For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Sittler John F. [Male] b. SEP 1785 Mussig, Alsace, France - d. 25 FEB 1873 Annawan, IL
Also called Jean Sittler.
This side of the family had only just arrived in Alsace in the 1700s. They came from Switzerland, and moved to Alsace, because of a hunger in Switzerland.
Left Germany with 3 of his children, to move to America. The emigration records do not exist.
Jean Sittler (a widower) and his son Jean Sittler and also the Fritsch family went to Hooppole, IL, and built St. Mary's Church in Hooppole.
There were still Indians living in that part of Illinois at the time that they came there. Jean Sittler borrowed money to buy swampland, which the Sittler family drained.
The families from Mussig stayed together to help eachother. Jean Sittler gave 55 dollars, the largest contribution, to start St. Mary's Church. They had been having church in their homes before that.
A man named Vernon Blackert owns the old Sittler farm now, and still has the old sales contracts. His son-in-law, John Derycke, currently lives in the house. I met him in October of 2008. John Sittler bought the first piece of land in 1863, and the family bought additional pieces of land in 1867, 1868, 1878, and 1879. The Sittlers lived on that farm from 1863 to 1951. Within a few years, they were prosperous.
Came to DuPage Co, IL, ca. 1842
Lived at Wheaton, IL.
Some of his children lived near Merna, NE, and are ancestors of Ed Sittler, Connie Tillotson and others.
This may not be the correct Marie Sittler for this information. I have not been able to prove that it fits here, but it is very interesting, with lots of similarities that would lead me to believe it does fit here. Many of the names are the same, but some things are very confusing, too.
This is the information from:
1.10.1 John Baptise YACKLEY
Birth: 24 Jul 1836, Wittisheim, Alsace-Loraine, France
Death: 17 Jan 1900, Yorktown Twp., Henry, IL
Burial: St. Mary's Cemetery, Hooppole, Loraine Twp., IL
Occ: Farmer
Educ: in France
Reli: Catholic
Named Jean Baptiste Jaegli, took the name of John Yackley when he immigrated to US in 1851 with his parents, Michel and Marie Anne Engel Jaegli. Michel died on the voyage to America and was buried at sea. Marie Anne died of yellow fever after arriving in New Orleans. The woman who was to have looked after John, stole his money and left him to fend for himself. He walked to Naperville, Illinois where he found others from Alsace. He came by covered wagon with a group and settled in Yorktown Twp., Henry County, IL.
Spouse: Catherine GROSE
Birth: 5 Apr 1845, Mussig, France
Death: 24 May 1925, Henry County, IL
Father: John GROSE
Mother: Marie SITTLER
Marr: 27 Dec 1862, Cambridge, Henry, IL
Children: Mary (1863-1951) Amelia (1864-1864) Philomina "Minnie" (1865-1947) Roscelia "Celia" (1867-1903) Frank (1869-1870) John (1871-1955) Albert (1873-1943) Louise (1875-1964) Catherine "Kate" (1877-1951) William "Willie" (1878-1958) Charles (1880-1906) Martha (1882-1971) GeorgeS. (1884-1966) Arthur (1884-1974) Clara (1886-1973) IdaM. (1887-1888) Josephine (1888-1888) Edward (1890-1891)
Mary Yackley
Birth: 8 Oct 1863, Yorktown Twp., Henry, IL
Death: 18 Dec 1951, Prophetstown, Whiteside, IL
Burial: 1951, St. Mary's Cemetery, Hooppole, Loraine Twp., IL
Occ: homemaker
Educ: Loraine Twp schools, Yorktown schools
Reli: Catholic-St. Mary's Church, Hooppole, Henry, IL
Spouse: Barnhart EGERT
Birth: 14 Jun 1863, Loraine Twp., Henry Co., IL
Death: 25 Jan 1924, Loraine Twp., Henry Co., IL
Father: Barnhart EGERT (1836-1867)
Mother: Marie-Anne CLEMENTZ (1844-1889)
Marr: 3 Nov 1885, St. Mary's Cemetery, Hooppole, Loraine Twp., IL
Children: Emma Lorraine (1886-1971) mar Charles Grose
Mary Philomina "Mamie" (1888-1899) died of measles
Bernard John "Barney" (1890-1972) mar Madge Jones, later Elfie Remme
Louise Catherine (1892-1972) mar Fred Wirth
Ella Nora (1894-1951) mar Gilbert Park
Leona Clara (1896-1976) mar Walter Sommers
Raymond Albert (1898-1966) deaf from the measles that killed Mamie
unknown (Stillborn) (1900-1900)
Florence Irene (1902-1956) mar Ray Farrell
Marion Sylvester (1904-1973) mar Grace Curran (my direct line)
Arthur Herbert (1906-1992) mar Marjorie Schuryver
Submitted by Kathy Minder
©Wini Caudell and Contributors
All Rights Reserved
Illinois Ancestors
Lived at Annawan, IL
Also called Katharina.
Katharina Sittler and Moritz Fritsch came to America with John Sittler (the elder) and then to western Illinois together.
Katharina was friends with the Indians.
President of State Bank of Wheatland, WY.
90 Acorn Lane, Highland Park, IL.
Lived at Deshler, NE
Also sometimes spelled as Minnie Vieht.
Lived in Sun City, Arizona
Well-known heart specialist in Chicago.
Professor, Chicago, IL (Theology)
Also a Lutheran minister.
Lived in Tucson, AZ
Undertaker, Albuquerque, NM
Mayor of St. Mary's, near Lima, OH.
Lived in Springfield, OH
Associate professor of history at Wittenberg University.
Lived in Chicago, IL
Professor, Regensburg, Germany.
Father of Walter Sittler, the actor.
Went back to Germany from America in 1937, for education. He became a translator in Berlin, for radio. He worked there as a student, because he needed the money. He became a radio broadcaster there, to replace a Douglas Chandler. He broadcasted Nazi propaganda from Germany to America, starting in 1943.
NSDAP (Nazi) membership card dated 02/15/1942.
Professor of Literature.
Could not find steady employment after returning to America from his time in Germany, because of his Nazi connection. His wife made an advertisement for Quaker Oats, to help support the family. He taught at the University of Everston in Chicago for only a few months. There were large protests when he began there as a lecturer. From there, he went to Columbus, OH.
Renaturalization into the United States was refused to Edward.
Was a well-read and edjucated man.
He was described by his son Loring as a 100% convinced Nazi, a real propagandist. (translation might be slightly off?)
His son Karl says "he accepted the German nationality, because he was convinced that the American direction was wrong."
He is described as having little relationship with his father. He was closer to his mother.
He was the youngest of the 8 siblings.
Professor at Alfred College in New York.
Lived in Kansas City, MO
Also went back to Germany with Edward V. Sittler in the 1930s.
Bacteriologist at University Hospital, Columbus, OH.
Lived in Monte Vista, CO
Druggist, Deshler, NE
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