For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Bigelow John Allen [Male] b. 16 SEP 1839 West Bloomfield, Oakland Co, MI - d. 4 OCT 1925 Birmingham, MI
John Allen served in the Union Army during the Civil War and lost an arm as a result. He was also wounded four times. At the close of the war, he was appointed postmaster at Birmingham, MI until 1884. He was elected County Treasurer from 1885 to 1889. Both died at Birmingham - she on 25 March 1925 and he on 04 October of the same year.
He served in the Civil War in Co. A, 5th MI Cav. at Gettysburg, Boonesboro, Hagerstown, Williamsport, Falling Water and South Mountain. After the war, he married Susan A. Drake on 13 February 1866/67. His obituary says marriage was on 13 January 1870. He was a carpenter, farmer and gristmill/sawmill operator and died at Williamston, Ingham, MI on 09 December 1914. His widow died there on 11 October 1918. Both are buried in Summit cemetery, Williamston.
died in civil war
served as Captain in the Civil War: Co. A, 10th MI Inf.
army nurse
He was a brick manufacturer
he was a miller at Greenfield Village
born 22 May 1825 in Bethany township, Genesee, NY. The family moved to Jackson county, MI in 1837 and took up land near Concord village - at Swain's Lake. There, on 07 October 1847 Josiah married Ann Jenette Fitch, daughter of Gerard and Jenette (Cushman) Fitch. Ann Jenette was born 1826 and died 1904, according to her headstone. They lived on the outskirts of Concord, farming at Swain's Lake, and managing the family brickyard. With his brother-in-law, Tucker, they formed Concord Lumber Company as an outlet for their bricks and timber which then covered lower Michigan. Josiah was also a part-owner of the first telephone company in Concord and a member of the local fire department. He died
08 April 1895 at Concord, and with his wife, is buried in the family plot at Maple Lawn Cemetery.
William was trained for the law but was a newspaper editor for many years. In 1900 he was living in Des Plaines, IL where he died on 10 December 1924.
Horace was a farmer, stock and wool grower in that area and had resided on the farm in 1849
James was a farmer/carpenter in Delhi township (1900) and in 1910 he lived in Greenville, Ingham co, MI. They were divorced about 1907 and in his late years, James lived in Montcalm co, MI and NY. We do not have his death date, but he was living in Lockwood, NY in 1923. She died about 1967? in Wayne co, MI having married (2) Charles A. BAKER on 01 July 1911 at Lansing, MI..
was a Presbyterian missionary in Japan
bought tract of land in Worthington 1769, and was resident there; no further record;
born 27 Feb 1751 at Shrewsbury, Worcester co, MA. The family moved first to Springfield, MA, then to Hartford, CT. About 1770 they moved to Worthington, MA, and Edmund was appointed administrator of his father's estate in 1773. He served in the Continental Army as Paymaster. He was at the battles of Bennington and Ticonderoga. After the war he moved to Middletown, VT, where he was a leading citizen, chosen selectman 1785, and held many public offices. He was also first justice-of-the-peace in Middletown. He married at unknown date, Olive STONE, born 17 Sep 1755 Brookfield, MA, daughter of Artemas and Jerusha (PARSONS) STONE. She died 27 Apr 1812 at Middletown. He died 17 Aug 1824 at Fairhaven, VT.
1790 census: VT-Rutland-Middletown-Edmund Bigelow: 1-0-5-0-0.
Mass Sold & Sail of Rev War, Vol II:
Biglow, Edmund, Worthington, private, Lieut. Abner Dwellee's co.; enlisted July 20, 1777; discharged July 31, 1777; service, 16 days; marched on expedition to Manchester; roll sworn to at Boston; also, Lieut. Constant Webster's co.; enlisted Aug.15, 1777; discharged Aug.23, 1777; service 12 days; marched from Worthington to reinforce Gen. Stark at Bennington; also, return of men enlisted into Continental Army from Capt. Seth Murray's (also given Capt. Joshua Woodbridge's) co., Col. Pomeroy's regt, sworn to April 5, 1779; residence, Worthington; enlisted for town of Hatfield; joined Capt. Lyman's co., Col. Lee's regt.; enlistment, 3 years; also, Sergeant, Capt. Hastings's Co., Co'. Henry Jackson's regt.; Continental Army pay accounts for service from Sept.10, 1777, to Dec. 31, 1779; also, Capt. Daniel Lyman's co., Lieut. Col. William S. Smith's (1ate Lee's) regt.; pay rolls for Oct. and Nov., 1778; also, Capt. John Hastings's (6th) co., Col. Jackson's regt.; muster roll for April, 1779, dated Pawtuxet; enlisted Sept.10, 1777; also, muster roll dated Providence, July 13, 1779; also, return dated Camp at Providence, Dec.31, 1779.
had grandson who was governor of a midwestern state
born 8 Nov 1791 at Middletown, Rutland county, VT. He was a physician by occupation. He married, on 19 Oct 1815 at Middletown, Dorinda Brewster, daughter of Orson and Zeruiah (Loomis) Brewster, a direct descendant of the Mayflower setters at Plymouth, MA. She was born 4 Apr 1795 and died 16 July 1883. They lived at Fairhaven, VT from 1815 to 1828, then at Bennington, VT, and later to Springfield, VT where he died 16 Apr 1863. While living in Vermont, he at one time served in the Vermont State Senate.
He was dean of the Woodstock(VT) Medical College
daughter of Orson and Zeruiah (Loomis) Brewster, a direct descendant of the Mayflower setters at Plymouth, MA.
He was a physician and one of the original members to sign the compact of the Vermontville Colony, in VT. Olive and Dewey were well educated for their time and possessed a good library. They moved to Vermontville, Barry, MI, at its establishment, became the first postmaster and doctor. About 1846, they moved to Marshall, Calhoun, MI and after their? youngest child was born, they returned to VT. Dewey died at Fair Haven, VT May 1848.
They resided a few years in Marlborough, then moved to Westborough, Worcester county, where their six youngest children were born. Cornelius served in the militia and was sergeant in the French-and-Indian War (also known as the Seven Years' War). He served as constable (tax-collector) in 1767, after which the town records do not mention Cornelius or his wife. We have no dates of death, but neither appears as head-of-family in the 1790 census
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