Genealogy Data Page 943 (Family Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Bigelow, Lucy 
b. 16 DEC 1789 Chesterfield, NH
d. 24 NOV 1817 Milford Centre, OH
Gender: Female
Father: Bigelow, Russel
Mother: Sanger, Lucy
Mitchell, Joseph 
b. 9 AUG 1790 Champlain, Clinton Co, NY
d. 1865 Pekin, IL
Gender: Male
Marriage: 18 MAY 1813
Bigelow, Irene

b. 2 SEP 1791 Chesterfield, Cheshire Co, NH
d. 16 JAN 1845 Pekin, IL
Gender: Female
Father: Bigelow, Russel
Mother: Sanger, Lucy
Mitchell, Irene 
Mitchell, Joseph K. 
Mitchell, Russell Bigelow 
Mitchell, Benjamin Bigelow 
Mitchell, Lucy 
Mitchell, Thankful 
Mitchell, Electa V. 
Mitchell, Abigail A. 
Mitchell, John Fuller 
Mitchell, Joseph 
Bigelow, Russel Rev.

b. 24 FEB 1793 Chesterfield, Cheshire Co, NH
d. 1 JUL 1835 Columbus, OH
Gender: Male
Father: Bigelow, Russel
Mother: Sanger, Lucy
Marriage: 29 MAY 1817
Irwin, Margaret

b. 21 JUL 1797 Burdon, KY
d. 19 SEP 1867 Wadsworth, OH
Gender: Female
Bigelow, Lucy 
Bigelow, Mary Jane 
Bigelow, Jerusha 
Bigelow, Martha 
Bigelow, Melissa 
Bigelow, Russel 
Bigelow, William Irwin

Bigelow, Dimmis 
b. 24 OCT 1796 Pittsfield, VT
d. 8 OCT 1813 Worthington, OH
Gender: Female
Father: Bigelow, Russel
Mother: Sanger, Lucy
Irwin, William B. 
b. 2 OCT 1795 WV
d. 17 OCT 1878 Lebanon, Union Co, OH
Gender: Male
Marriage: 15 JUN 1818 Union Co, OH
Bigelow, Annah

b. 5 OCT 1798 Pittsfield, VT
d. 3 OCT 1851 Union Co, OH
Gender: Female
Father: Bigelow, Russel
Mother: Sanger, Lucy
Irwin, Grata B. 
Irwin, Mary S. 
Irwin, James H. 
Irwin, Annah Zelinda 
Irwin, Lucy S. 
Irwin, Annah S. 
Irwin, Ursula 
Irwin, William L. 
Irwin, John Russell

Bigelow, Grata 
b. 4 MAY 1800
d. 15 APR 1818 Milford Center, Union Co, OH
Gender: Female
Father: Bigelow, Russel
Mother: Sanger, Lucy
Bigelow, Eliphaz 
b. 15 FEB 1802 Franklin Co, VT
d. 2 DEC 1864 Milford Center, Union Co, OH
Gender: Male
Father: Bigelow, Russel
Mother: Sanger, Lucy
Marriage: 18 JAN 1824
McCloud, Miriam

b. 14 DEC 1803 Caledonia Co, VT
d. MAR 1895 Milford Center, Union Co, OH
Gender: Female
Bigelow, Alpheus Russell 
Bigelow, Polly Chamberlain 
b. 9 SEP 1803 St. Armands, Quebec, Canada
d. 10 DEC 1817 Milford Center, Union Co, OH
Gender: Female
Father: Bigelow, Russel
Mother: Sanger, Lucy
Bigelow, Abigail Skinner 
b. 18 MAY 1805 St. Armands, Quebec, Canada
d. 17 MAR 1813 Milford Center, Union Co, OH
Gender: Female
Father: Bigelow, Russel
Mother: Sanger, Lucy
Bigelow, Benjamin 
b. 31 MAY 1808 St. Armands, Quebec, Canada
d. 12 SEP 1819 Milford Center, Union Co, OH
Gender: Male
Father: Bigelow, Russel
Mother: Sanger, Lucy
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