For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Bigelow Moses [Male] b. 1840 Andes Twp., Delaware Co, NY - d. 10 MAR 1864 Louisville, KY
d 10 Mar 1864 Louisville, KY in an army hospital; enlisted from Clinton co, Co K, 17th Michigan Infantry; unm.
Cornelius enlisted during the Civil War and served in Company D, 3rd MI Infantry. They lived in New Haven, Gratiot county, all of their married lives. Cornelius was nicknamed "Jerry" to distinguish him from other Cornelius Bigelows in the family. He died 0l March 1899 New Haven township. His widow died 15 February 1908. Both are buried in New Haven.
born 6 Jan 1851 in Andes Township, Delaware co, NY. He moved with his parents, in 1853, to Montcalm county, MI and in 1869 to Buffalo county, WI. Samuel, by then of full age, returned to MI before 1875. He married, in Gratiot county, Amelia Mary Evans the daughter of Martin Evans and Cynthia (-) Evans. She was born 21 June 1861. They located in New Haven township where she raised dairy cattle and he worked winters as a lumberjack. In 1908, the U.S. Congress passed a homestead law permitting women to file on land in their own name and as she was unhappy in MI, she departed with nearly all of her children taking up her own farm in NE and later CO. Some of her children stayed in CO, others returned to MI and two pushed on to WA. Meanwhile, back in Gratiot county, Samuel retired from farming and logging. He lived with son, Ernest, at Hoxeyville, in Wexford county. He died there 22 March 1929. Amelia returned to MI and died at Hoxeyville on 20 June 1939. Both are buried at Banker cemetery, Hoxeyville.
born at New Haven, Gratiot, MI on 16 October 1891. When his parents separated about 1908, he went with his mother to NE and later to homestead in CO. He married twice: his first marriage was to Pearl Burgess at unknown date. She committed suicide in 1917 at Sligo, CO. On 05 October 1925, in Willard, CO, he m (2) Ruby Pearl Fortune, who was the daughter of Kilburn Kelly and Susannah (Pixler) Fortune. She was born 12 October 1902 at Dallas, IA. Charley went int the Army and served in WWI in Europe. The family lived in CO and WA and Charles died in Grandview, WA on 19 November 1976 and is buried there. Ruby died 2 February 1991 at Walnut Grove Nursing Home, Prosser, Benton Co, WA.
1927 - 1974
Growing up in Keota
My mother grew up in Keota in her early years. Her Aunt, Ruby Fortune, was one of the teachers there in the town. This was back when children were taught to draw in one way, not how ever they wanted, or when the class room teacher's helpers were the older children, which helped the schools get more students saying they, too, were going to become a teacher as well. This was back when the kids did what they were told or the punishment was a number of swats with a razor strop.
My mother's family was one of the many homesteaders there in the town of Keota. All that was left back in 1974, when Mom and Dad took my brother back, were the Stanley folks and very few neighbors. The town was still there somewhat. From photos, it looks as if there are a lot of torn down buildings now. We were invited in to the old store front where the Stanley family had been acquiring a lot of history on the town as well as artifacts. He, as well, had came up with some of the advertisements on the sale that the Bigelow family was having so they could move on up to Washington were it was greener and wetter to their taste and where my mother finished her childhood. Her family was one of the many ranches out there on that now barren land. This Bigelow family was a very strict family from what I had been told and what I had seen of my upbringing around them. They have some other past history, as well, with Putney Bigelow, friend of King James being of a certain many lineages behind their own coming of family.
The Floyd Ervin Bigelow that was homesteading in Keota was the son of Samuel Elijah Bigelow (born of NY) who was the son of William Franklin Hennery Bigelow (of NY). My mother is missing a lot of her photos that she had or I would have some to share with you of the family back then. she spent time out riding the Indian motorcycle when riding bikes was riding bikes, not showing off the colors or the shine. This was back when one would have to crank the car to get it going or instead rode to hos' in to town, which Mother did a lot of when she was young. Mom was born into the family back in September 7, 1927, the only girl for her mother and father with two boys and one that died of TB before mom came around. There was the other family, as well, that would be of Mom's Uncle Charlie Bigelow. He ended up marrying Aunt Ruby, the school teacher (she lived to be 89).
