For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Bigelow Samuel [Male] b. ABT. 1695 Hartford, Hartford Co, CT - d. ABT. 1749
baptized 31 Mar 1695 in First Church, Hartford, Hartford co, CT. He went to Southampton, Long Island, NY, where he lived for several years. About 1722 he married Mehitable (HALSEY) TAYLOR, daughter of Isaac and Abigail (HOWELL) HALSEY. Mehitable had married
(1) 27 Mar 1709 Joseph TAYLOR, a sea-faring man who was seldom home. In 1709 he was in Southampton and made his will, and was apparently home again in 1717, for he was father of a daughter (Elizabeth, born 1718, married 4 Nov 1741 John SPENCER). After this he was gone for a number of years, during which time Mehitable, believing him dead (he was in truth captured by the French and had been in Martinique and France), had married Samuel BIGELOW.
When Joseph TAYLOR returned home in 1731 he found his house occupied by Bigelow, Mehitable and child Elizabeth, and five new children. A curious set of legal documents exists, in which Taylor recounts his voyages, then makes out a quit-claim relinquishing house, wife, children and all. (See Goodmin's Ancestral Lines.) Attached to it is Mehitable's list of her Bigelow children's births.
On the land records at Middletown, CT, we find that Samuel BIGELOW of Southampton, ship's carpenter, on 2 Apr 1723 bought 350 acres of land in Middletown from Ezekiel Howell of Southampton, paying twenty shillings current money. Also, 4 Oct 1731 Samuel Bigelow sold a parcel of land to Moses Taylor of Hartford, said land located Middletown on the east side of the river, in what is now Portland; in 1733 he again sold land, now being of Southampton, but on
6 Jan 1738 he sold more land in Middletown, where he was a resident, and is spoken of as a physician. He drew up his will 14 Oct 1748, and it was proved soon after. He mentions wife Mehitable, sons Timothy, Isaac, and Samuel, daughters Abigail, Mary, and step-daughter Elizabeth Spencer. Estate appraised 23 Feb 1749 at L 3023-3-2.
He was married at unknown date, to Mary ______ . He lived during the early Revolution in Hartford, as one child was born in Hartford, but military records show that he served from New York state. He is on the census of New York state through 1810 and with his wife and 2 adult children died in 1813 during an epidemic. Mary died 22 Feb 1813 at Nassau, Rensselaer county, NY; Joseph died a few days earlier, on 19 Feb 1813.
1790 census: NY-Albany-Stephentown-Joseph Bigelow: 1-1-2-0-0.
Nathaniel served about 5 years in the Revolution between Jul. 1775 and Oct. 1781, being in the battles at White Plains, Boundbrook, Stony Point, and Yorktown. The birth and death data given below for his children varies slightly in some cases from that given on NSDAR application for National Number 511658. Lived at West Hartford, New Hartford, and Litchfield, CT, and Cherry Valley, Otsego Co., NY. There is some indication he was married twice. If so, the recorded birthdates of his children and name of first daughter suggest that his first child may have been a son of the first marriage.
mentally retarded
Daniel was a ship's captain. An item in the Connecticut Journal, issue of 11 Mar 1768 states that Capt. Bigelow arrived at new London from St. Eustatia in the West Indies. he died 1806, and is buried in Litchfield, CT, which was the home of his oldest surviving daughter.
Like his father, he early went to sea, and during the Revolution was second in command of the Ranger, at the time of its refitting for war service (John Paul Jones was to become its captain). At the close of the war, on 29 Sept 1782 in Boston, he married Mary JEPSON, of whom we have no information save that she was born about 1767 (either an inaccurate birth date or a very early marriage). Daniel followed the sea all his life, applying for a military pension in his old age. He was rejected on account of lack of proof. His obituary ran in the Boston papers on 3 Feb 1830, referring to his recent death in Boston.
1790 census: CT-Hartford-Hartford-Daniel Bigelow: l-0-1-0-0.
he was a sailor like his father, and at the time of his death (obit of 11 Oct 1806) was mate of the brig Truxton
They lived in Middletown, Middlesex co, CT, where he was landlord of the village tavern for many years, a large landowner, and prominent in the town. He died in Middletown 7 Apr 1776. his widow died 14 Oct 1819, aged 94 years, 3 months. He drew up his will 4 Mar 1771 (proved 6 May 1776) mentioning wife Elizabeth, to whom one-third his estate and use of the whole until his children should come to the age of twenty-one, then the remaining two-thirds to be divided among 4 children: Timothy, Samuel, Elizabeth and Sarah.
Isaac, b 15 June 1730; a sailor; his will, dated 6 Nov 1751, proved 14 Feb 1758; "I, Isaac Bigelow of Middletown in the county of Hartford being bound on a voyage to sea and considering the uncertainty of my temporal life do make this my last will and testament" and gives his brother Timothy Bigelow all of his real estate, to his three sisters Elizabeth Spencer, Abigail Cary, and Mary Whittemore, he divides his personal estate equally, and appoints his brother Timothy executor of his will, and makes no mention of his brother Samuel. the Boston News-Letter of 5 Jan 1758 notes that Isaac Bigelow died of smallpox "aboard the privateer Hercules recently."
