Genealogy Data Page 748 (Family Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Swan, Serena 
Gender: Female
Father: Swan, Seth
Mother: Bigelow, Dorcas
Bigelow, Silas 
b. 1 DEC 1764 Shrewsbury, Worcester Co, MA
d. 4 DEC 1764 Shrewsbury, Worcester Co, MA
Gender: Male
Father: Bigelow, Solomon
Mother: Newton, Sarah
Bigelow, Silas

b. 24 DEC 1766 Shrewsbury, Worcester Co, MA
d. SEP 1833 Weathersfield, Windsor Co, VT
Gender: Male
Father: Bigelow, Solomon
Mother: Newton, Sarah
Boynton, Elizabeth Beaman

b. 24 FEB 1774 Weathersfield, Windsor Co, VT
d. APR 1833 Weathersfield, Windsor Co, VT
Gender: Female
Bigelow, Silas 
Bigelow, Barna 
Bigelow, Silas 
Bigelow, Enos 
Bigelow, Harvey 
Bigelow, Levi 
Bigelow, Lucius

Bigelow, Elizabeth 
Bigelow, John Boynton 
Bigelow, Silas

b. 21 JUN 1795 Brookfield, Orange Co, VT
d. 20 OCT 1878 Pamplin City, VA
Gender: Male
Father: Bigelow, Barna
Mother: Pride, Nabby
Marriage: MAR 1821 VA
Woodson, Judith

Gender: Female
Bigelow, Elizabeth A. 
Bigelow, Frances A. 
Bigelow, Charles S. Dr.

Bigelow, Betsy 
b. 15 JAN 1798 Brookfield, Orange Co, VT
d. 15 JUN 1798
Gender: Female
Father: Bigelow, Barna
Mother: Pride, Nabby
Bigelow, Abner Pride 
b. 18 MAR 1805 Brookfield, Orange Co, VT
d. 1852 Pamplin City, Prince Edward Co, VA
Gender: Male
Father: Bigelow, Barna
Mother: Pride, Nabby
Bigelow, Charles 
b. 6 JUL 1807 Brookfield, Orange Co, VT
d. 1843 VA
Gender: Male
Father: Bigelow, Barna
Mother: Pride, Nabby
Bigelow, Elizabeth A. 
b. 2 JAN 1822 Pamplin City, VA
Gender: Female
Father: Bigelow, Silas
Mother: Woodson, Judith
Bigelow, Frances A. 
b. 6 APR 1823 Pamplin City, VA
Gender: Female
Father: Bigelow, Silas
Mother: Woodson, Judith
Bigelow, Charles S. Dr.

b. 19 JUL 1832 Pamplin City, VA
Gender: Male
Father: Bigelow, Silas
Mother: Woodson, Judith
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