Index for surnames beginning with B (Family Pages)
[Bigelow, Abigail] - [Bigelow, Alice]
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
[Babb, Alvin] - [Barnes, Allison]
[Barnes, Alpha] - [Behling, George Alvin]
[Behling, James Barton] - [Bigelow, Abigail]
[Bigelow, Abigail] - [Bigelow, Alice]
[Bigelow, Alice L.] - [Bigelow, Ann Rebecca]
[Bigelow, Ann Sophia] - [Bigelow, Austin]
[Bigelow, Austin Ingraham] - [Bigelow, Caroline L.]
[Bigelow, Caroline L.] - [Bigelow, Charles Griswold]
[Bigelow, Charles H.] - [Bigelow, Comfort]
[Bigelow, Constance] - [Bigelow, David Wineas]
[Bigelow, David Young] - [Bigelow, Edmund Trask]
[Bigelow, Edna B.] - [Bigelow, Eliza Ann]
[Bigelow, Eliza Ann] - [Bigelow, Emerson]
[Bigelow, Emerson] - [Bigelow, Eva]
[Bigelow, Eva] - [Bigelow, Franklin Harvey]
[Bigelow, Franklin Josiah] - [Bigelow, George White]
[Bigelow, George Whitfield] - [Bigelow, Harriet M.]
[Bigelow, Harriet M.] - [Bigelow, Herbert Kenneth]
[Bigelow, Herbert L.] - [Bigelow, Isadora]
[Bigelow, Israel] - [Bigelow, Jeanette]
[Bigelow, Jeanette Ann] - [Bigelow, John Emerson]
[Bigelow, John Emerson] - [Bigelow, Josephine]
[Bigelow, Josephine] - [Bigelow, Lawrence]
[Bigelow, Lawrence E.] - [Bigelow, Louis Henry]
[Bigelow, Louis Lyman] - [Bigelow, Lydia Antoinette]
[Bigelow, Lydia Chapel] - [Bigelow, Martha]
[Bigelow, Martha] - [Bigelow, Mary Eliza]
[Bigelow, Mary Eliza] - [Bigelow, Millie]
[Bigelow, Mills] - [Bigelow, Olive Isora]
[Bigelow, Olive] - [Bigelow, Polly]
[Bigelow, Polly] - [Bigelow, Roy Artis]
[Bigelow, Roy Clark] - [Bigelow, Sarah]
[Bigelow, Sarah] - [Bigelow, Stephen]
[Bigelow, Stephen] - [Bigelow, Uriah Gregory]
[Bigelow, Uriah Gregory] - [Bigelow, William Cyrus]
[Bigelow, William D.] - [Bishop, Eliza]
[Bishop, Esther] - [Bond, William A.]
[Bonds, Leonard] - [Brigham, Abner]
[Brigham, Ashley] - [Brown, Patricia Isabelle]
[Brown, Phebe W.] - [Burns, Annette]
[Burns, Dwight] - [Byrne, Mildred]
Bigelow, Abigail (b. 30 JUL 1779 - d. 5 MAR 1844)
Bigelow, Abigail (b. 30 NOV 1802)
Bigelow, Abigail (b. 31 JUL 1760)
Bigelow, Abigail (b. 4 FEB 1663/64 - d. 12 JAN 1754)
Bigelow, Abigail (b. 5 MAY 1758 - d. 11 SEP 1818)
Bigelow, Abigail (b. 7 MAY 1687)
Bigelow, Abigail (b. 7 OCT 1719)
Bigelow, Abigail (b. 8 SEP 1729)
Bigelow, Abigail (b. 9 JUN 1719 - d. 27 OCT 1729)
Bigelow, Abigail (b. ABT. 1690 - d. AFT. 1714)
Bigelow, Abigail (b. ABT. 1750)
Bigelow, Abigail Appolonia (b. 1 APR 1816 - d. 27 MAY 1816)
Bigelow, Abigail Clark (b. 16 APR 1806 - d. 25 FEB 1847)
Bigelow, Abigail Henrietta (b. 2 NOV 1848)
Bigelow, Abigail Marion (b. 22 MAY 1828 - d. 24 MAR 1889)
Bigelow, Abigail Prentiss (b. ABT. 1812)
Bigelow, Abigail Skinner (b. 18 MAY 1805 - d. 17 MAR 1813)
Bigelow, Abigail W. (b. 30 AUG 1819)
Bigelow, Abigail Witt (b. 29 NOV 1825)
Bigelow, Abijah (b. 16 APR 1756 - d. 22 OCT 1848)
