For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Fowler Amos Capt. [Male] b. 17 MAR 1758 Lebanon, New London Co, CT - d. 30 NOV 1837
was a Capt in Rev War
In 1776 he was drafted for two months in New London under Capt.
Eliphalet Bulkeley, and again in the fall of 1779 for two months under Capt. Nathaniel Harris, and in the fall of 1780 for two
months under Capt. Joseph Isham. In 1781 he was called to New London after the burning of that city, under Capts. Elijah Worthington and David Kilborn. He was admitted as a freeman in Colchester on 13 Sep 1785. He married, on 29 Jun 1786,
Lucretia Lathrop. She was born 14 Apr 1763. Joel died 10 Feb 1849. His widow then claimed pension [W1535]. In Mar 1849 she was admitted to the Almshouse and died there 16 Feb 1851.
1790 census: CT-Middlesex-E. Haddam-Joel Bigelow: 1-1-2-0-0.
Elisha carried the mails for many years from Windsor to Rutland, before the days of railroads. He died at Reading, Windsor county, VT 20 Feb 1840.
He was for many years a member of the Board of Trustees of the Green Mountain Institute, and at his death left the Institute the sum of one thousand dollars. No issue.
was a river boat Captain
was the pastor of the Christian Church in Chester, Nebraska. He died on 08 October 1918. Alice, married second, Edward Marian Harrison, in Whiting, IA, on 15 August 1923 or 1924 (year was not on marriage certificate). He was a farmer until he died on 13 January 1938. After that, Alice moved to Yakima to be near her son and grandchildren. Alice died 31 March 1963 at Yakima, WA (see below)
was a medical doctor in Yakima, WA
Carl Gustav Jung, the Swiss psychologist, elaborated the theory that the solution to a difficult problem can somehow suddenly crystallize in the unconscious mind.
A compelling example in favour of this theory concerns an engineer, David Bigelow Parkinson (159B1.17362). The time was spring, 1940 and Parkinson was then a young engineer working at Bell Telephone Laboratories in New York City in the specialized field of electromechanical design. He was working on improving an instrument called an automatic level recorder. A small potentiometer [ an instrument for measuring electromotive forces] controlled a pair of magnetic clutches which in turn controlled a pen to plot a logarithm.
Meanwhile, the top story in the headlines concerned the evacuation of hundreds of thousands of stranded Allied soldiers from the beaches of Dunkirk, France across the Channel to England. This news greatly preoccupied Parkinson's mind along with that of his work. And the two ideas came together in a dream, which he later described in an unpublished memoir:
I found myself in a gun pit or revetment with an anti-aircraft gun crewÉ . [A] gun there. was firing occasionally, and the impressive thing was that every shot brought down an airplane! After three or four shots one of the men in the crew smiled at me and beckoned me to come closer to the gun. When I drew near he pointed to the exposed end of the left trunnion. Mounted there was the control potentiometer of my level recorder!
Parkinson realized the full significance of his dream the following morning. If his potentiometer could control the pen on the recorder, something similar could, with the right engineering, control an anti-aircraft gun. At the time, the complex mechanical systems controlling these guns were not very accurate and could not be mass-produced.
Parkinson discussed the idea that morning with his boss, Clarence A. Lovell. They worked for several days writing a report and then met with Lovell's boss. Just before this meeting, on 18 June 1940, Parkinson realized he would need a diagram to explain his ideas so made a quick sketch on a sheet of plain white typingpaper.
The company submitted a proposal for exploratory work on an electromechanical system for directing antiaircraft guns to the Army Signal Corps which was subsequently approved. An engineering model was delivered for testing to the Army at Fort Monroe MD on 1 December 1941. The result of Parkinson's dream began rolling off the assembly lines early in 1943. More than 3000 of the gun directors, designated the M-9, were built.
Many thousands of shells were fired to bring down a single aircraft with the older directors; the M9 brought the number down to around 100 shells per hit on an aircraft.
Thus Parkinson's unconscious revelation led to one of the most effective pieces of air-defense technology in World War II. Several patents were awarded to him, as well as to his boss and coworkers. He received the Presidential Medal of Merit in 1947 and the Potts Medal from the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia in 1948.
David Bigelow Parkinson was born on a farm in Oconto County, Wl on 16 May 1911, the younger of two children born to Truman David and Minnie M. (Bigelow) Parkinson. His mother was the daughter of Elverton and Mary Jane (Betts) Bigelow. Parkinson grew up in Green Bay WI and graduated from West High School in 1928 as valedictorian of his class. He then attended the University of Wisconsin for two years at Milwaukee and subsequently at Madison, graduating with his B.A. in Physics in 1933 and his Ph.D. in nuclear physics in 1937.
