Genealogy Data Page 1233 (Family Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Doffing, Michelle Gay
b. --Not Shown-- Wichita, Sedgwick Co, KS
Gender: Female
Father: Doffing, Marvin Joseph
Mother: Pettit, Sharon Rose
Doffing, Cynthia Rene
b. --Not Shown-- Colorado Springs, El Paso Co, CO
Gender: Female
Father: Doffing, Marvin Joseph
Mother: Pettit, Sharon Rose
Doffing, Andrea Kay
b. --Not Shown-- Wichita, Sedgwick Co, KS
Gender: Female
Father: Doffing, Marvin Joseph
Mother: Pettit, Sharon Rose
Ulmer, Kevin Lee
b. --Not Shown-- Wichita, Sedgwick Co, KS
Gender: Male
Father: Ulmer, Dwight Russell
Mother: Doffing, Carol Marie
Ulmer, David Russell
b. --Not Shown-- Wichita, Sedgwick Co, KS
Gender: Male
Father: Ulmer, Dwight Russell
Mother: Doffing, Carol Marie
Ulmer, Angela Marie
b. --Not Shown-- Wichita, Sedgwick Co, KS
Gender: Female
Father: Ulmer, Dwight Russell
Mother: Doffing, Carol Marie
Doffing, Leann Marie
b. --Not Shown-- Viola, Sedgwick Co, KS
Gender: Female
Father: Doffing, Daniel Lee
Mother: Simon, Judy Ann
Doffing, Lisa Jane
b. --Not Shown-- Viola, Sedgwick Co, KS
Gender: Female
Father: Doffing, Daniel Lee
Mother: Simon, Judy Ann
Doffing, Dana Jean
b. --Not Shown-- Viola, Sedgwick Co, KS
Gender: Female
Father: Doffing, Daniel Lee
Mother: Simon, Judy Ann
Doffing, Staci Lenee
b. --Not Shown-- Wichita, Sedgwick Co, KS
Gender: Female
Father: Doffing, George Dale
Mother: Wickham, Gail Renee
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