For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Bigelow Timothy Lieut. [Male] b. 18 NOV 1739 Colchester, New London Co, CT - d. 12 SEP 1818 Tyringham, Berkshire Co, MA
born 18 Nov 1739 in Colchester, New London, CT. He was married in Colchester 2 Dec 1762 (Howe's Bigelow genealogy errs in giving this as 20 Dec) to Rhoda Williams. She was born at Colchester. They lived a few years at Colchester; he was a blacksmith by trade and in 1765 moved to Bernardston, MA where he had bought land of Sampson Howe on 7 Sep 1764. On 19 July 1769 he sold land at Bernardston to Jonathan Ashby of Breenfield, and bought land at Greenfield the same year. On 1 Apr 1771 he sold land in Bernardston, saying his residence was Bernardston, but there are no church or town records concerning his family.
He served in the Revolutionary War. Having been active in the Williamstown militia, he was a 2nd Lieut. in Capt Nehemiah Smedley's 4th Co, 2nd Berkshire Regt. He was commissioned in 1777, and in 1778 was a 1st Lieut. in Capt. Judah Williams' Co, also in the 2nd Berkshire Co. He served throughout the war.
At Wllliamstown he adopted the Shaker doctrine, and with all his family entered the Shaker colony at Tyringham, where
his wife Rhoda died 22 Apr 1807, aged 63 years, and he on 12 Sep 1818, age 79.
1790 census: MA-Berkshire-Richmond-Timothy Bigelow: 2-2-4-0-0.
Mass Sold & Sail of Rev War, Vol II:
Bigelow, Timothy, Wllliamstown. Lieutenant, Capt. Nehemiah Smedley's (4th) co., 2d Berkshire Co. regt.; list of officers of Mass. militia; commissioned May 3, 1776; also, 1st Lieutenant, Capt. Judah Williams's (2d) co., Col. Simonds's (2d Berkshire Co.) regt.; list of officers of Mass. militia; commissioned April 25, 1778; also, Capt. Samuel Clark's co., Col John Brown's (Berkshire Co.) regt. [service not given]; company called out by Brig. Gen. Fellows at the request of Maj. Gen. Schuyler and ordered to Fort Ann. Roll endorsed Dec. 6, 1777.
Biglow, Timothy. Private, Capt. Samuel Clark's co., Col. Benjamin Symonds's Berkshire Co.) regt.; pay roll for 3 days service between Oct.12 and Oct.19, 1780; marched to the Northward by order of Gen. Fellows, on an alarm.
born 2 Aug 1747 at Colchester, New London county, CT. The family moved to Cornwallis, Nova Scotia circa 1762. There Margaret married 1765, Nathan Longfellow (see below), son of Jonathan and Mercy (Clark) Longfellow. He was born 30 Dec 1743. They lived in Cornwallis a few years. His father was engaged in mercantile business in Machias, ME, but his father dying, he came to Machias to continue business, and in 1778 he sent for his wife and family to join him, they being at Cornwallis and the war prevented him from going after them. She stared with her six boys, the oldest being 12 and the youngest 1 year old, in an open beat from Cornwallis and went to St. John, New Brunswick, where they were taken prisoners and kept in the fort. She was allowed small rations which she refused, thinking she could sooner obtain her release,, and worked for the soldiers, earning all she could, and her oldest boy got a quart of milk every night and morning as pay for milking the cow for one of the officers; she used to say that they just saved themselves from starvation. After about five or six weeks an officer gave her to understand that if she was missing some morning, but little search would be made for her; she accordingly hired a man to take her and her six children to Machias in an open boat, starting from there in the night, and in due time arrived at Machias. She was a woman of great courage and firmness of mind, very strong in her religious views and puritanical in her ideas. She united with the First church in Machias in 1796, and continued a member until her death, 29 Jan 1842. He died 9 Apr 1796, at which time the four oldest sons were married, and she went to live with her oldest son, Jacob.
