Leslie Ervin
Harris, Miriam (b. 12 MAR 1699/00 - d. 30 JUN 1765)
Harris, Persis (b. ABT. 1775 - d. 20 MAY 1823)
Harris, Sarah Ester (b. 2 AUG 1864 - d. 31 JAN 1934)
Harris, Thomas (b. 22 MAR 1676/77 - d. 1726)
Harrison, Abigail (b. 11 SEP 1673 - d. 7 SEP 1717)
Harrison, Charlotte (b. ABT. 1830)
Harrison, Isaac
Harthan, Lois (b. 19 NOV 1793 - d. 27 DEC 1839)
Hartman, Cheryl
Hartshorn, Curtis ( d. BEF. 1821)
Hartshorn, Curtis Hamilton (b. 11 OCT 1818 - d. 25 DEC 1891)
Hartwell, Ella
Hartwell, Eugene
Hartwell, Samuel Willard (b. 1834 - d. 1902)
Harvey, Humphrey (b. ABT. 1459)
Harvey, John (b. 1676 - d. 23 OCT 1767)
Harvey, John (b. ABT. 1647 - d. 18 JAN 1704/05)
Harvey, Joseph Lt. (b. 6 APR 1720 - d. 4 OCT 1799)
Harvey, Robert Neil (b. 27 MAR 1928 - d. 28 FEB 1996)
Harvey, Robert Neil (b. APR 1902 - d. MAY 1931)
Harvey, Sarah (b. 1752 - d. AFT. 1801)
Harvey, Sarah Eunice (b. --Not Shown--)
Harvey, Thomas (b. 1580 - d. BEF. 1647)
Harvey, Thomas (b. 1617 - d. 1651)
Harvey, Turner (b. ABT. 1485)
Harvey, William (b. 1510 - d. 27 FEB 1566/67)
Harvey, William (b. 1560 - d. 1630)
Harwood, Celia ( d. 14 OCT 1885)
Haskell, Eliza R.
Hastings, Abbie (b. 11 JUN 1816 - d. 1 MAY 1873)
Hastings, Abigail (b. 1679 - d. 1710)
Hastings, Ada F. (b. 1909)
Hastings, Anna B. (b. 1912)
Hastings, Arthur (b. 9 DEC 1846)
Hastings, Charles
Hastings, Christopher S. Capt.( d. 8 SEP 1863)
Hastings, Clifton B. (b. 18 OCT 1914 - d. 11 MAR 1963)
Hastings, Ellen (b. 9 JUN 1841)
Hastings, Ethel M. (b. 1908)
Hastings, Ezra
Hastings, Florence A. (b. 1910)
Hastings, Isabella (b. 22 SEP 1811 - d. AFT. 1888)
Hastings, John Percy (b. AUG 1883 - d. 11 FEB 1969)
Hastings, Leslie (b. 15 APR 1849 - d. 31 MAY 1887)
Hastings, Lydia
Hastings, Ruthven (b. 30 JUL 1843)
Hastings, Samuel Lieut.(b. 1735 - d. 9 SEP 1823)
Hastings, Samuel (b. 26 JAN 1767 - d. 9 SEP 1842)
Hastings, Stephen (b. 5 JAN 1758)
Hastings, Walter S. (b. 1917 - d. 1919)
Hatch, Martha L. (b. ABT. 1824 - d. 3 AUG 1890)
Hathaway, Anna
Hathaway, Auriel ( d. 16 MAR 1865)
Hathaway, Bertha
Hathaway, Bertie
Hathaway, Charles E. (b. ABT. 1861)
Hathaway, Charles W. (b. 10 JUN 1839 - d. 24 JUL 1904)
Hathaway, Cora
Hathaway, David
Hathaway, Eda
Hathaway, Edward Payson (b. 18 NOV 1841 - d. 12 SEP 1933)
Hathaway, Florence
Hathaway, George
Hathaway, Jennie
Hathaway, Lottie
Hathaway, Mabel E. (b. 7 APR 1859 - d. 14 AUG 1860)
Hathaway, Mary
Hathaway, Nellie
Hathaway, Prudence (b. 25 JAN 1801 - d. 17 JAN 1845)
Hathaway, Thomas Spencer (b. 15 MAY 1839 - d. 6 APR 1888)
Hauer, Elisabeth ( d. 28 DEC 1762)
Haukap, Agnes
Haukap, Bernard
Haukap, Dorothy
Haukap, Francelia
Haukap, Herman
Haukap, Irlene
Haukap, John Francis
Haukap, Lawrence
Haukap, Marie
Haukap, Marilyn
Haukap, Mathias
Haukap, Matthias J.
Haukap, Roger
Haukap, Wanda
Haven, Lydia (b. 1783 - d. 29 JUL 1808)
Haven, Mehetable
Hawkins, Maxine
Hawks, Joanna (b. 8 FEB 1653/54 - d. 22 NOV 1729)
Hawthorn, Jedidah ( d. BEF. 1770)
Hay, Caroline (b. 16 OCT 1811 - d. 18 MAR 1892)
Hay, Frederick Walter
Hay, Frederick Walter Jr. (b. --Not Shown--)
Hayden, Carmi
Hayden, Ella A. (b. 20 DEC 1855)
Hayes, ?
