Genealogy Data Page 1121 (Family Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Bigelow, William Otis 
b. 8 NOV 1886 Millville, Cache Co, UT
d. 5 AUG 1957 Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada
Gender: Male
Father: Bigelow, William Orlando
Mother: Holt, Emily Selina
Marriage: 18 JUL 1923
Hillier, Annie Le Verne

b. 26 OCT 1890 Montpelier, Bear Lake Co, ID
d. 2 APR 1961 Helena, MT
Gender: Female
Bigelow, Lavern 
Bigelow, Lynn William 
Bigelow, Grant Hilliar 
Wood, Benjamin James
b. 1 OCT 1887 Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co, UT
d. 27 SEP 1959 Cardston, Alberta, Canada
Gender: Male
Marriage: 9 JAN 1907 Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co, UT
Bigelow, Emma Fern

b. 1 JAN 1888 Millville, Cache Co, UT
d. 6 AUG 1974 Cardston, Alberta, Canada
Gender: Female
Father: Bigelow, William Orlando
Mother: Holt, Emily Selina
Heninger, John Thomas
b. 30 JAN 1882 Ogden, Weber Co, UT
d. 12 MAR 1963 Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Gender: Male
Marriage: 8 APR 1914 Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co, UT
Bigelow, Guinevere

b. 8 MAR 1892 Millville, Cache Co, UT
Gender: Female
Father: Bigelow, William Orlando
Mother: Holt, Emily Selina
Bigelow, Silas Holt 
b. 7 APR 1894 Cardston, Alberta, Canada
Gender: Male
Father: Bigelow, William Orlando
Mother: Holt, Emily Selina
Bigelow, Josephine 
b. 15 FEB 1896
Gender: Female
Father: Bigelow, William Orlando
Mother: Holt, Emily Selina
Bigelow, Rhoda 
b. 6 APR 1898
Gender: Female
Father: Bigelow, William Orlando
Mother: Holt, Emily Selina
Bigelow, Elisabeth 
b. 29 JUN 1900
Gender: Female
Father: Bigelow, William Orlando
Mother: Holt, Emily Selina
Bigelow, Margaret Thelma 
b. 3 APR 1908
Gender: Female
Father: Bigelow, William Orlando
Mother: Holt, Emily Selina
Bigelow, Lavern 
Gender: Female
Father: Bigelow, William Otis
Mother: Hillier, Annie Le Verne
Bigelow, Lynn William 
Gender: Male
Father: Bigelow, William Otis
Mother: Hillier, Annie Le Verne
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