He married Alberta Merle Steinfeldt on 11 August 1938 in Green Bay. That same year, they moved to Manhattan where Parkinson joined the Technical Staff of Bell Laboratories.
In 1945 at General Eisenhower's request, Parkinson was sent to Germany as an observer for that time which turned out to be the last two weeks of war and the first two weeks of peace. His impressive slide photographs of that journey document the awesome effects of war on the German countryside and towns. Due to planning - he brought one suitcase containing not clothes, but pint bottles of American whiskey, which (judiciously distributed) facilitated his movements in Europe - he got homeward-bound air transport from London within 16 hours of his being able to leave.
In 1948, Parkinson became Manager of Product Engineering at the Brush Development Company and occupied various staff positions at Brush, the Clevite Corporation and Gould Inc. through mergers. He retired in 1976 as head of the Advanced Development Group at Gould Research Laboratories in Cleveland.
Parkinson volunteered in various Boy Scouts capacities for 17 years - four of his sons and two grandsons became Eagle Scouts. He lamented a commonly held disdain for machine shop skills and combatted this attitude by freely teaching the uses of the many machines in his own basement workshop not only to his family but to any others who were interested. His own talents found expression not only in inventions such as a space program accelerometer, an autolighting torch, and a new type of loom for his wife's brocade weaving, but also in models such as radiocontrolled boats, steam engines, miniature cannons and "impossible" wooden block toys. He also enjoyed occasional excursions into witty doggerel.
Parkinson's doctoral work dealt with the invention of the first constant voltage Van De Graff generator, used in the study of metallic films under nuclear bombardment. Years later in his basement workshop, he was helping a youthful neighbor to make a small Van De Graff generator for junior high science. The project was not without its trials and reworkings, and at one point the teenager fixed him with a disbelieving eye and inquired, "Are you sure you know anything about these machines?" Typically quiet and without detailed explanation, Parkinson assured him that he did. And they made it work.
For many years, in a frame over the mantel of his living room at home, hung the rough drawing Parkinson sketched that morning in June, 1940. He died 17 March 1991 at his home in Cleveland Heights, OH.
fell off a streetcar and died
He was a private in the Civil War, Co. D., 6th MI Cal. from 02 February 1864 - 15 May 1865 and was in the hospital 5 weeks with Chronic Diarrhea. Address from 1890 Veteran Census states his address was Shiawassee Co., MI. 1880 Census shows he and wife Adelia, son Albert and daughters, Emma, Flora and Anna had moved to Tyrone twp., Livingston Co., MI. Two older children, Michael Bond and Lucinda had moved away or are married. War pension records show Henry's daughter, Lucinda Brayton was with him at death. 1900 census family was in Shiawassee Co. 1900 census they were in Morrice, MI, Shiawassee co., MI. In Feb.1907 Henry applied for pension and said he was living in Winn twp., Isabella co., MI. (possibly with married daughter, Lucinda. He was 77 years of age, 5' 10" had blue eyes and lt. brown hair. 1860 record of Cohoctah twp., Henry age 30, Adelia 27 both b. NY with Lusina age 6, Michael and Albert each age 2 and Emma 5 months. Which of their children married and let grandma and grandpa watch their children?
He died 03 October 1908 Beal City, Isabella co.,MI. Adeline died 6 Aug 1902 in Morrice,Shiawassee co.,MI, suddenly of asthma, (Aortic Insufficiency) age 69 years 11 mo. and 19 days. Person who reported death signature looks like Nora G. Marshal, Morris, MI (Death Certificate). Certificate also states she was mother of 7 children, 7 living at her death in 1902. Buried 08 August 1902 at Roselawn cemetery,,Owosso,MI
born 15 Sep 1855 in Cohoctah, Livingston co., MI. He married in 1879 Clara Ophelia Dean. She was born 6 Oct 1859 in Howell, Livingston co., MI. She was the daughter of
Samuel and Jerusha Ann (Youngs) Dean. The 1880 Census of Osceola, Livingston co., MI show that Michael and Clara and
small son, Willis were living with their cousin, Samuel Fisher in Osceola. Later he divorced Clara Ophelia Dean. By 1900 he was divorced. In 1920 lived in Shiawassee co., MI. Census only said "he is married when he really is divorced. Tuscola, MI changed name to Cohoctah in 1857. Death certificate information is given by Mrs. Fred Wilkinson of Perry, MI. Certificates state that he is married to Clara Dean Fisher? Did they remarry? He was a farmer, son of Henry Fisher b. NY. mother: Adelia Bigelow b. OH. Buried at Sanford cemetery July 30 1928. Information from Jane and Allen Fisher 9/7/96.
