For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Dailey Charles [Male]
Charles was a private in KY volunteers during the Civil War and became a prisoner, had a plantation at Mt. Olivet, KY; held slaves that were released after the war and some of them stayed on as sharecroppers taking the surname Dailey.
was a lineal descendant of the Indian missionary David BRAINERD
He continued in this business until he met a St. Paul printer named Hiram Brown. The two men shortly came to a business agreement, and organized as Brown and Bigelow, with Brown investing $3000 and Bigelow investing $1500. Brown was never active in the business, and died in 1905. Bigelow's wife Nina having died in 1897, he then married Mrs. Frances Gillette, a widow, and her son Leon was adopted by Bigelow.
Brown and Bigelow expanded rapidly, constantly seeking larger quarters, until by 1904 it employed over 400 persons. It was shortly after this that Bigelow purchased Quality Park, and erected its modern building.
Other than purchasing a large farm, Bigelow continued to live abstemiously, plowing all the company profits back into the business. In its early days Brown and Bigelow was a model facility with large areas of glass and light, landscaped grounds and recreational facilities (both indoors and out) for its employees. It is said that Bigelow was a very paternalistic employer and admired Elbert Hubbard (the business man's philosopher), and wished to accomplish what Hubbard had done in his New York plant.
Herbert Bigelow was absolutely opposed to the unionization of any industry, for in his business there was no need of a union to protect the working-man's rights. He was equally outspoken on the subject of income tax. As early as 1905 Bigelow inveighed against taxes on either income or earnings. He considered such taxes an immoral penalty on initiative. Instead, he proposed a tax on what he considered unearned increments, that is, taxes on the property of landholders who merely sit back waiting for development to increase the value of their holdings.
Inevitably, Herbert Bigelow met head-on with the U.S. government, which was having difficulty enforcing its 1913 income tax law. The law W2S being widely ignored, and in the post Teapot Dome era, in the early 1920,s, the federal government chose to prosecute a few selected businessmen from each geographic area. One of these was Herbert Bigelow, who expected to be fined, but instead was sentenced to three years in prison. He served the minimum eight months at Leavenworth penitentiary, and it is typical of the man that while he was in prison he spent his time and money ameliorating the lot of his fellow-prisoners and their families. In particular, he became interested in one Charles Ward.
For many years after Bigelow's release from Leavenworth, the company followed the policy of employing ex-convicts whom they considered worth rehabilitating. Among these was Charles Ward who rose. first to general manager, and eventually company president after Bigelow's death.
Early in 1934 Bigelow's adopted son Leon died. In August of the same year Herbert's wife Frances died after a long illness, and a month later Bigelow himself died by accidental drowning in Bass Lake, Minnesota. (Note Newspaper accounts of Herberts death put his death in 1933)
He left an estate of three million dollars. One third went to his sister Helen (Mrs. Robert Porter Galloway) whose husband had joined Brown and Bigelow, coming from National Cash Register Company. One third, plus the farm, went to Charles Ward. The remaining third was divided between Leon Bigelow and Leon's son Herbert Bigelow II. (The latter died at age 40 in a car accident ) There were numerous other bequests, both large and small, to employees and relatives, including Herbert's sister Gertrude, who never married. Sole family survivor at present is Helen's son Herbert Galloway, a plastics manufacturer.
Material for this article was contributed by a ranking company member who volunteered that these facts could be checked in any large public library and that he himself is undertaking a definitive study of the life of Herbert H. Bigelow. Our thanks to him for details on the life of an enigmatic and purposeful man.
The above information was current in 1974
from the South Bend Trib 9-21-1933
Woman Also Dead in Canoe Trip in Minnesota.
Herbert H. Bigelow Chairman of the board of the Bigelow Press here and St. Paul, Minn., capitalist, evidently drowned in a northern Minnesota lake after a bitter struggle, according to searchers who recovered his body.
The bodies of Mr. Bigelow, aged 63, and Mrs. Ralph Mather, 39, also of St. Paul, were recovered late Wednesday from
Basswood lake, 20 miles north of Ely, Minn. Search was continued for Howard Schaeffer, woodsman guide of Ely.
The trio drowned last Saturday when their canoe, lashed by high wind and waves, overturned while they were returning from a fishing trip into Canada. Mrs. Mather's husband, returning in another canoe, escaped uninjured.
The body of Mr. Bigelow was found about 500 feet from Chicago island, near the spot where the overturned canoe of the party had been found. The news was flashed to Ely from a radio equipped launch aiding in the search. Basswood lake is in international body of water between the United States and Canada.