Bigelow, Abijah (b. 16 AUG 1792)
Bigelow, Abner (b. 22 APR 1770 - d. 1823)
Bigelow, Abner John (b. 5 AUG 1824 - d. 9 AUG 1850)
Bigelow, Abner Paine (b. 29 SEP 1852)
Bigelow, Abner Pride (b. 18 MAR 1805 - d. 1852)
Bigelow, Aborn Thornton (b. 24 OCT 1802 - d. 8 FEB 1867)
Bigelow, Abraham (b. 10 AUG 1833)
Bigelow, Abraham (b. 13 JUN 1758 - d. BEF. 1762)
Bigelow, Abraham Commodore(b. 14 MAR 1794 - d. 4 MAR 1861)
Bigelow, Abraham Col.(b. 15 MAR 1788 - d. 16 OCT 1873)
Bigelow, Abraham Dr.(b. 15 MAY 1817 - d. 22 SEP 1896)
Bigelow, Abraham (b. 18 SEP 1762 - d. 6 JUL 1832)
Bigelow, Abraham (b. 19 MAY 1810 - d. 4 AUG 1888)
Bigelow, Abraham (b. 20 AUG 1777 - d. 2 FEB 1848)
Bigelow, Abraham (b. 21 JUL 1839)
Bigelow, Abraham (b. 26 FEB 1742/43 - d. 20 JUL 1753)
Bigelow, Abraham (b. 26 MAY 1808 - d. 28 FEB 1809)
Bigelow, Abraham (b. 5 MAR 1712/13 - d. 14 MAR 1775)
Bigelow, Abraham (b. 8 JUN 1806 - d. 21 MAY 1896)
Bigelow, Abraham Jr. (b. 17 AUG 1839 - d. 3 AUG 1914)
Bigelow, Abraham Lincoln (b. 27 APR 1861 - d. 15 MAR 1923)
Bigelow, Abraham Lincoln Jr. (b. 21 JUN 1895 - d. 1 FEB 1933)
Bigelow, Abraham Moore (b. 1 FEB 1810 - d. 30 NOV 1875)
Bigelow, Abraham Moore (b. 29 SEP 1803 - d. 12 APR 1806)
Bigelow, Abram
Bigelow, Abram (b. ABT. 1836 - d. 4 JUN 1896)
Bigelow, Abron Whitcomb (b. 12 JUL 1849 - d. AFT. 1890)
Bigelow, Achsah (b. 8 SEP 1762)
Bigelow, Ada (b. 1845)
Bigelow, Ada (b. 9 DEC 1864)
Bigelow, Ada Ann (b. 2 FEB 1859)
Bigelow, Ada E. (b. 15 APR 1869 - d. 2 DEC 1908)
Bigelow, Ada F. (b. 3 DEC 1853)
Bigelow, Ada Genevieve (b. 11 DEC 1837)
Bigelow, Ada Louisa (b. 18 APR 1850)
Bigelow, Ada (b. NOV 1879)
Bigelow, Ada Withington (b. 22 MAY 1864)
Bigelow, Ada Zillah (b. 18 JUN 1870 - d. 22 AUG 1945)
Bigelow, Adalbert Irving (b. 19 OCT 1865)
Bigelow, Adaline (b. 3 NOV 1809)
Bigelow, Adaline Amanda (b. 16 MAY 1854 - d. 10 JAN 1918)
Bigelow, Adaline Silence (b. 9 AUG 1824)
Bigelow, Adam Chester (b. 19 JAN 1892)
Bigelow, Adam Chester Jr. (b. ABT. 1830 - d. BEF. 1882)
Bigelow, Adam Chester Sr. (b. ABT. 1795)
Bigelow, Addi (b. 18 OCT 1757 - d. BEF. 1817)
Bigelow, Addi Dennison (b. 21 APR 1811)
Bigelow, Addie (b. 12 AUG 1873 - d. 30 JAN 1877)
Bigelow, Addie (b. 14 APR 1868)
Bigelow, Addie (b. 2 OCT 1904 - d. 30 SEP 1933)
Bigelow, Addie L. (b. 16 FEB 1851 - d. 29 APR 1853)
Bigelow, Addie Lee (b. ABT. 1868)
Bigelow, Addison (b. 1857)
Bigelow, Addison Clinton (b. 28 SEP 1812 - d. 21 MAY 1813)
Bigelow, Addison G. (b. 1847)
Bigelow, Adelaide (b. 16 AUG 1844)
Bigelow, Adelaide (b. 1848)
Bigelow, Adelaide (b. 2 DEC 1850 - d. 13 MAY 1920)
Bigelow, Adelaide Frances (b. 24 DEC 1860)
Bigelow, Adelaide I. (b. 3 AUG 1836 - d. AFT. 1889)
Bigelow, Adelaide Louise (b. 28 FEB 1861)
Bigelow, Adelaide Lucy (b. 26 FEB 1872 - d. 15 JAN 1943)
Bigelow, Adelaide W. (b. 27 JUL 1878)
Bigelow, Adelbert
Bigelow, Adelbert B.
