For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Bigelow Lyman [Male] b. ABT. 1844 West Richfield, Summit Co, OH - d. 22 FEB 1862 Bardstown, KY
d of typhoid at Bardstown, KY a Pvt., Co. G, 64th OH Vol. Inf., 22 Feb 1862.
A Revolutionary War Soldier
born 25 August 1825 at Sidney, Delaware, NY. On 22 May 1847 at Decatur, WI, he married Mary Bethsheba Jones, the daughter of William and Bethsheba (Clark) Jones. She was born 30 July 1828 near Lake Champlain, VT and died 16 September 1886 Decatur, WI. Roswell early left NY, (1842), and went into WI and later, with his wife and three children, to Iola, KS, but later back to WI. He died at Sun Prairie, Dane, WI, 15 January 1888 and Mary died __ 1886.
John Reynolds was a physician and surgeon, served in the Civil War and saw Government Service in Washington, D.C., where he resided. He died there __1888.
Howe's Bigelow genealogy states she died in Missouri, having followed one of her sons there after William's death.
Deloney was a school teacher in Marion county, SC. He was about 40 when he married Margaret who was age 19. According to the 1850 NC census, Margaret was 18, when census taken. Margaret was the daughter of Archibald and Christian (Buie) McLellan
He went to Tennessee about 1850 and from there to Arkansas (or Texas) some time in 1852 and his family never heard from him. He is said to have died about 1853 and Theresa died at Trenton, TN 1854.
born 16 November 1828 in North Carolina and married on 27 February 1856 Drew county, AR to Mary Elizabeth Perry, daughter of William and Prudence (Bean) Perry. She was born 03 March 1840 in Randolph county, AL and only 16 at her wedding. Her stepmother was present and gave her consent to the marriage. All were of Ashley county at the time. Howe gives the name of Lambert L., but we accept the name as given on the marriage records at the time. After the death of Lyman in 1859 at Lacey, Drew, AR, (from a tornado or lightning strike), she re-married and had seven more children. She died at Miles, Texas, 11 November, 1902.
Aurelius was a tobacco farmer and died on 09 September 1929. He and his two wives are buried at Prospect United Methodist Church cemetery.
He operated a hotel in Trenton, Gibson co, TN
She died of blood poisoning14 June 1910 at Hartshorne,Pittsburg co.,OK. In 1880, this family resided in Yell county, Arkansas. Albert died 28 November 1912 at Haskel,, OK.
He served in the War of 1812
born 09 December 1795 at Peru, Clinton, NY. He married (1)11 October 1821 Betsy Levanway, b ca 1803-1804; d 18 August 1823 and married (2) on 15 December 1825, Henry Beech, Justice of the Peace, officiating, Julia Levanway. She was born about 1895 - parents unknown. They lived many years at Peru, but by 1850 this family was in St. Lawrence county, NY and a bit later moved into the Quad City area where Henry died 28 August 1855 (either Davenport, IA or Rock Island, IL), of "dyspepsia". On 24 May 1867 Julia applied for a mother's pension on behalf of sons John and Opher lost in the Civil War, but by the time the application was processed, (in 1869), she had died. Family records state that she died October 1866. In view of her application, the date 1867 is more probable. Family records also state 13 children, but the application and census support 14 children.
an affidavit of 1867 states: "went to Pike's Peak, not heard from in 2 years and presumed dead"; 1 son DeForest.
was a Capt. in Civil War; remained in NY where he m (unknown) and had 3 children who later moved to IA
When about 10 years of age, his family moved to St. Lawrence county, NY and then to Rock Island, IL in the early 1850's. A carpenter by trade, he was married on 14 March 1854 at Davenport, Scott, IA to Margaret Ann McGavran. She was born 22 December 1832 in Carroll county, OH the daughter of Thomas and Margaret (Brown) McGavran. They lived in Rock Island, IL two years and Edwin went west to build houses at Aurora, CO and his wife went to her uncle's in Harrison county, OH. By 1880, they were again united at Rock Island, but by 1864 had moved to Preemption, Mercer, OH where they had a farm. They later moved to IA but eventually settled at Yates Center, Woodson, KS and remained there the rest of their days. Edwin died of tuberculosis on 21 June 1890 and his widow on 17 March 1910.
wounded in civil war
William Henry served in the Civil War in Captain Frick's Rock Island, II Co., 37th IL Vol. Jane died on 19 June 1913 at Edmonds, Snohomish, WA. Five years prior to his death and on 16 September 1915 he married Sarah Roe. William died at Edmonds on 05 September 1920. He and Jane are buried at Edmonds Memorial Cemetery.
d 19 Dec 1862 of pneumonia while serving 1st U. S. Cavalry of Rock Island; buried Carlisle's Old Graveyard, Cumberland county, PA.
died of wounds; served as Pvt. in 34th Regt. IL volunteers; unm
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