For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Bigelow Marjori [Female] b. 10 JAN 1899 Walnut, IA - d. 20 MAY 1952 Walnut, IA
Marjori was the City Clerk at Walnut
Bruce was a banker in Denver, CO
She was also a nurse in the Navy in WWII
Lewis died of typhoid while on a trip to New York City
said to have deserted the family
when born, she was what they called a 'blue baby', lack of oxygen.
born 19 Feb 1810 in Cambridge, Washington county, NY. About 1815 the family moved to Schoharie county, NY. On his father's pension application Cornelius is listed as ten years of age.
Cornelius married (1)16 July 1834 Susan Earl, of whom we have no information except that she was living in 1850, and presumably died soon after the birth of her sixth child circa 1851. They lived in Andes township, Delaware county for at least 15 years. Cornelius gave his age as 38 years in 1850; on no two documents does his age appear accurately or consistently.
The family migrated to Montcalm county, MI circa 1853. There Cornelius married (2) on 6 Oct 1853 Cynthia Chaffin, daughter of Peter Chaffin. She was age 18 at the time of marriage, and Cornelius claimed to be 41. In 1860 Cornelius and family were ennumerated in Coe township, Isabella county, MI, with Cornelius now listed as 48 years of age. Four years later, in 1864, giving his age as 44 years, Cornelius enlisted in Co C, 2nd Michigan Infantry. He was discharged in 1865.
About 1869 Cornelius and farnily--and brother William F. and family--moved to Maxville township, Buffalo county, WI, where the family was ennumerated on the 1870 and 1880 federal censuses, and the 1875 state census. Cornelius was 52 years of age on the 1870 census, but strangely not listed on the 1880 census (only the wife and children). The birth of their youngest child, Jessie M., was recorded as 26 Apr 1869, according to Buffalo county records.
In 1884, disabled by age and illness, Cornelius Bigelow applied for a veterans' pension. On the application, we have his parents' names, his correct birthplace, and a birthdate of 19 Feb 1820, just ten years younger than he was. Pension was granted, and Cornelius died 5 Mar 1885, recorded as aged 65 years. He is buried in a small private cemetery in the community, and his headstone indicates "age 73 years 12 days."
Cynthia, his widow next applied for a widow's pension for herself and youngest child, giving Jessie's birthdate as 1871, county records notwithstanding. It is thought that Cynthia returned to Michigan with the three youngest children, as scattered records of them appear in Van Buren and Kent counties.
During the war of 1812, the family moved to Schoharie co, NY, where he is is listed as "Franklin, age 8," on his father's application for a military pension. On reaching adult years, William followed his brothers to Delaware co, where he married Elizabeth Earl on 16 July 1834. She was born 1814 in New York state to unknown parents. They lived in Andes township until 1853, when they removed to Michigan, following William's oldest brother Elijah.
William settled in Bloomer township, Montcalm county, near Carson City. There his wife Eliza died in July 1859, leaving ten children. William then married (2) on 23 Jan 1860 Nancy Maria Brown, born 3 May 1845 in Medina county, OH. Fifteen years old at their marriage, Nancy is shown as a young girl seated beside William in their wedding photo.
During the Civil War, William enlisted as a private in Co D, 3rd Michigan Regiment, and served from 1864 to 1865, when he was given an honorable discharge, he being unfit for duty after contracting camp dysentery. In order to enlist he had given his age as ten years younger than it actually was, but this was corrected when William applied for a pension.
After the war, William and his brother Cornelius removed to Maxville, Buffalo county, WI, where they lived a nurnber of years (roughly 1869-1875), at which time William returned to Michigan. He settled in New Haven, Gratiot county, MI, and died there 29 Dec 1891. He is buried in a cemetery near Carson City, Montcalm county. His widow Nancy outlived him by many years. Her widow's pension papers show she died at Bay City, Bay county, MI 5 Feb 1925, but there appears to be no county record.
born 08 July 1833 in Andes township, Delaware, NY. The family moved to Howell, MI in the late 1840's, then in 1853 to Bloomer township, Montcalm county. There he married on 23 February 1860 Mary Bennett -her parents and other data unknown. They settled in Gratiot county and in 1863 Ebenezer enlisted in Co. K, 21st Infantry, Michigan Volunteers and again, in 1864, in Co. A, 23rd Infantry. After the Civil War, he remained in Gratiot county, and is supposed to have died in the 1890's.
served in the Civil War, Co F, 13th MI Inf.
The Bigelow Society had the following: "served in Civil War until 1865, after which we have no further record-either died or went west." New info from descendant: He lived in Pine River township a few miles away and it shows on the Michigan Civil war records that Zaddock P was 28 yrs and Zadoc was 17. The family of my great grandfather had a farm of 40 acres and until about 20 years ago was still in the family.
Zedock is reportedly buried in California.but probably another Zaddock
died in a car accident with his 2nd wife
Truman had served from 1862 to 1865 in Co. D, 21st MI Infantry
(burned to death in farm home)
born at Andes, Delaware, NY. He went with his parents into Montcalm county, MI in 1853. They later moved to Isabella and Gratiot counties. Calvin served during the Civil War in Company D, 23rd MI Infantry. On his return home, he married Harriet Shaw on 24 July 1867 - in Isabella county. Her parents and full dates not given, but she was born 1844 and died 1927. Calvin farmed near Shepherd, Isabella county, where he died on 25 February 1910. Both are buried at Shepherd cemetery.
served Co H, 5th Michagan Infantry; was wounded 31 May 1862
Zedic served in the Civil War: Co. K., 21st MI Infantry.
he was an antique dealer in St. Louis, MI
born about 1835 at Andes township, Delaware, NY. In 1853, the family moved to Montcalm county, MI. On 30 January 1863, in Gratiot county, William married Mary Roberts of whom we know little except that she was born about 1845 in OH. They lived a few years in Newark township and then, in 1869, moved to Maxville, Buffalo, WI where their last three children were born. On the 1880 federal census, William is declared disabled and mentally ill, with his wife working as a washerwoman to support them. We have no further record of either except that in 1885 William was "insane" and Mary was living in Buffalo county.
born in Andes township, Delaware, NY 25 September 1836. In 1853, he moved with his parents to Montcalm county, MI. Later they moved to Gratiot county, where he was drafted, 04 November 1864 and served in Co. A., 15th MI Infantry. He was discharged in Philadelphia in July of 1865 and returned to MI. From his Civil War pension application, we learn that he moved with his family to WI - (one paper says 1868 and the other says 1872) and resided there until he moved to CA in 1874. He settled in Santa Rosa, Sonoma, CA and raised plums/prunes. In 1897, Zadock applied for a veteran's pension and in it declared, (apparently to end confusion between himself and first cousins of the same Christian name), that he: "ever did I sign my name as Zadock M. Bigelow". His pay stubs from the army vary in the spelling of the name. From the same papers, we learn that he was married twice, first to Rosella DeLong and second, in May 1895, to Charity M. White, but that he could provide no proof of either marriage: "as my wife has the papers in Michigan", he stated in 1898. We determine the date of (1)as circa 1862 and that of (2)as __ May, 1895. He died 13 May l913 in Sonoma county, CA.
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