The searchers who found the bodies said it appeared that Mr. Bigelow fought against drowning for sometime, inasmuch as he had removed part of the heavy clothing which he wore. The clothing probably was removed after the canoe capsized and while he clung to its side.
The bodies were to be taken to St. Paul today.
Second Article From the South Bend N. T. 9-22-1933
C. J. Jackson, President of Local Branch, to Attend Funeral.
Claude J. Jackson, president of Bigelow Press, Inc., of South Bend, will leave for St. Paul, Minn., Friday night to attend the funeral Saturday afternoon of Herbert H. Bigelow, chairman of the board of the printing company, who lost his life last Saturday while fishing on Basswood lake near Ely, Minn.
The funeral service will be held at 2:30 p. m. Saturday from the home of R. P. Galloway, treasurer of the Brown & Bigelow Co., of St. Paul.
Mr. Bigelow and two companions were in the fishing boat when it capsized on the lake during a storm' last Saturday. His companions who perished with him were Mrs. Ralph Mather, socially prominent of St. Paul, and Howard Schaeffer, a guide from Ely, Minn.
The bodies of Mr. Bigelow and Mrs. Mather were recovered from the lake on Wednesday but according to reports received by Mr. Jackson from St. Paul, Friday morning, the body of Schaeffer has not yet been found.
Mr. Bigelow went north for a rest and a vacation two weeks ago accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Mather. Mr. Mather was in another boat when the mishap overtook the Bigelow boat.
Mr. Bigelow was a St. Paul millionaire who held extensive investments in the printing business both in St. Paul and South Bend. He became interested in the printing business here three years ago and was a frequent visitor in this city.
FROM ARTICLE IN "Brown and Bigelow Remembrance Advertising", St. Paul, MN:
Edmond B. Osborne and Norman d. Murphy were college chums in the 1880's. Partners after graduation, operating a weekly paper at Red Oak, IA, the young men wanted to run a picture in their publicastion of a projected new court house. Unable to pay for a "woodant" since this would use up the entire week's revenue from their paper, Osborne hit on an idea. He outlined to his partner a plan for printing a wall calendar, surrounding it with advertising of local merchants. About twenty-five businessmen went for the idea and the young advertising calendar pioneers netted $300.00 on the deal. They put out 1,000 calendars. Sensing the future in this field, Murphy and Osborne went on to form companies in Red oak, IA and Clifton, NJ, before splitting up to establish their separate firms.
The man who was to found the largest calendar firm in the World today was their first salesman. He was Herbert Huse Bigelow, who teamed up with a printer in 1896 to start Brown and Bigelow in St. Paul, MN. In the first year of operation the firm had a total business of $13,000.
Bigelow pumped life into the partnership through emphasis on quality and after three years, enlarged quarters were necessary.
These six paragraphs are from an article on Vintage Calendars, Narrative and Illustrated provided through courtesy of Brown and Bigelow of St. Paul, MN. This article was in the summer 1967 issue of Relics First Edition of Relics, Vol. I, No. I published by Western Publications, Inc., P.O. Box 3668, Austin Texas 78704. Article originally sent by Ed and Pat Bigelow to Society and added to Bigelow data 08 June 1998.
Mrs. Betsey Bigelow Hempstead, who died at the home of her nephew, Daniel Bigelow, at Lakeville, on the 29th ult., at the age of nearly 102 years, was the widow of the late Daniel Hempstead, of LeRoy, Geneseo county, N.Y., and the sister of the late Epaphroditus Bigelow, and for the last ten years has lived in this town where she died.
She was born in the town of Marlborough, Hartford county, CT., Nov. 20th, 1783, and is a lineal descendant of John Bigelow, who emigrated from Wrentham, county of Suffolk, England, to New England, and settled at Watertown, Mass., where he died July 14th, 1703. Her father, Daniel Bigelow, was a farmer by occupation, and was born and spent his life in the town of Marlborough, CT., where he died Nov. 11th, 1822, aged 84 years. He married twice. His first wife was Mary Brainard, of Westchester, CT., and a descendant of Rev. David Brainard, the noted Indian missionary. His second wife was Mrs. Sarah F. Ingham Chapman, Saybrook, CT., and the widow of a Congregationalist minister of that place. By each of these wives there were born to him seven children, eight sons and six daughters, ten of whom lived to mature years.
