Index for surnames beginning with A (Family Pages)
[Albers, Ned E.] - [Andra, Marilyn]
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
[A., Mary] - [Albers, Edward Bernhard]
[Albers, Edward H.] - [Albers, Nathan Michael]
[Albers, Ned E.] - [Andra, Marilyn]
[Andra, Mark] - [Azletine, Martha C.]
Albers, Ned E.
Albers, Nikolas
Albers, Norbert (b. 12 SEP 1918 - d. 17 APR 1996)
Albers, Norbert Henry
Albers, Olive Mary (b. 12 APR 1910 - d. 15 NOV 1926)
Albers, Pamela S.
Albers, Patricia
Albers, Patrick
Albers, Patrick
Albers, Paul (b. ABT. 1908)
Albers, Paul H. (b. ABT. 1903)
Albers, Paula Kay
Albers, Philip
Albers, Ralph Bernard
Albers, Randy
Albers, Raymond Henry (b. ABT. 1920)
Albers, Raymond W. (b. 16 JAN 1929 - d. 16 JUL 1973)
Albers, Regina
Albers, Rhonda Kay (b. 24 NOV 1972 - d. 30 JAN 1973)
Albers, Richard (b. --Not Shown--)
Albers, Robert (b. 14 DEC 1947 - d. 16 DEC 1947)
Albers, Robert Charles
Albers, Robert James
Albers, Ronald
Albers, Rosa (b. ABT. 1900)
Albers, Rosa Margaretha (b. 29 MAR 1880 - d. 24 JUN 1880)
Albers, Rosalie J. (b. 11 JAN 1905)
Albers, Rosaly (b. --Not Shown--)
Albers, Rose (b. 1906 - d. 1987)
Albers, Rose C. (b. 7 APR 1899 - d. 4 APR 1994)
Albers, Ruth
Albers, Ruth
Albers, Sam
Albers, Sara
Albers, Sophia
Albers, Sophia Agnes (b. 9 NOV 1900 - d. 17 JUN 1975)
Albers, Sophia Christina
Albers, Stephen Joseph
Albers, Steve
Albers, Sue
Albers, Susan
Albers, Susan Kathrine
Albers, Theodore (b. 2 FEB 1858 - d. 23 JAN 1931)
Albers, Theodore (b. 23 MAR 1843 - d. 25 OCT 1922)
Albers, Theodore August
Albers, Theodore Carolus (b. 18 JUL 1880 - d. 23 MAR 1965)
Albers, Theresa
Albers, Theresa (b. 29 SEP 1811)
Albers, Thomas John
Albers, Timothy
Albers, Timothy Joseph
Albers, Veronica M. (b. 27 OCT 1910 - d. 21 MAR 1974)
Albers, Veronica M. (b. 6 OCT 1910)
Albers, Victor (b. ABT. 1899)
Albers, Victor (b. ABT. 1900)
Albers, Victor L. (b. 7 OCT 1898 - d. 13 DEC 1978)
Albers, Victor S. V. (b. OCT 1898)
Albers, Vincent (b. --Not Shown--)
Albers, Vincent J. (b. --Not Shown--)
Albers, Vincent William (b. 3 NOV 1896 - d. 28 OCT 1975)
Albers, Viola (b. 9 JAN 1926 - d. 17 FEB 1926)
Albers, Viola C. (b. 25 DEC 1933 - d. 24 MAY 1985)
Albers, Viola J. (b. --Not Shown--)
Albers, Virgil C. (b. 28 JAN 1902 - d. 15 JAN 1981)
Albers, Virgil H. (b. 23 DEC 1927 - d. 19 MAR 1996)
Albers, Vita Mae
Albers, Walter (b. ABT. 1902)
Albers, Wilhelm H. (b. 15 MAY 1860 - d. 18 NOV 1912)
Albers, Wilhelmina (b. 13 DEC 1876 - d. 5 JAN 1933)
Albers, Wilhelmina (b. 21 APR 1880 - d. 21 JAN 1884)
Albers, Wilhelmine Catherine (b. 1878)
Albers, William (b. ABT. 1871)
Albers, William L. (b. 27 AUG 1894 - d. 20 AUG 1976)
Albers, William Marcus
Albers, Yvonne
Albert, James
Alberty, Margaret Jane
Alberty, Watie Murrell Dr.(b. 6 MAY 1893 - d. 1960)
Alberty, Watie Murrell II
Albright, Priscilla Elizabeth
Albro, Francis
Alchin, Louise (b. 26 DEC 1838 - d. 1902)
Alden, Edward
Alden, Prince
Alderman, Diane Elizabeth (b. --Not Shown--)
Alderman, Urania
Aldrich, Mary Sibley
Aldrich, Melvin E. (b. 17 MAR 1883 - d. 28 APR 1954)
Aldrich, Pardon
Alexander, Anna (b. 1720)
Alexander, Della Sylvia (b. ABT. 1861)
Alexander, Ebenezer (b. 12 SEP 1714 - d. 29 JUL 1788)
Alexander, Ebenezer Dea. Lieut.(b. 17 OCT 1684 - d. 22 JAN 1768)
Alexander, Elias (b. 25 JUL 1710)
Alexander, John
Alexander, Simeon (b. 26 MAY 1722 - d. 14 FEB 1801)
Alexander, Thomas (b. 30 MAY 1727 - d. 23 MAR 1801)
Alfano, Michael
Alfano, Michele Marie
Alfano, Richard
Alford, Mary
Alger, Myrtle
Allard, Josephine (b. ABT. 1840 - d. AFT. 1873)
Allard, Rossini P. (b. 13 JAN 1872)
Allen, ? Dr.