He was a prominent man in town and for many years kept Bigelow Tavern, which was torn down in the late 1800's to give way to a more modern building. We have no date of death, but he drew up his will 8 Aug 1791, and it was proved 3 Oct 1791. It would appear he was but about 28 years at death; the will mentions wife Mary Ann, to whom he gave all his personal property except wearing apparel, sleeve buttons, shoe buckles, knee buckles and other ornaments, also the use of the house and home so long as she remain his widow. To his son John Ingraham, he gave all the real estate except as mentioned above, plus the wearing apparel, watch, jewelry and other articles of personal adornment. Timothy's brother Samuel and his friend George Phillips were appointed executors. Samuel Bigelow was appointed guardian of John Ingraham BIGELOW on 22 May 1795, and in 1794 John received a portion of his grandfather's estate. On 11 May 1816 John signed a release of his Uncle Samuel's bondsmen, the uncle having died in 1808.
1790 census: CT-Middlesex-Middletown-Timothy H. Bigelow: 1-4-2-0-0.
He was a carpenter by trade, and from Framingham town records we learn that he took the contract to get out the frame of the meeting house, for which he was to receive bills of credit to the amount of L120
They lived on the old homestead where his grandfather settled for many years. He served in Capt. Henry EAMES' co in 1757. It is thought that he accompanied his children in their move to Fitzwilliam, NH, for Daniel and Martha were admitted to the church there 31 March 1782. Daniel BIGELOW was taxed in Fitzwilliam from 1782 until and including 1799, after which we have no further record of him. His widow died in Keene, NH, 01 November 1820, aged 91 years, 10 months
When still in his minority he went to Leicester to work. There he married on 30 Apr 1756 Sarah STEBBINS, daughter of Capt. John and Sarah (SOUTHGATE) STEBBINS or STEBBINGS, but soon after returned to Framingham and lived there until he came of age. At that time he came into possession of his share of his deceased father's estate from his uncle Ephraim, administrator of the estate. He then returned to Leicester, but in 1766 moved to Spencer, where he lived until his death 19 Apr 1774. his widow, born ___ , married (2) Ezekiel HOWE of Shrewsbury; she died Shrewsbury 5 Apr 1806, age 74 years
He served in the Revolutionary War, and is probably the Daniel Bigelow of Framingham listed in Mass. Soldiers & Sailors of the Revolution, vol.2. He was married March 1783 in Framingham to Elizabeth GALLOT, daughter of Peter (jr) and Lydia (PRATT) GALLOTT. She was born 24 Jun 1762 in Framingham.
Daniel was a landowner in Fitzwilliam, NH in 1788, but their five oldest children were baptised in Framingham between 1784 and 1794. Later they moved to Keene, NH, where he appears on census. About 1811 Daniel left his family and returned to MA. He died 24 Oct 1823 at Woburn. His widow applied for a military pension, bringing in proof of marriage, and a page from the family Bible, showing births of six children. As late as 1855 Elizabeth was living in Charleston, Orleans county, VT.
Mass Sold & Sail of Rev War, Vol II:
Biglow, Daniel, Framingham. Pvt., Capt. Drury's Co, Col. Nixon's regt. Co. return dated Winter Hill Sept.30, 1775.
Biglow, Daniel, Framingham. Capt. Thomas Drury's Co., Col. Nixon's regt.; receipt for advance pay dated Cambridge, June 20, 1775; also, Private; muster roll dated Aug. 1, 1775; enlisted May 4, 1775; service 3 mos. 5 days; also, Capt. Caleb Brooks's Co., Col. Dike's regt.; return of men in service from Dec. 1, 1776, to March 1, 1777, guarding stores at Boston.
Bigelow, Daniel, Framingham. Private, Capt. Caleb Brooks's Co., Col. Nicholas Dike's regt.; pay abstract for mileage, etc., dated Boston, Nov.27, 1776.
Nathaniel was a Private in Capt. Davis Howlen's Co. in the Revolution, and had served at Ticonderoga.
born 6 Oct 1795 at Fitzwilliam, Cheshire county, NH. The family moved to Vermont in his early days. He married (1)1 Feb 1816 at Hubbardston, Rutland county, VT, Almira Fuller. She was born 18 Oct 1798 (from headstone) and died 1 May 1857 at Croton, Newaygo county, MI. Daniel and Almira lived a few years at Rutland, then at Benson, VT, but in the late 1820's removed to New York. Before 1835 they were in Elmore, Ottawa county, OH, but after their sons removed to Michigan, Daniel and wife followed them, settling at Croton, near Hesperia, Newaygo county. There he and his sons established a sawmill and gristmill on Bigelow Creek. After Almira's death, Daniel married (2) Clarissa ______ , b circa 1833, died at Croton 1860, age 27. He married, (3)15 Dec 1860 at Grand Rapids, Kent county, MI, Samantha Finch. She outlived him, and in 1888 was living at Hesperia, MI. Daniel died 8 Oct 1880, and is buried at Croton cemetery with his first wives.
born 27 Mar 1803, possibly at Pittsford, VT. When a young man he moved westward with his brothers Rufus and Daniel. In 1840 he was living in Oakland county, MI near his brother Rufus, but was not on the 1850 census either there, or in Newaygo county, where he is alleged to have lived. He had three sons, all of whom served in the Civil War, and two were killed in the Battle of the Wilderness.
Czar was a farmer, miller, mechanic and Supervisor of Everett township, Newaygo county. MI in 1864 and again 1870-1876. He died 0l October, 1877, and she 24 August 1876 both at Croton, Newaygo, MI and are buried at Croton.
Cyrus was a farmer and resided Newaygo county.
Amos served in Civil War: Co. A, 10th MI Cavalry and was associated with his father in mill operations,1856, then a general store owner and later a flour mill. Several of this family are buried in a small cemetery west of Hesperia, MI.
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