For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Bigelow Bert Elmer [Male] b. 4 MAR 1862 Warren, MA - d. 1944 Peterborough, NH
Bert was a pharmacist
an M.D. at Leominster, MA
2nd Lieut. In Rev War
Pvt. In Rev War
Served in Rev War
Pvt in Rev War
Pvt in Rev War
He served in the Revolutionary War. He was also town treasurer of Templeton, MA from 1789 to 1796. They lived at Templeton, where their family was recorded. Fisk died 28 Jan 1807; Lydia has two death dates--the first as 29 Jun 1797, the second as 29 Mar 1798, one from family records, the other from town records.
At one time he applied for citizenship in Canada, but we do not find him as a resident there on the earliest available census. He was on the U.S. census of NH, at Portsmouth, Rockingham co, in 1810: l-0-0-1-0.
1790 census: VT-Windsor-Chester-Elnathan Bigelow: 1-0-0-0-0.
They lived in West Boylston, where he was a selectman and town clerk, and prominent in town affairs. He owned a small cotton mill. He died 13 July 1837 and his wife on 14 Jan 1855.
They lived a number of years at West Boylston, and later moved to Rutland,Worcester county. He served as a selectman in West Boylston, and was a captain in the militia. His wife Lois died 27 Dec 1839 at Rutland; he outlived her to die on 13 June 1876.
He had a genius equal to that of his younger brother: but it lay in organization and management. In 1831 his father, recognizing this talent, placed him in charge of the family cotton mill. He stayed their about a year, and then with his brother Erastus , started in the manufacture of Coach Lace at Lancaster, MA . where they founded the Clinton Company. On 24 Sept. 1834 Horatio Bigelow married Emily Worcester.
Other enterprises followed: counterpanes in 1841, Gingham Mills in 1843-44, the Bigelow Carpet Company in 1849, the Clinton Wire and Cloth Company in 1856. Horatio lived in the town of Clinton (MA), which his brother had founded. He was in effect its leading Citizen and benefactor. Horatio was one of the founders of Congregational Church, the first President of the Clinton Savings Bank, first President of the Clinton Gas Company, Vice President of the Clinton National Bank, a Director of the Boston, Clinton & Fitchburg RR Company, and also the Worcester Mutual Insurance Company. Others duties included the first representative from Clinton to the Legislature and the first Postmaster. In 1852 he and Erastus gave the land for a 4-acre park which is the heart of Clinton, deeming that no structure should ever be built thereon, and that it should remain as a park and be "beautified and maintained" at public expense.
We knew the prestigious Bigelow carpeting company was founded by Erastus Brigham Bigelow and his older brother Horatio Nelson. While credit for forming Bigelow Carpet Co. belongs to Erastus Bigelow's inventive mind, its development and administration was in the hands of his brother Horatio Bigelow.
Horatio Bigelow served six years on Clinton's school committee. Other generous acts included Horatio's gift of land to the First Baptist Church and the First Congregational Church, plus an equal offer to the First Methodist Church. He was a member of the First congregational Church and its first Sunday School Superintendent. Horatio established conditions for both residential and business districts, showing an instinct for city planning, and founded Bigelow Public Library, as well as Bigelow Mechanics' Institute.
He established Clinton's post office, was a lifelong president of Clinton Savings Bank, and a member of the board of directors of First National Bank (now the Clinton branch of Worcester County National Bank). He proposed the construction of Clinton House, the town's hotel. Through his efforts the Worcester and Nashua Railroad passed through Clinton, later called the Boston & Maine RR Co. Horatio served on its board of directors. In the midst of his work, he was stricken with disease and a trip to Europe to recover was doomed to disappointment and he returned home and died 02 January 1868 from paralysis and softening of the brain. His widow died 16 January 1892 at Clinton.
( Bigelow Society Notes:)
He worked in his father's cotton mill from 1831 and became a general overseer until his marriage to Emily Worcester on 24 September 1834. He then became an overseer in a mill in W. Boylston and in 1836 went to Shirley, MA as superintendent of a cotton mill. He stayed there about a year and then, with his brother Erastus, started in the manufacture of coach lace at Lancaster, MA known as the Clinton Company. Other enterprises followed: counterpanes in 1841, gingham mills in 1843-44, the Bigelow Carpet Co. in 1849, the Clinton Wire Cloth Co. in 1856. This did much to build up the village known as Clintonville, which was set off and incorporated as a separate town on March 14, 1850 under the name of Clinton. Horatio was one of the founders of the Congregational Church, the first President of the Clinton Savings Bank, first President of the Clinton Gas Co., Vice President of the Clinton National Bank, a Director of the Boston, Clinton & Fitchburg R.R. Co., and also of the Worcester Mutual Insurance Co. Other duties included the first representative from Clinton to the Legislature and the first postmaster. He donated a plot of land for the town common. With his brother, Erastus, founded the Public Library. In the midst of his work, he was stricken with disease and a trip to Europe to recover was doomed to disappointment and he returned home and died 02 January 1868 from "paralysis and softening of the brain". His widow died 16 January 1892 at Clinton.