After divorce, Clara took two of the three children, Clarence and Alice out west. In 1910 she was living in Kingston, Shoshgone co., ID. She probably died in Idaho, and never remarried. Divorce must have been earlier than thought. Last child is born 1884 and records show they divorced by 1900 and children living as boarders in other locations in Livingston co., MI. Clara is not on the Michigan 1900 census. In 1920 Clara was spelling her name on census as Fischer at age 60 living in Whitman Co., WA with daughter Alice and son-in-law Percy Woodruff. Clara also claimed she was a widow. 1920 census information found on roll #1821944, Vol.50, #Ed 149, Sheet 3 line 82. Son Willis Fisher and family moved to Idaho around 1921. Maybe Clara went to live near them after her daughter Alice died. This would explain why we are told she died in Cottonwood, ID. Idaho State Historical Society states Clare Fisher died 1953 and is buried at Prairie View Cem. in Grangeville, Idaho co., ID. Burial was handled by county of Idaho. Her death date is given as 28 Jun 1953 Cottonwood, Idaho co.,ID, and buried as above. Michael died 27 Jul 1928 in Deerfield,Livingston co.,MI.
b 6 Feb 1880 Oceola Twp.,Livingston co.,MI; d 15 June 1945 Post Falls,Kootenai Co.,ID; bur. 19 June 1945 Post Falls,Kootenai co.,ID, Evergreen cem.; m 21 June 1905 Bernice Jane "Berdie" Steltzer. She was born 15 Sep 1881 Cohoctah Twp.,Livingston co.,MI, the daughter of James and Jane Elizabeth (Morgan) Steltzer. She was a school teacher when married in Oak Grove, MI. A series of accidental falls was cause for her to be placed in a nursing home at Coeur d'Alene, ID where she died on 1 Oct 1971 and buried 4 Oct 1971 Post Falls,Kootenai co.,ID, Evergreen cemetery. Willis had died 15 June 1945 at Post Falls,Kootenai co.,ID; and buried 19 June 1945 in the same Evergreen cemetery. He died of a heart attack at night. He was a farmer at Post Falls Idaho where he sold Avon products for many years. While young he worked at the Oak Grove MI Creamery. In the last week of April, 1913, the Michigan Condensed Milk Factory that Willis worked in was destroyed by fire. Willis decided to go west. He moved to Roundup, MT and kept sheep but never liked the taste of lamb. When his wife was in labor for son Robert, Edward, then age 4 was sent to get help from a neighbor, Mrs. Fairchild. Robert arrived before she got there. Robert was 4 when the family moved to Colbert, WA. Sisters Irene and Viola were born in Colbert. 5 children:
This family moved to MI, Genesee county. He was a farmer and, in 1862, was commissioner of highways in Mundy township, MI. Both Asa and Catherine died at Mundy, she on 22 February 1877 and he on Ol February 1892. They are buried in Evergreen Cemetery, Mundy.
Jairus was a farmer and also constable of Mundy township in 1843, 1853 and 1855. In 1843 he was "oversear of the poor". Jairus died on 20 Aug 1884 and his widow on 20 Mar 1904. Both are buried in Evergreen Cemetery, Mundy, MI.
He was somewhat retarded and always lived with relatives
They followed other members of his family and moved to MI where they settled at Mundy township. He was a farmer and owned small acreage. He also served as constable in 1850. Alvah died in June of 1876 and his widow on 0l December 1930. Both are buried in Evergreen Cemetery, Mundy, along with other members of the family.
born at Pittsford, Genesee co., NY on 07 July 1831. When he was a youth, the family moved to MI, first to Grand Blanc township and then to Mundy township, Genesee co., MI. James married (1) 18 May 1851 Harriet Thompson who was daughter of Lyman and Julia ( ) Thompson. She died 01 September 1854 leaving one daughter. He then married (2) 21 May 1855 Delilah Golding, or Goulding, Parrish. James served in the Civil War and some time in the 1870's left his family and married (3) Charlotte (Parkhurst) Bigelow. We have no record of the last two wives, but Charlotte outlived James who died 11 February 1910 in Janesville, WI and is buried in Grove cemetery, Footfille, WI.
He had served in the Civil War, enlisting 06 December 1861 in Battery E, First MI Light Artillery and was mustered out 30 August 1865. His widow died 29 November 1918 and both are buried in Evergreen cemetery, Mundy, MI.
d 11 June 1959 in Standish, MI in airplane crash
They went into MI in the very early 1840's and built a log cabin where she died on 20 March 1900. Her parents followed her to MI from NY and settled in Mundy. In 1870 Sarah and Dudley were living in Gainis township, Genesee, MI. Dudley was a farmer and died on 05 December 1883 at Gainis. Both are buried at Evergreen Cemetery, Mundy.
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