born in Colchester, New London county, CT, 11 February 1755. With his parents and family, he emigrated to Nova Scotia, Canada in the fall of 1761. His parents returned to New England some years later, but Amasa remained in Cornwallis, Nova Scotia. He was married there 09 November 1773 to Rosina Cone, of whom we have no birthdate, but she was a daughter of Reuben and Nem Cone. (see below) Her name is variously given as Roxana and Rosina. Amasa is said to have died accidentally by going through the ice on his own mill-pond about 1805. Rosina married (2) 04 October 1806 James Lyons. All their children were born in Cornwallis; Howe's Bigelow genealogy gives birth-years only, and not always with accuracy. Dates given below for children's births are from family records:
In 1761 the family removed to Nova Scotia, but in 1777 returned to NH and VT. It is supposed that Addi is the same who married (1) 21 Oct 1779 at Enfield, CT, Mary Nooney. (see note below) Nothing further is known of this marriage or the wife, but Addi next appears soon after 1790 at Barre, VT. His father allegedly died in 1792 while visiting Addi. He was married (2) 29 July 1804 at Barre to Selinda Ingalls, her first husband. They lived in Barre until after the War of 1812, in which Addi is supposed to have taken part (but no proof found). About 1815 they removed with other relatives to Ohio, and he settled in Franklin county. He apparently died before 1817. His widow Selinda married (2) 27 Feb 1817 James White.
1800 census: VT-Orange-Barre-Addi Bigelow: 10110-11110.
They moved to Cornwallis, Nova Scotia. She is alleged to have had 2 children who died young.
born in Cornwallis, Nova Scotia 28 Nov 1763. The family removed circa 1776 to New Hampshire. Russell married on ______ 1788 Lucy Sanger (b 15 Feb1767, daughter of Nathaniel Sanger and Hannah Bishop) of Hinsdale, NH. Russell lived some years in Chesterfield, NH, but in 1796 removed to Pittsfield, VT. In 1800 he moved to Franklin county, VT, and is said to have been the first Methodist in the town of Franklin. In 1802 they moved to St. Armands, Quebec, but when the War of 1812 broke out, Russell elected to move to the frontier, so taking his wife and family and his mother, they went to Ohio. He settled first in Worthington, but in 1813 moved to Darby Plains, Madison county. He died in Galena, Madison county, 13 June 1838. His wife Lucy died 12 May 1824 at Milford Centre. The old Chuckery cemetery where Lucy and some of their children are buried has been renamed as Bigelow Pioneer Cemetery, and is set aside as a nature preserve of the state of Ohio, for having never been plowed, it remains in its original state of prairie grasses and wildflowers, some now quite rare.
born 18 or 13 (writing unclear) Dec 1765, according to records at Cornwallis, Nova Scotia. In the 1770's the family removed from Nova Scotia to Vermont, where they remained until 1800, moving then to Franklin county, VT, and a short time after to Quebec. At the onset of the War of 1812, he joined other relatives in Madison county, OH. He died at Plain City, Madison county, OH, July 1822.
Isaac married (1) circa 1784 Electa ______( Electa/Electy Sargent dau of Thomas Sargent and Anna Stebbins...she died 9 May 1792 in Dummerston, VT (see below ), who died 9 May 1792 at Dummerston, Windham county, VT. Isaac then married (2) at Dummerston on 6 Feb 1794, Lucy Sargent of Brattleborough, VT. Lucy died __ Oct 1822 at Plain City, OH.
1790 census: VT-Windham-Dummerston-Isaac Bigelow: l-1-2-0-0.
The family moved to New Hampshire and Vermont when he was young. About 1788 he married Sarah Cushing. They appeared in Barnard, VT about 1790; in 1795 he bought land on Royalton Hill near Barnard and lived there 10 years. He then moved and bought land west of Fort Defiance at Barnard. About 1816 he relinquished this to his son Edwin Dana, and bought the Barnes farm on the creek next to the saw mill. He was a farmer and carpenter, an early Methodist, and licensed to preach from circa 1800 until his death. He assisted local preachers on the Old Barnard Circuit. He died at Barnard 01 April 1844. His wife Sarah was of Putney, VT, born 26 April 1771, died 22 October 1849 at Barnard.