The Fortune family - My mother's grandfather, K.K. Fortune, was another homesteader in Keota, the K.K. standing for Kilburn Kelly. He was from Bloomfield, Ohio. He was of strong stock of Dutch blood. Now I do have some photos of this man and his wife on their porch, but I do not know if it is of Keota or if it is of the Washington town they moved to before he passed.
In the Keota town cemetery, which was not but a turn and out a couple blocks from the main entrance of Keota, lies buried some family members. In 1974, when I was there, Mr. Stanley had taken down some information on the members of our family that were buried there. We went in to Greeley where we picked up one of mother's great aunts (another old school teacher now long gone) and great uncle for the drive on out to see this old town where mom was born and raised. They all were standing around looking over some of the old pictures of the town folks in that old post office store and, as well, writing down the names of what could be remembered as to who in the family was buried there.
Submitted by Nora Mae Smith
Land Patent
SW 1/4 NW 1/4 Section 27 T10N R59W 6th Principal Meridian
NW 1/4 SW 1/4 Section 27 T10N R59W
S 1/2 SW 1/4 Section 27 T10N R59W
W 1/2 SE 1/4 Section 28 T10N R59W
NE 1/4 SE 1/4 Section 28 T10N R59W
SE 1/4 NE 1/4 Section 28 T10N R59W
born at New Haven, Gratiot, MI on 20 Aug 1896. When he was 12 years of age, his mother moved to NE taking the youngest children with her. They later moved to CO where Floyd married on 26 March 1922 in Weld county. Her name was Martha Hazel Fortune. She was the daughter of Kilburn and Susannah (Pixler)
Fortune and born 08 May 1904. They lived in WY for a time then back to CO and later to WA where he was employed in the fruit orchards and a paper towel mill. Hazel died on 15 October 1959 and Floyd on 07 September 1969, both at Grandview, WA.
Elma Ethel, b 19 Dec 1898; was living 1984 - last surviving member of family residing at Brush, CO; m (1) Ralph Maupin, (2) Howard Grooms and (3) Elmer Scherer all deceased; no children. She was a long-time school teacher.
born at New Haven, Gratiot co, MI on 28 March 1885. She was married on 20 December 1903 to William J. Brauher who was the son of John Brauher. William was born 31 July 1881 in Gratiot co. and they farmed a few years there and then moved to NE, after which CO. Some time later they returned to MI and William died 08 November 1959 at Lansing, Ingham co., MI. His widow died in a nursing home at Grand Rapids, Kent co., MI 07 April 1972. Both are buried at Chapel Hill Memorial Gardens, Lansing, MI.
She committed suicide in 1917 at Sligo, CO
Buried at Keota Cemetery, Keota, Weld Co, CO
Grave Marker says "Ella P. Bigelow, Wife of Charles A. Bigelow, Born 09/29/1899, died 09/22/1917.
1927 - 1974
Growing up in Keota
My mother grew up in Keota in her early years. Her Aunt, Ruby Fortune, was one of the teachers there in the town. This was back when children were taught to draw in one way, not how ever they wanted, or when the class room teacher's helpers were the older children, which helped the schools get more students saying they, too, were going to become a teacher as well. This was back when the kids did what they were told or the punishment was a number of swats with a razor strop.
My mother's family was one of the many homesteaders there in the town of Keota. All that was left back in 1974, when Mom and Dad took my brother back, were the Stanley folks and very few neighbors. The town was still there somewhat. From photos, it looks as if there are a lot of torn down buildings now. We were invited in to the old store front where the Stanley family had been acquiring a lot of history on the town as well as artifacts. He, as well, had came up with some of the advertisements on the sale that the Bigelow family was having so they could move on up to Washington were it was greener and wetter to their taste and where my mother finished her childhood. Her family was one of the many ranches out there on that now barren land. This Bigelow family was a very strict family from what I had been told and what I had seen of my upbringing around them. They have some other past history, as well, with Putney Bigelow, friend of King James being of a certain many lineages behind their own coming of family.
