For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Bigelow Amos Eldridge [Male] b. 10 MAY 1830 Sherborn, Middlesex Co, MA
He was a builder at Worcester with his brother, George.
This family resided in Baltimore, MD and then Kansas City, MO.
res Boston, MA; a manufacturer of decorative furniture
founder of Miss Bigelow's School, Kansas City, MO.
graduated from Harvard, studied law, and practiced in Weston all his life
With his brother-in-law Nathaniel Bailey of Weston, they went to Tennessee and settled in Madison county, where they had mercantile interests. Elijah, a Harvard graduate, was also editor of the Jackson Gazette, along with teaching school. Elijah died 28 Aug 1830 in Jackson, Madison county, TN; Maria 21 Jan 1872.
Frank W. graduated from Harvard in 1854 and received the Degree of LLB in 1857. He served in the Civil War in Co. G, 13th Regt. MA Vols. They resided in Charlestown, MA.
George was in the mercantile business in Boston
Early schooling was in Concord and three years in a Latin school in Boston. His mother was interested in astronomy and had a small telescope, a circumstance that helped to arouse in Frank his lifelong interest in astronomical problems. After graduating from Harvard in 1873, he took a position as assistant astronomer at the Cordoba Observatory, Argentina, where he remained for three years before returning to the U.S. to study for the ministry. He received his B.D. from the Episcopal Theologicat School, Cambridge, MA and for a short time was rector of St. Paul's Church, Natick, MA. He then returned to Argentina, 1881-1883. After this, he held many posts: Chief of Climatological Division of the U.S. Weather Bureau (1906-1910), Editor of the Monthly Weather Review (1909-1910) and Professor of Meterology, Oficina Meteorologica, Cordoba, Argentina, (1910-1921). Earlier he had been Professor of Solar Physics at George Washington University (1904-1910). He was a member of many metereological groups and scientific societies. His voluminous writings covered a wide range in the fields of climatology, meteorology and kindred subjects. After retiring due to failing eyesight and diabetes, he went to France, then London and finally to Vienna where he died on 02 March 1924. His wife, Mary E. Spalding, whom he married on 06 October 1881 survived him but a few days dying on 07 March 1924. Mary was the daughter of Rev. Amos F. and Caroline E. (Sanderson) Spalding and born at Calais, ME 24 November, 1857.
would become famous for his mills and distillery
Judge and Civil War hero
Missionary to Siam and Chaplain of the Treasury Department under Abraham Lincoln
Superintendent of building of Madison Hall
War hero at Cedar Creek
Partner in the firm of Wood, Taber & Morse
He was noted as the first physician in town of Eaton, NY in 1797. He was born 26 Oct 1770 in Ware, Mass and died in July 1834 enroute to Palamyra, Marion Co, Missouri. We have never found a burial site for him. James had 3 brothers, who also were physicians in Madison co, NY, and another 3 brothers who were physicians in Mass. We have never figured out where they received their education. Eunice Morse graduated from Clinton Academy that later became Hamilton College. Eunice Morse was James Pratt's 2nd wife. He first married Laurancy Eaton the daughter of the founder of Eaton, and possibly Madison County.
They lived in Worcester, where he was a well-known physician and surgeon.
enlisted in 1st Regt Mass Vols as Sergeant of Co H, was wounded at the Battle of Chancellorsville, and died from the effects.
grad. Yale 1886; res. Wellesley
Joshua was a lawyer in Dover, NH where they resided and was Mayor of Dover 1866-67, a State Senator, U.S. District Attorney for NH 1874-79 and a Member of Congress 1879-83.
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