Mrs. Hempstead was the third child by the second wife, and was the last survivor of this large family, and attained a greater age than any other member of it. John D. Bigelow, her cousin, lived to the ripe age of 100 years, 5 months, and 7 days. His centennial was celebrated with much enthusiasm at his home in Marlborough, CT., July 23rd, 1870.
On February 11th, 1827, she was united in marriage to Daniel Hempstead, of her native town, and in September, 1828, removed to the town of LeRoy, N.Y., and settled upon a farm. Here they dwelt for many years, amid the quiet and retirement of their rural home, until the decease of her husband, which occurred from accident, Aug 21st, 1855. Having no children, her home became broken, and she subsequently lived with friends in the vicinity until her removal to this town, Oct. 14th, 1875.
It fell to the lot of Mrs. Hempstead to watch over and care for her parents in their old age. Her father, for some years, was nearly helpless, and consequently dependent. She fulfilled the mission of a faithful daughter to them till the end came. Her mother died first, Oct. 3d, 1820, aged 72 years, and her father followed about two years later, as before noted. During her residence with her nephew, she frequently alluded to this fact in her history, and in connection therewith would repeat the fifth commandment: "Honor thy father and thy mother, that thy days may be long in the land which the Lord thy God has given thee," and then affirm that she believed the reason the Lord had spared her so long, was because she had been so kind to her parents in their old age.**
She united with the Congregational church at Marlborough about the year 1816, and after removal to LeRoy became a member of the Ashbury Methodist church there, and retained her connection with that church till her death. She had the usual infirmities attendant upon great age, such as deafness, disabled limbs, and imperfect memory, but up to a short time before her death retained a well preserved eyesight and fair bodily health, spending most of the time in reading her Bible and hymn book. The remains of the deceased were taken to LeRoy on Thursday last and buried near those of her husband.
Epaphroditus Bigelow was born 4 Feb 1786 in Marlborough, Hartford co, CT and died 7 Apr 1874 at his home in Geneseo, NY, aged 88 years and two months. He was a lineal descendant of John Bigelow, who emigrated from Wrentham, county of Suffolk, England, to new England, and settled at Watertown, Mass., where he died July 14, 1703. He was the son of Daniel Bigelow by his second wife Sarah F. Ingham, he having married for his first wife Mary Brainard of Westchester, CT.
By each of his wives there were born unto him seven children, eight sons and six daughters, ten of whom lived to mature years.
One only of this large family survives, Mrs. Betsey Bigelow Hempstead, who has attained to the ripe age of 97 years (in 1881) and is the oldest person now living in the town of Geneseo. Epaphroditus Bigelow was the fourth child by the second wife. As his father was a farmer by occupation, he received his early training at home and upon the farm in summer, and attended the common schools of his native town in the winter. His early advantages were limited, but he fully improved upon what he enjoyed, and when of age became a common school teacher of quite large experience, having taught eleven winter terms in the schools of Connecticut and in Geneseo after his removal thereto.
In July 1813 he enlisted in the War of 1812, as a private in the 1st Regt, Conn State Troops under Capt. Enos H. Buell, his being the first name upon the company's roll. He served three months, the period for which he enlisted, at New London, CT, and was honorably discharged in the month of Sept. Under the act of February 14, 1871, granting pensions to survivors of the War of 1812, he became entitled to a pension, which he received up to the time of his decease.
He was married at Marlborough, CT, 7 Nov 1816 by the Rev. David B. Ripley to Sarah Phelps, oldest daughter of Oliver and Mary (Hills) Phelps. In the spring of 1818, he removed with his wife and infant son 9 months old, to Geneseo, NY. This son, Orimel, was living in 1881 in nearby Groveland, NY (but in 1850 was living in Michigan). The journey was undertaken in a canvas-covered lumber wagon, the style in those days, drawn by a yoke of oxen and one horse in advance, a distance of 330 miles in eighteen days.
He settled upon a farm in the eastern part of the town, land which he had previously bought of David Haynes, a native of Pennsylvania, who in turn had purchased it from Messrs. Wadsworth in Sept 1792, when the land was unbroken wilderness. Here Epaphroditus entered zealously upon the work of his life, continuing to dwell upon this chosen spot to the end of his days, a period of fifty-six years. In those days before canal or railroad had penetrated the Genesee valley the profits of farming were not large and markets were not near. Rochester, distant twenty-five miles, was the principal market, and here he sold his wheat at three shillings per bushel, and other farm products in proportion.
