Genealogy Data Page 637 (Family Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
McClintock, Adolphus
Gender: Male
Marriage: 30 JUN 1878
Smith, Ida E.

b. 23 JUL 1857
Gender: Female
Father: Smith, Philo B.
Mother: Bigelow, Sarah E.
Smith, Chester C. 
b. 15 DEC 1858
d. 9 FEB 1860
Gender: Male
Father: Smith, Philo B.
Mother: Bigelow, Sarah E.
Smith, Charles E. 
b. 21 JUL 1860
d. 24 MAR 1862
Gender: Male
Father: Smith, Philo B.
Mother: Bigelow, Sarah E.
Smith, Fred G. 
b. 15 JAN 1862
Gender: Male
Father: Smith, Philo B.
Mother: Bigelow, Sarah E.
Smith, Alice M. 
b. 28 JUL 1865
d. 27 DEC 1879
Gender: Female
Father: Smith, Philo B.
Mother: Bigelow, Sarah E.
Smith, Flora A. 
b. 29 JUL 1867
d. 18 OCT 1869
Gender: Female
Father: Smith, Philo B.
Mother: Bigelow, Sarah E.
Smith, Philo B. 
b. 7 MAY 1869
Gender: Male
Father: Smith, Philo B.
Mother: Bigelow, Sarah E.
Smith, Wilford C. 
b. 24 FEB 1872
d. 14 JUL 1955 Dover Twp. Cem., Bristol, Lake Co, MI
Gender: Male
Father: Smith, Philo B.
Mother: Bigelow, Sarah E.
Marriage: 6 NOV 1899
Hinkley, Delila Ann

b. 4 APR 1879
d. 4 MAR 1963 Dover Twp. Cem., Bristol, Lake Co, MI
Gender: Female
Smith, Glenn Henry 
Smith, Oakley Clarence 
Smith, Idolia Lilian Gladys 
Smith, Velsor Wilford 
Smith, Lyman E. 
b. 27 NOV 1877
Gender: Male
Father: Smith, Philo B.
Mother: Bigelow, Sarah E.
Smith, Glenn Henry 
b. 14 MAR 1900
d. 7 MAY 1960
Gender: Male
Father: Smith, Wilford C.
Mother: Hinkley, Delila Ann
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