Genealogy Data Page 866 (Family Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Bigelow, Benjamin 
Gender: Male
Father: Bigelow, Buell Norman
Mother: ?,
Gragg, Brianna 
Gender: Female
Father: Gragg, Troy
Mother: Bigelow, Jodi
Gragg, Bradley 
Gender: Male
Father: Gragg, Troy
Mother: Bigelow, Jodi
Bigelow, Leonore Ellen 
b. 16 FEB 1898 Gibbon, Buffalo Co, NE
d. 21 SEP 1968 Urbana, Champaign Co, IL
Gender: Female
Father: Bigelow, Carl Chesley
Mother: McAdams, Nettie Alice
Bigelow, Harold Alvin 
b. 4 MAY 1901 Lamberton, Redwood Co, MN
d. 5 SEP 1943 Racine, Racine Co, WI
Gender: Male
Father: Bigelow, Carl Chesley
Mother: McAdams, Nettie Alice
Bigelow, Ida Beatrice

b. 25 MAY 1903 Flasher, Morton co, ND
d. 17 JUL 1903 Flasher, Morton co, ND
Gender: Female
Father: Bigelow, Carl Chesley
Mother: McAdams, Nettie Alice
Bigelow, Iva Beatrice 
b. 25 MAY 1903 Flasher, Morton co, ND
d. 30 DEC 1992 Mapleton, MN
Gender: Female
Father: Bigelow, Carl Chesley
Mother: McAdams, Nettie Alice
Nelson, Edwin Everett 
b. 27 MAY 1915
d. 14 APR 1983 Cannon Falls, Goodhue Co, MN
Gender: Male
Bigelow, Lelia Viola

b. 20 DEC 1907 Flasher, Morton Co, ND
d. 22 DEC 1979 St. Paul, Ramsey Co, MN
Gender: Female
Father: Bigelow, Carl Chesley
Mother: McAdams, Nettie Alice
Nelson, Lee Walter 
Nelson, Carol Ann 
Nelson, Jerry Warren 
Nelson, Norman Anton 
Nelson, Donald Edwin 
Bigelow, Cecil Carl 
b. --Not Shown-- Stockton, Winona Co, MN
Gender: Male
Father: Bigelow, Carl Chesley
Mother: McAdams, Nettie Alice
Nelson, Lee Walter 
b. --Not Shown-- Winona, Winona Co, MN
Gender: Male
Father: Nelson, Edwin Everett
Mother: Bigelow, Lelia Viola
Shueler, Carol Jean
Gender: Female
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