born 14 July 1771, presumably in Nova Scotia. The family removed to Vermont and New Hampshire at the outbreak of the Revolution. Timothy married on 5 Nov 1789 at Putney, VT, Polly Wilson. She was born 22 May 1772 in Vermont, her parents unknown. Timothy was brought up in the Congregational faith, but early in life was active in the Methodist meetings. At age 25 he was licensed as a Methodist preacher, but nine years later was converted to the Universalist faith, being much influenced by their leader Hosea Ballou. In 1810 he removed to Winchester, NH, remaining 4 years. In 1814 they migrated to Ohio, settling in 1819 at Palmyra, where he became a well-known Universalist preacher throughout the state. Timothy and Polly both contracted malaria and died a few weeks apart, she on 11 Oct 1823, he on 5 Nov 1823.
born at Chesterfield, Cheshire, NH on 24 February 1793. His parents later moved to northern VT, then to St. Armands, Quebec. Russel was a gifted child and read fluently at the age of six, having been taught by his mother. He was converted to the Methodist Church at the age of nine and while still in adolescence, he was instrumental in converting his own father to the Methodist faith. At the outbreak of the War of 1812, the entire family, including their grandmother Mary Bigelow, moved to Madison county, OH. Russel married on 29 May 1817 Margaret Irwin who was born at Burdon, KY 21 July 1797. Having been licensed to preach while very young, Russel found the frontier a rich field for his labors. He was soon known throughout OH for his revivals and camp meetmgs, upholding the firm stand of the Methodist Church against liquor. He held week long missions of preaching and hymn singing that left an influence remembered even into the 1900's. In the early 1830's, his health broke and he had to retire from his circuit riding, station preaching, missionary endeavors, presiding elder and delegate to the General Conference. In 1835, he was appointed Chaplain of Ohio Penitentiary. Again, his health failed and he died on Ol July 1835 in Columbus, of .'dysentary". His wife was by his side. He is buried in Greenlawn cemetery. His widow returned to the farm at Mansfield and refused to have the young family separated. Somehow she managed to feed, clothe and educate them all and she survived another thirty years, dying in Wadsworth, OH on 19 September 1867.
born at Chesterfield, Cheshire, NH on 27 January 1795. The family moved successively to Pennsylvania and central Ohio. He married (1), with consent of her father and his father also consenting, Ursula Case on 16 January 1814. She was born 08 February 1796 and died 07 October 1833 at Galena, Delaware, OH. He married (2) on 08 December 1833 Harriet Stark, born 03 June 1814 and she died 04 May 1840. Alpheus married (3), 18 June 1840 Jane Ann Phillips. She was born in Poughkeepsie, NY 07 April 1812. Alpheus was a prominent physician in Central OH and died at Galena, on 27 September 1849. His widow, Jane, died 28 June 1851.
This family lived in OH, IA and in 1859 moved into Gardner, Johnson co, KS. William was a printer and newspaperman and died at Gardner on 22 March 1900 and is buried there. Jane died there on 01 September 1918.
Willard was a graduate at Amherst College. He was a teacher and chemist. According to the Olathe Millor, Olathe, KS., (May 28, 1891) he was taking a post graduate collegiate course at Strasburg, Germany. 2 children
World War I veteran
He was a salesman and was murdered while working away from home
Eliphaz was a farmer/saddler and after the death of his first wife Married secondly Elizabeth Teeter in 1858. She was the daughter of Samuel and Mary Ann (Kuntz) Teeter. The 1860 census shows Eliphaz, 38, with wife #2, age 22 and an infant Frederick, 6 months. Eliphaz died in Jewell co., (?) KS on 25 October 1877 and his widow on 27 December 1911. He had lived in Berkshire, Delaware, OH (1850 census) and Turkey Creek, Pawnee co, NE (1860).
teacher and founder of a business school in Cleveland
d 28 Sept 1863 of a disease while serving in the Union Army
d 09 Aug 1862 at Battle of Lookout Mountain, Civil War.
PA. After the War of 1812, John's family moved to OH where they were early settlers of Plain City, Madison county. Some of the family, including John C., chose to live in Licking county, township of Granville where they were lifelong farmers. John held township office in Newark. Mary died 02 April 1860 after a four day illness from a stroke. John C. lived until 08 February 1879. Both are buried in Jacksontown Cemetery, Jacksontown, OH.
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