Bigelow, Adele (b. 29 NOV 1872)
Bigelow, Adele Frances (b. 6 NOV 1914)
Bigelow, Adelia (b. 1839)
Bigelow, Adelia Rebecca (b. 4 SEP 1843 - d. 21 AUG 1899)
Bigelow, Adeline (b. 1 FEB 1802 - d. 31 OCT 1885)
Bigelow, Adeline (b. 13 NOV 1845)
Bigelow, Adeline (b. 17 AUG 1833 - d. 6 AUG 1902)
Bigelow, Adeline (b. 1828)
Bigelow, Adeline (b. 22 NOV 1818 - d. AFT. 1889)
Bigelow, Adeline (b. 26 DEC 1823 - d. 23 SEP 1850)
Bigelow, Adeline A. (b. 1 JUL 1813 - d. 26 NOV 1891)
Bigelow, Adeline A. (b. 7 APR 1842 - d. AFT. 1910)
Bigelow, Adeline E. (b. 13 NOV 1837 - d. 8 AUG 1844)
Bigelow, Adeline Eulalia (b. 27 APR 1821)
Bigelow, Adeline Louise
Bigelow, Adeline M. (b. 22 FEB 1833)
Bigelow, Adeliza (b. 10 OCT 1839)
Bigelow, Adeliza M. (b. 22 FEB 1833)
Bigelow, Adella
Bigelow, Adelpha (b. 22 JUL 1905 - d. JUL 1989)
Bigelow, Adin (b. 20 DEC 1812 - d. 7 FEB 1872)
Bigelow, Adoniram Judson (b. 20 APR 1821 - d. 7 JAN 1891)
Bigelow, Adra (b. ABT. 1844)
Bigelow, Agnes (b. 13 APR 1864)
Bigelow, Agnes Amelia (b. 3 JUL 1916)
Bigelow, Agnes Bartlett (b. 20 SEP 1876)
Bigelow, Agnes E. (b. 6 OCT 1873 - d. 29 APR 1930)
Bigelow, Agnes Keating (b. 18 AUG 1904)
Bigelow, Agnes Louisa (b. 8 DEC 1836)
Bigelow, Agnes Phillips (b. 28 JUL 1875 - d. 12 AUG 1875)
Bigelow, Agness (b. ABT. 1879)
Bigelow, Aimee (b. 13 NOV 1738)
Bigelow, Alan Eaton (b. 30 SEP 1918)
Bigelow, Alan Joseph
Bigelow, Alane Robbins (b. --Not Shown--)
Bigelow, Alba Solomon (b. 1 JAN 1822 - d. 25 MAY 1828)
Bigelow, Albert Rev.(b. 11 OCT 1827 - d. 7 JUN 1892)
Bigelow, Albert (b. 13 APR 1865 - d. 8 JUL 1943)
Bigelow, Albert (b. 1874)
Bigelow, Albert (b. 2 APR 1822)
Bigelow, Albert (b. 5 FEB 1873)
Bigelow, Albert (b. 7 JAN 1832)
Bigelow, Albert (b. ABT. 1812 - d. 21 MAR 1876)
Bigelow, Albert (b. ABT. 1855)
Bigelow, Albert Alphonso (b. 1866)
Bigelow, Albert Anson (b. 31 JUL 1872 - d. 7 FEB 1919)
Bigelow, Albert Arthur (b. 20 AUG 1864)
Bigelow, Albert Burton (b. 14 SEP 1834 - d. 28 NOV 1912)
Bigelow, Albert Francis (b. 4 OCT 1880 - d. 19 JUN 1958)
Bigelow, Albert (b. JAN 1864)
Bigelow, Albert Lawrence (b. 12 MAR 1840 - d. 27 JUN 1880)
Bigelow, Albert Leroy (b. 21 APR 1886 - d. 22 FEB 1963)
Bigelow, Albert Leroy (b. 3 FEB 1913)
Bigelow, Albert Marshall (b. 5 MAY 1835 - d. 31 OCT 1915)
Bigelow, Albert Paine (b. 19 NOV 1842 - d. 15 AUG 1852)
Bigelow, Albert Smith (b. 11 FEB 1846 - d. 17 SEP 1928)
Bigelow, Albert Solomon (b. 16 SEP 1828 - d. AFT. 1888)
Bigelow, Albert Stillman (b. 10 SEP 1831)
