Genealogy Data Page 1401 (Family Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Albers, John Henry 
b. 24 OCT 1884 Germantown, Clinton Co, IL
Gender: Male
Father: Albers, Henry John
Mother: Dust, Margaretha
Albers, Anna Helena B. 
b. 6 MAR 1901
d. 3 FEB 1917 St. Bernard's Cem., Albers, Clinton Co, IL
Gender: Female
Father: Albers, William
Mother: Waller, Anna Carolina
Albers, Carolina Ida 
b. 10 MAR 1914
d. 24 APR 1917 St. Bernard's Cem., Albers, Clinton Co, IL
Gender: Female
Father: Albers, William
Mother: Waller, Anna Carolina
Albers, Raymond W.
b. 16 JAN 1929
d. 16 JUL 1973 St. Bernard's Cem., Albers, Clinton Co, IL
Gender: Male
Albers, Barb 
Gender: Female
Father: Albers, Clarence F.
Mother: Fuhler, Marie C.
Albers, Randy 
Gender: Male
Father: Albers, Clarence F.
Mother: Fuhler, Marie C.
Albers, Chris 
Gender: Male
Father: Albers, Clarence F.
Mother: Fuhler, Marie C.
Albers, ?
Gender: Male
?, Debra A.
b. 30 JAN 1959
d. 21 MAY 1986 St. Dominic's Cem., Breese, Clinton Co, IL
Gender: Female
Albers, Arnold 
Gender: Male
Father: Albers, Edward H.
Mother: ?, Wilhelmina A
Albers, Larry 
Gender: Male
Father: Albers, Edward H.
Mother: ?, Wilhelmina A
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