Allen, Albert Lee (b. 19 AUG 1878 - d. 30 APR 1960)
Allen, Alice (b. ABT. 1614 - d. 1 APR 1687)
Allen, Alma
Allen, Andrew (b. ABT. 1616 - d. 24 OCT 1690)
Allen, Arline R. (b. --Not Shown--)
Allen, Ashton Paige Darlene (b. --Not Shown--)
Allen, Blanche M. (b. 3 JUN 1923 - d. 4 DEC 1997)
Allen, Celia
Allen, Charles Summer (b. 29 MAR 1873 - d. 25 AUG 1937)
Allen, Clarence (b. 25 APR 1913 - d. 21 NOV 1929)
Allen, David Rice (b. 10 MAR 1818 - d. 19 FEB 1911)
Allen, Eliza (b. 25 NOV 1854)
Allen, Ethan
Allen, Grace
Allen, Hannah (b. 28 OCT 1652 - d. 30 SEP 1698)
Allen, Harold Louis (b. 19 MAY 1930 - d. 15 JUN 2002)
Allen, Henry Bigelow Dr.(b. 12 SEP 1843 - d. 20 JAN 1904)
Allen, Henry Young (b. 27 DEC 1810 - d. 19 JAN 1879)
Allen, Israel
Allen, Janette
Allen, John C.
Allen, Lillian (b. --Not Shown--)
Allen, Lillie Grace (b. 6 DEC 1905)
Allen, Louis Marion (b. 11 JAN 1903 - d. 22 JAN 1973)
Allen, Lyman Beecher (b. 1 FEB 1848)
Allen, Milton Louis (b. --Not Shown--)
Allen, Otis Richard (b. 2 FEB 1851 - d. 16 NOV 1913)
Allen, Owen W.
Allen, Rachel ( d. ABT. 1812)
Allen, Rufus Jefferson (b. 16 DEC 1844 - d. 25 FEB 1902)
Allen, Ruth M. (b. --Not Shown--)
Allen, Susanna
Allen, Ward
Allen, Washington C.
Allgar, Bridget (b. 11 MAR 1561/62)
Allgar, William (b. 2 AUG 1575)
Alling, Edwin J.
Alling, Marla
Allison, Nancy (b. 13 JUN 1814)
Almy, Maria Mariann (b. OCT 1804)
Alonso, Ruben
Alvard, Abbie
Alvard, Abigail
Alvard, Cotton W.
Alvard, John
Alvard, Oramel
Alvard, William
Alvard, William W.
Alvord, Editha
Alvord, Fidelia
Alvord, Gad
Alvord, Job
Ambiel, Francois Antoine
Ambiel, Francoise
Ambrose, Maude (b. 1863)
Ames, ?
Ames, Charlotte
Ames, Cynthia E.
Ames, Elizabeth (b. 19 OCT 1832 - d. 19 MAR 1906)
Ames, Nancy (b. 1 MAR 1792 - d. 22 JAN 1850)
Ames, Priscilla
Amidon, Martin
Amoyl, Debora
Amoyl, Robert
Amoyl, Robert
Amsden, Helen
Andal, Elmer Atto (b. 19 MAY 1928 - d. 5 JUL 1995)
Anderfuren, Adele Mae
Anders, Edna
Anderson, ?
Anderson, ?
Anderson, Alma (b. 1878 - d. 1941)
Anderson, Archelaus
Anderson, Charlotte
Anderson, Delia J. (b. 19 SEP 1853 - d. 10 FEB 1925)
Anderson, F. Kelly
Anderson, Jay
Anderson, Judith Lynn
Anderson, Susan
Anderson, Walter
Anderson, Wanda Jean (b. --Not Shown--)
Andra, Carol
Andra, Catherine
Andra, Clara
Andra, Edward
Andra, Elmer
Andra, Florence
Andra, Jerome
Andra, John
Andra, John (b. 1889 - d. 1972)
Andra, Lawrence
Andra, Leonard
Andra, Lucille
Andra, Marilyn
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