The Floyd Ervin Bigelow that was homesteading in Keota was the son of Samuel Elijah Bigelow (born of NY) who was the son of William Franklin Hennery Bigelow (of NY). My mother is missing a lot of her photos that she had or I would have some to share with you of the family back then. she spent time out riding the Indian motorcycle when riding bikes was riding bikes, not showing off the colors or the shine. This was back when one would have to crank the car to get it going or instead rode to hos' in to town, which Mother did a lot of when she was young. Mom was born into the family back in September 7, 1927, the only girl for her mother and father with two boys and one that died of TB before mom came around. There was the other family, as well, that would be of Mom's Uncle Charlie Bigelow. He ended up marrying Aunt Ruby, the school teacher (she lived to be 89).
The Fortune family - My mother's grandfather, K.K. Fortune, was another homesteader in Keota, the K.K. standing for Kilburn Kelly. He was from Bloomfield, Ohio. He was of strong stock of Dutch blood. Now I do have some photos of this man and his wife on their porch, but I do not know if it is of Keota or if it is of the Washington town they moved to before he passed.
In the Keota town cemetery, which was not but a turn and out a couple blocks from the main entrance of Keota, lies buried some family members. In 1974, when I was there, Mr. Stanley had taken down some information on the members of our family that were buried there. We went in to Greeley where we picked up one of mother's great aunts (another old school teacher now long gone) and great uncle for the drive on out to see this old town where mom was born and raised. They all were standing around looking over some of the old pictures of the town folks in that old post office store and, as well, writing down the names of what could be remembered as to who in the family was buried there.
Submitted by Nora Mae Smith
born at New Haven, Gratiot, MI on 16 July 1894. It was initials only for his name. He went with his mother into NE when she separated from his father in 1908. He settled in Morrill co. and lived there the remainder of his life. He married in July 1919 Kathryn Kaiser the daughter of John and Elizabeth (Hinkle) Kaiser. She was born 27 March 1900 in Lincoln, NE and in 1981 she was living in Northport, NE. J. C. died on 26 May 1964 at Omaha, NE and is buried in Bridgeport, NE.
They lived their entire lives in Douglas; Thomas was a Selectman in the year 1793. He died there l4 Mar 1837; Hannah on 12 Sep 1848.
1790 census: MA-Worcester-Douglas-Thomas Bigelow: l-5-3-0-0.
Mass Sold & Sail of Rev War, Vol II:
Biglow, Thomas. Corporal, Capt. Job Knap's co., Col. Nathan Tyler's regt.; enlisted July 28, 1780; discharged Aug. 7, 1780; discharged Aug. 7, 1780; service, 14 days; marched to Tiverton, R. I., on the alarm of July 27, 1780. Roll dated Douglas.
He served as a Sergeant in the Revolution, in Capt. Caleb Whiting's co. in 1775, and other engagements. They lived in Douglas all their lives. He died circa 1808, she on 5 Apr 1819.
Dexter (called Deck) became a barber at an early age and stayed in that profession the rest of his life. The family lived at Andover, Pierpont, Bristol and Webster in Day Co., and Britton, Marshall Co. Deck told the story of how his family, during the black measles epidemic, when four of his brothers and sisters died, [they] carried the dead out through the windows to spare the other sick children the grief.
Information sent by Edythe M. Bigelow, Apt 1411, 1020 Pecan Crossing Dr., Desoto, Texas 75115 (7/2005).
at the age of seventeen he left home, started in life as a stage-driver, and soon after became proprietor of a stage line between Fitchburg and Keene. In 1844 established the fastest pony express (between Boston and New York) ever known before the days of railroads, and carried the U. S. mails. When the railroad was put through between Rutland and Bellows Falls, Vt., he was appointed the first superintendent. In 1854 he was appointed superintendent of the Fitchburg R. R., and resigned in 1857 to commence the express business between Fitchburg and Boston, and later the business was consolidated with others, and formed the U. S. and Canada Express Co. After this he went to Chicago and started a line of city coaches, and later he became interested in the first horse railroad in Chicago. After a few years' residence in that city he returned to Massachusetts and resided in Melrose, where he lived a retired life. He was of a modest, retiring nature and of genial disposition. He d. at Melrose, Jan. 20, 1890, aged 74 years. He left a widow; no issue.