Hayes, Allison June (b. --Not Shown--)
Hayes, Birchard Austin (b. 4 NOV 1853 - d. 24 JAN 1926)
Hayes, Joseph (b. --Not Shown--)
Hayes, Kathleen Joan (b. --Not Shown--)
Hayes, Mary A. (b. 2 OCT 1838 - d. 1925)
Hayes, Rutherford Jr.(b. 4 JAN 1787 - d. 20 JUL 1822)
Hayes, Rutherford Birchard President(b. 4 OCT 1822 - d. 17 JAN 1893)
Haynes, Agnes Josephine (b. 23 SEP 1871 - d. 14 JAN 1872)
Haynes, Agnes Ulrica Louisa (b. OCT 1847)
Haynes, Alfred (b. 28 NOV 1830 - d. 23 JUN 1869)
Haynes, Alice Maud (b. 13 JUL 1876 - d. 28 FEB 1965)
Haynes, Alonzo J. (b. 20 MAY 1836 - d. 5 JUL 1893)
Haynes, Deborah
Haynes, Ella A.
Haynes, Evelyn Louisa (b. 23 DEC 1869 - d. 4 OCT 1875)
Haynes, Everett Lombard (b. 12 JUL 1862)
Haynes, Fred (b. 29 MAR 1874 - d. 14 APR 1874)
Hayward, Amasa (b. 23 AUG 1781)
Hayward, Florence (b. 22 JUL 1886)
Hayward, George
Hazelett, Julia
Hazelton, Bill
Hazelton, Fred
Hazelton, Melanie
H'Doubler, Julia Anne
H'Doubler, Mary Triffany
H'Doubler, Peter Zachary
H'Doubler, William Zack
Heartwell, Sarah
Heath, Adele (b. 1859 - d. 1909)
Heath, John F. (b. 1832 - d. 1909)
Heath, Laura Ella
Heath, Mathilda (b. ABT. 1831 - d. 6 AUG 1916)
Heckenkemper, Bernard H.
Heckenkemper, Janet
Heckenkemper, Jerome
Heckmann, Appolonia (b. ABT. 1619 - d. 2 APR 1662)
Heckmann, Gabriel (b. ABT. 1560 - d. 10 APR 1635)
Heckmann, Justus "Jost" (b. ABT. 1590 - d. 1656)
Hedden, John Anthony (b. 15 FEB 1971 - d. 25 MAY 1984)
Hedden, Kenneth Edward
Hedden, Tiffany (b. --Not Shown--)
Hedden, Tyler Lewis (b. --Not Shown--)
Hedge, Serenity Rose (b. --Not Shown--)
Hegert, Hattie
Heiger, Dale
Heiger, Lee
Heiger, Mark
Heiger, Marya
Heiger, Walt
Heitz, Frank (b. 8 SEP 1852 - d. 22 JUL 1916)
Heitz, Joseph F. (b. FEB 1882 - d. 1924)
Hemenway, Asa (b. 8 SEP 1750 - d. 18 APR 1810)
Hemenway, Daniel (b. 2 FEB 1718/19 - d. 15 NOV 1794)
Hemenway, Daniel H. (b. 24 JUN 1745 - d. 1816)
Hemenway, Harry
Hemenway, Jacob (b. 5 MAR 1753)
Hemenway, John
Hemenway, Jonas (b. 12 DEC 1758 - d. 12 MAR 1827)
Hemenway, Joseph
Hemenway, Samuel (b. 28 FEB 1756 - d. 26 JAN 1813)
Hemenway, Silas (b. 4 JUN 1744 - d. 8 DEC 1830)
Hemenway, Susanna (b. 1746)
Hemenway, Vashna (b. 13 OCT 1761)
Hemingway, Elizabeth
Hemingway, Isaac (b. 1730 - d. 1778)
Hemingway, James (b. 1760 - d. 1822)
Hemingway, James (b. 1801 - d. 1893)
Hemingway, Jane M. (b. 1824 - d. 1890)
Hemingway, Joshua (b. 1643 - d. 1716)
Hemingway, Joshua (b. 1668)
Hemingway, Joshua (b. 1697 - d. 1754)
Hemingway, Ralph ( d. 1678)
Henderson, Mary K.
Henderson, William Capt.(b. ABT. 1744 - d. 21 JUL 1801)
Henderson, William Walter (b. 1793 - d. 5 AUG 1793)
Hendricks, Katherine Suzanne
Heney, Alison (b. 1926 - d. 1998)
Heney, Clara Edna (b. 1882)
Heney, Edward
Heney, Edward Nassau
Heney, Elizabeth (b. 1924 - d. 1949)
Heney, Marjorie Anna (b. 1888 - d. 1959)
Heney, Theodore Bigelow (b. 1891)
Hennes, Joseph
Hennes, Joseph (b. --Not Shown--)
Hennes, Katherine (b. --Not Shown--)
Hennes, Kelly (b. --Not Shown--)
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