Bigelow, Albert Sumner (b. 23 JAN 1888 - d. 10 JAN 1972)
Bigelow, Albert Thwing (b. 12 OCT 1865 - d. 1906)
Bigelow, Albert William (b. 11 APR 1901 - d. 2 JUN 1978)
Bigelow, Albert William (b. 14 APR 1864 - d. 11 JAN 1917)
Bigelow, Albertina (b. 12 APR 1856)
Bigelow, Alden (b. 4 SEP 1816)
Bigelow, Alden Bradford (b. 21 FEB 1827 - d. 23 FEB 1905)
Bigelow, Alden March (b. 28 MAR 1848)
Bigelow, Aletta Ruth (b. --Not Shown--)
Bigelow, Alexander (b. 1 MAY 1878)
Bigelow, Alexander (b. 11 SEP 1880)
Bigelow, Alexander (b. 12 DEC 1814 - d. 22 JAN 1887)
Bigelow, Alexander Alvin (b. 4 MAY 1841 - d. 1 JUN 1909)
Bigelow, Alexander Dallas (b. ABT. 1824 - d. ABT. 1875)
Bigelow, Alexander Graham (b. ABT. 1845)
Bigelow, Alfred
Bigelow, Alfred ( d. 16 MAR 1796)
Bigelow, Alfred (b. 1838)
Bigelow, Alfred (b. 21 JUN 1828)
Bigelow, Alfred (b. 25 SEP 1833 - d. 12 MAR 1834)
Bigelow, Alfred (b. 8 APR 1806)
Bigelow, Alfred (b. ABT. 1795)
Bigelow, Alfred (b. ABT. 1838)
Bigelow, Alfred Castleman (b. 12 AUG 1839 - d. 13 AUG 1839)
Bigelow, Alfred E. (b. 1877)
Bigelow, Alfred E. (b. 4 APR 1830 - d. 30 MAR 1914)
Bigelow, Alfred Fay (b. 19 JAN 1862)
Bigelow, Alfred Ferdinand (b. 18 OCT 1876 - d. 25 NOV 1959)
Bigelow, Alfred Frederick (b. 14 MAR 1920 - d. 13 JUL 1977)
Bigelow, Alfred Harry (b. 28 APR 1859 - d. 21 OCT 1922)
Bigelow, Alfred Jewell
Bigelow, Alfred Mahlan (b. 17 FEB 1863)
Bigelow, Alfred Potter (b. 26 AUG 1895 - d. 6 JUL 1955)
Bigelow, Alfred Putnam (b. 12 DEC 1858)
Bigelow, Alfred Rufus (b. ABT. AUG 1887 - d. 1955)
Bigelow, Alfred (b. SEP 1819 - d. 3 NOV 1819)
Bigelow, Alfred T. (b. 10 MAY 1849 - d. 22 MAY 1900)
Bigelow, Alfred Walter (b. 19 JAN 1878 - d. 14 MAY 1978)
Bigelow, Alfreda (b. 6 APR 1856 - d. 1933)
Bigelow, Alice
Bigelow, Alice (b. 10 JUL 1867)
Bigelow, Alice (b. 14 AUG 1890)
Bigelow, Alice (b. 18 OCT 1796 - d. 17 MAR 1797)
Bigelow, Alice (b. 1887 - d. ABT. 1976)
Bigelow, Alice (b. 28 APR 1851)
Bigelow, Alice (b. 28 FEB 1870 - d. 31 OCT 1939)
Bigelow, Alice (b. ABT. 1868)
Bigelow, Alice (b. ABT. 1875)
Bigelow, Alice Amelia (b. 17 SEP 1850 - d. NOV 1936)
Bigelow, Alice Edna (b. --Not Shown--)
Bigelow, Alice Elizabeth Dora (b. NOV 1906 - d. 6 DEC 1906)
Bigelow, Alice Harriet (b. 31 OCT 1856 - d. 29 JAN 1947)
Bigelow, Alice Houghton (b. 3 AUG 1875)
Bigelow, Alice J. (b. 1849 - d. BEF. 1860)
Bigelow, Alice J. (b. 2 AUG 1856)
Bigelow, Alice Jane (b. 20 AUG 1872 - d. 19 APR 1936)
Bigelow, Alice (b. JUL 1884)
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