He was a self-made man, though reared on a farm and under the most adverse circumstances, he early showed a natural genius for mechanics. He was a wheelwright by trade; removed about 1848 to Brookfield, MA where he was a foreman for a contractor and on the point of starting in business for himself when he met with a fatal accident in setting in motion a large factory wheel he had just completed and died in Brookfield the next day, 13 January 1852. He had earlier married, at Eastford, CT 26 October 1846 Joanna Watson. She was the daughter of Henry and Azubah (Howe) Watson and born 11 November 1822 at Ashford, CT. After the death of Jesse, she married Nathaniel Snow on 18 March 1858.
born Marlborough, Middlesex county, MA, 11 Apr 1718. He married 27 Jan 1748 Abigail WITT, daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth (BREED) WITT of Marlborough. (Known as "Deputy", Samuel WITT represented Marlborough in the General Court for 23 years.) She was born Marlborough 6 July 1721. They moved to Brookfield, MA previous to 1748, and that year he was a petitioner for the incorporation of the 2nd precinct, and was an active officer of the town for many years. He was a deacon of the parish (now First Congregational Society of North Brookfield). The farm on which he settled remained in the family as late as 1890. [It was deeded to him in 1737, thence to Jason jr, then to the latter's John, thence to Silas BIGELOW. The greater part of the house was built May 1794, and a portion was much older, and was situated N. Brookfield in what has been termed "Bigelow Hollow".] Jason died there 25 Mar 1767; Abigail on 13 Oct 1808.
1790 census: MA - Worcester - Brookfield - Abigail Bigelow: 0-0-2-0-0.
Amariah lived in that portion of Shrewsbury later known as West Boylston where he was a leading citizen, and was selectman and assessor several terms, as well as deacon of the north parish. He drew up his will 1 Mar 1780, mentioning wife Sarah, sons Francis, Abel, Levi, and Elnathan; daughter Lydia, wife of Fisk HOWE, and daughter Sarah. Wife Sarah and son Abel were appointed executors. He died 8 Mar 1780, and his wife Sarah on 2 June 1798, aged 66 years, 8 mos, 12 days.
1790 census: MA - Worcester - Boylston - Sarah Bigelow: 0-0-1-0-0.
Jonas served in the Revolutionary War. They lived in North Brookfield,MA, where he died 19 Aug 1843. His widow Lydia outlived him and claimed pension. There were no children.
1790 census: MA-Worcester-Brookfield-Jonas Bigelow: 1-1-3-0-0.
Mass Sold & Sail of Rev War, Vol II:
Bigelow, Jonas. Receipt for 3 months bounty dated Brookfield, Oct.20, 1779; also, Private, Capt. Joseph Richardson's co., Col. Samuel Denny's (Worcester Co.) regt.; enlisted Oct.19, 1779; discharged Nov. 1779; service, 1 mo. 12 days, at Claverack; enlistment, 3 months.
Biglow, Jonas, Brookfield. Private, Capt. Jonathan Barns's co., Col. Jonathan Warner's regt., which marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775; service, 9 days; reported enlisted into the army; also, Capt. Peter Harwood's co., Col. Ebenezer Learned's regt.; muster roll dated Aug. 1, 1775; enlisted April 27, 1775; service, 3 mos. 1 week, 5 days; also, company return dated Oct 7, 1775; also, order for bounty coat or its equivalent in money, dated Roxbury, Dec.20, 1775.
John was a farmer, and held many town offices, and served in the state legislature.
He lived on the old family homestead at North Brookfield - the main part of the house was built in May 1794 and a portion of it was much older. He farmed there and married on 29 April 1845 Clarissa A. Cole of Montague, MA. She was the daughter of Reuben and Abigail ( __ ) Cole. Clarissa was born at Shutesbury, MA at unknown date and died 15 June 1897 at N. Brookfield. Silas was living in 1899 - we don't have his death date or place.
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