Genealogy Data Page 497 (Family Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Mullison, John Henry 
b. 21 DEC 1843 Bowman's Creek, Monroe Twp., Wyoming Co, PA
d. 5 APR 1912 Laramie, Albany Co, WY
Gender: Male
Father: Mullison, George W.
Mother: Bigelow, Julia M.
Marriage: 3 FEB 1880 Carbon Co, WY
Rudersdorf, Christina

b. 1862 Mineral Point, Iowa Co, WI
Gender: Female
Mullison, George H. 
Mullison, John J. 
Mullison, Margaret 
Mullison, Anna 
Mullison, Martha Louisa 
b. 1846 Bowman's Creek, Monroe Twp., Wyoming Co, PA
Gender: Female
Father: Mullison, George W.
Mother: Bigelow, Julia M.
Mullison, George Bigelow 
b. 4 JUL 1848 Bowman's Creek, Monroe Twp., Wyoming Co, PA
d. 8 MAR 1884 Philadelphia, PA
Gender: Male
Father: Mullison, George W.
Mother: Bigelow, Julia M.
Lord, Ozmar 
b. ABT. 1851 Franklin Twp., Luzerne Co, PA
Gender: Male
Father: Lord, Alexander Hamilton Jr.
Mother: Bigelow, Cornelia E.
Lord, Dorothy Jane 
b. ABT. 1858 Franklin Twp., Luzerne Co, PA
d. BEF. 1870 Franklin Twp., Luzerne Co, PA
Gender: Female
Father: Lord, Alexander Hamilton Jr.
Mother: Bigelow, Cornelia E.
Lord, Good 
b. ABT. 1862 Franklin Twp., Luzerne Co, PA
Gender: Female
Father: Lord, Alexander Hamilton Jr.
Mother: Bigelow, Cornelia E.
Mullison, George H. 
b. ABT. 1884 WY
Gender: Male
Father: Mullison, John Henry
Mother: Rudersdorf, Christina
Mullison, John J. 
b. ABT. 1891 WY
Gender: Male
Father: Mullison, John Henry
Mother: Rudersdorf, Christina
Mullison, Margaret 
b. ABT. 1893 WY
Gender: Female
Father: Mullison, John Henry
Mother: Rudersdorf, Christina
Mullison, Anna 
b. ABT. 1898 WY
Gender: Female
Father: Mullison, John Henry
Mother: Rudersdorf, Christina
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