Genealogy Data Page 1195 (Family Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Evarts, William Henry 
b. 14 APR 1813 Toronto, Ontario, Canada
d. 28 FEB 1885 Clyde, KS
Gender: Male
Father: Evarts, Timothy
Mother: Bigelow, Hannah
Marriage: 6 MAY 1838
Allison, Nancy
b. 13 JUN 1814 Pittsburgh, PA
Gender: Female
Evarts, Margaret 
b. 6 APR 1815
d. 1815
Gender: Female
Father: Evarts, Timothy
Mother: Bigelow, Hannah
Evarts, Levi 
b. 20 OCT 1819 Jefferson Twp., Richland Co, OH
Gender: Male
Father: Evarts, Timothy
Mother: Bigelow, Hannah
Evarts, Lucy 
b. 20 OCT 1819 Jefferson Twp., Richland Co, OH
Gender: Female
Father: Evarts, Timothy
Mother: Bigelow, Hannah
Evarts, George Walter

b. 17 DEC 1840 Knox Co, OH
d. 3 MAY 1913 Leavenworth, KS
Gender: Male
Father: Evarts, Gilbert Chapin
Mother: Walters, Catherine
Marriage: 24 DEC 1861 Bellville, Richland Co, OH
Bell, Emeline Marcella

b. 26 JUN 1843 Hancock Co, OH
d. 27 AUG 1903 Murphysboro, IL
Gender: Female
Evarts, Francis Arthur 
Evarts, Emma Bell 
Evarts, Carrie Edna 
Evarts, Charles Dewey 
Evarts, Alma Gertrude 
Evarts, George Hoover

Evarts, Rezin Gilbert 
Evarts, Egbert 
Evarts, Lee Edgar 
Evarts, Roy Garfield 
Evarts, Bertha Elizabeth 
Evarts, Francis Arthur 
b. 4 DEC 1862 Bellville, Richland Co, OH
d. 21 OCT 1928 Washington, DC
Gender: Male
Father: Evarts, George Walter
Mother: Bell, Emeline Marcella
Marriage: 16 MAY 1894 Bellville, Richland Co, OH
Gurney, Annette

Gender: Female
Evarts, Frances 
Evarts, Emma Bell 
b. 3 MAR 1864 Crestline, Crawford Co, OH
d. 28 FEB 1865
Gender: Female
Father: Evarts, George Walter
Mother: Bell, Emeline Marcella
Watson, Andrew
Gender: Male
Marriage: 16 JUN 1898
Evarts, Carrie Edna

b. 2 FEB 1867 Crestline, Crawford Co, OH
d. 26 APR 1899 Murphysboro, IL
Gender: Female
Father: Evarts, George Walter
Mother: Bell, Emeline Marcella
Evarts, George Hoover

b. 15 NOV 1875 Lexington, Stark Co, OH
d. 5 SEP 1965 Marion, IL
Gender: Male
Father: Evarts, George Walter
Mother: Bell, Emeline Marcella
Evarts, Rezin Gilbert 
b. 15 NOV 1875 Lexington, Stark Co, OH
d. 5 SEP 1948 Ava Evergreen Cem., Bradley Twp., Jackson Co, IL
Gender: Male
Father: Evarts, George Walter
Mother: Bell, Emeline Marcella
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