The Old Sittler Farm near Hooppole, Illinois

This is the house that the Sittler family built. Four generations of the family lived on this farm from 1863 to 1951. The house has
been added onto several times. A man named John Derycke now lives there. He is the son-in-law of Vernon Blackert Jr., who owns the land now.
When John F. Sittler bought this land, part of it was swamp land, which he drained for farming. The ground here is very sandy.

The old barn was built by the Sittlers, but has since been remodeled and covered with tin siding.

The small chicken house was also built by the Sittlers, but has also been remodeled a bit. In the background,
you can see the lower area, which used to be the swampland. The drainage ditches that were dug to drain the land flow into the larger ditch that
is called the Green River.

One of the current residents of the old Sittler Farm.