Born at West Boylston, Worcester, MA on 02 April 1814. His inventive genius early showed itself when early at the age of 14, he invented a machine to manufacture piping cord, for which he received $100. This enabled him gain additional education. He later was able to secure employment as a clerk in a dry-goods store, and even to teach penmanship. He then invented a power loom for weaving knotted counterpanes. Next his attention turned to a power loom to weave coach lace and took his brother, Horatio, in with him. Their attention turned to the weaving of carpets and Erastus invented a carpet loom by which his name became widely known. Of the 50 patents taken out by Erastus, the larger portion were directly or indirectly connected with the textile art. The first successful power loom for weaving coach lace, wire cloth, ingrain, tapestry, Brussels and Wilton carpets and silk brocatel, were all his inventions. He was an original incorporator of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, a member of the London Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manyfactures and Commerce, a member of the MA Historical Society and a member of the American Acadamey of Arts and Sciences. He married, for his first wife, Susan KING - their intentions to wed were filed 20 Oct 1838 and she died in 1841. His second marriage was to Eliza MEANS of Amherst, NH, the daughter of Col. David MEANS of Amherst. This second marriage was at Concord, MA on 16 May 1843. Erastus died on 06 Dec 1879 at Boston, MA.
Henry was an architect
He was a cotton manufacturer at W. Boylston for many years and then, (1865), moved to Clinton, MA and in 1870 to Boston. In 1885, he established the firm of E. W. Bigelow & Co., dealers in oils. He died at Revere, MA on 16 May 1895.
They lived in Worcester, W. Boylston and Dedham, MA. He was President of the Citizens Mutual Insurance Co. of Boston.
he drowned at the age of 21
Elisha was made a freeman on 18 Sept 1753. He signed the oath of loyalty 15 Sept 1777. He was surveyor of highways 1783 and 1785. On 13 Nov 1768, Rose, Negro slave of Elisha, died age 16 years. He lived in Colchester until 1789; in 1785 he began advertising for sale a well-watered farm and buildings, 130 acres, producing from the orchard 100 barrells cider yearly. In 1789 he sold the farm and moved to east haddam, where his last two children were born, but by 1793 removed to Springfield, Otsego co, NY. Bible inscriptions show he died 1804 in Cooperstown, NY. Howe's Bigelow genealogy says he served in the Revolutionary War. He was in the militia in Capt. Timothy Dutton's company, 25th Conn. Militia, but in 1777 paid a L5 fine for not entering the army when drafted. A Connecticut history says he was in 1775 a private in Capt. Seth Holmes' Co, Col. Chapman's regt.
1790 census: CT - Middlesex - East Haddam - Elisha Bigelow: 2-0-8-0-0 .
He was admitted as a freeman 9 Apr 1759. During the French-and-Indian-War he served as follows: in 1755 in the 4th Regt, 3rd Co under Major William Whiting of Norwich from 6 Sep to 13 Dec; in 1756 in the 4th Regt, 4th Co. under Capt. Edmund Wells of Hebron as drummer between 19 May and 20 Oct; in 1758 again as drummer in the 2nd Regt, 12th Co, under Capt. Henry Champion of Colchester between 7 Apr and 7 Nov; and 1760, as Corporal in 2nd Regt, 10th Co, under Capt. Peleg Redfield of Killingsworth. He is alleged to have been in the Continental service in 1777, but we fail to find a record.
Isaac married on 5 Apr 1759 Mary Chamberlain (see below), daughter of Freedom and Mary (Soule) Chamberlain. She was born 1738 at Colchester. The same year Isaac's father deeded him 13 acres in Colchester, the same tract transferred later that year to James Wells. About 1761 Isaac and family moved to Cornwallis, Nova Scotia, where they lived a number of years. Land records of 1767 and 1769 show his ownership of a small farm. At the outbreak of the American Revolution, Isaac and family returned to New England. In 1790 and 1800 they are shown at Dummerston, Windham county, VT. It is thought they moved with son Russel first to Franklin county, VT, then to Quebec, and that Isaac died at one or the other. His widow moved with Russel and family to Madison county, OH in 1813 and died at Worthington, OH ____.
1790 census: NH-Cheshire-Chesterfield-Isaac Bigelow: 2-1-3-0-0.
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