By industry and economy he in time secured a competency and raised and educated a large family of children. During the active period of his life he took a lively interest in public affairs. Among the town offices held by him were Justice of the Peace, Commissioner of Schools, and Assessor. He was a Whig until that party's dissolution, after which he became a Republican. He cast his first vote for President in the fall of 1808 for James Madison, and in all cast his vote seventeen times for the electors of President and Vice President of these United States.
Epaphroditus Bigelow was of Puritan ancestry, and was early taught the truth of devine revelations and made familiar with that gospel, which for so many years he adorned by a godly life and conversation. On May 22, 1838, under the pastorate of Rev. Horace Galpin, he united with the First Presbyterian Church of Geneseo, and was elected and ordained as a ruling elder Sept 2, 1836, in which office he continued until his death.
He was not a great man as some count greatness, but rather might be called one of those standard, reliable men to be found in every town, who seek to be useful in their day and generation, filling his place creditably and honestly and according to an enlightened judgment. he was a man of stern integrity and of firm convictions. Opinions once formed were tenaciously held. He was benevolent and generously contributed of his means for the good of his fellow men, and those enterprises organized for the purpose of advancing and improving the world had his support. He has acted his part upon the stage and has passed away, and the testimony is that his life's work was well done.
His wife united with the church at the same time as her husbandwhom she survived nearly four years. She was a worthy helpmeet, exemplary and faithful in all the duties relating to her home, to the church, and to her God. She was born 23 Oct 1795 and died 21 Mar 1878, aged 82 years. His children, were nine in number, all sons. Their names in the order of their ages were: Orimel, Revilo, Daniel, Harvey, Cyrus Phelps, Alonzo, Martin Luther, Merit Harmon, and Edward. Of these Cyrus Phelps, Alonzo, and Martin Luther died in childhood. Merit Harmon a young man of more than ordinary promise, died 10 Dec 1858, aged 24 years. Each one of those who lived to reach their majority, received an academic education at Geneseo Academy, Geneseo, NY.
Orimel married Jane Williams, is a farmer by occupation, and resides at Groveland, NY (1881). They have two children, a son and a daughter. Revilo lives at the village of Geneseo, and has married twice. His first wife was Sarah Alice Wilbur by whom he had two daughters. For his second wife he married Mrs. Nancy S. Haynes, by whom he also has two daughters. Daniel dwells upon the homestead of his late father, deceased, and married Helen A. Whitney, of Avon, NY. They have a son and daughter.
Harvey lives at Rush, N.Y., and is a wagon and carriage maker. He married Maria VanBuskirk, and they have five children, two sons and three daughters. Edward lives at Austin, Minn., and is a merchant in the drug and stationary business. He served his country for three years in the late Rebellion, and held a captain's commission, and has been the Principal of several higher institutions of learning in the West. He married Lucy A. Brown, by whom he has three children, two sons and a daughter.
Revilo served as Justice of the Peace for several years at Geneseo
Daniel was a farmer, merchant, teacher, commissioner, superintendant, assessor very active in town affairs
Edward was a teacher and educator, Superintendent of Schools in Austin, MN and President of the Dewey Academy, Troy, IL. He served in the Civil War, 130th Regt. IL. Vols. and later was commissioned as Captain in the 93rd U.S. Colored Infantry. We do not have the death data on him or his wife.
Merritt was a High School teacher in Atlantic City
Donald C. Gustin was a banker and served in U. S. Marines
Dorothy Bristol 9 BIGELOW, dau of Merritt Harmon 8 ( Harvey 7 , Epaphroditus 6 , Daniel 5 , David 4, Lt. John 3, Joshua 2, John 1) and Mary Gertrude (BRISTOL) BIGELOW, was born 8 September 1901 at Malone, Franklin co, NY. The family moved to Utica, NY, and then in 1908 to Atlantic City, NJ, where Dorothy received her schooling. She graduated from Russel Sage College in Troy, NY in 1923 and was appointcd Executive Secretary in the Highway Department by Gov. A. E. Smith. Dorothy married Thaddeus Ely Baer of Peoria IL on 09 April 1926.
Thadeus Ely 10 Baer, was born 12 Aug 1896, the son of John Valentine Baer and Louise 9 (Ely) Baer (Louise 8 (Frisby) Ely, Ellen 7 (Bigelow) Frisby, Lewis 6 Bigelow, Daniel 5 , Daniel 4, Daniel 3, Joshua 2, John 1). He was also a Bigelow descendant, so their children have double Bigelow lineage. Thadeus died 10 February 1937. Dorothy then moved with her son and daughter to Fresno, CA, where her sister Marion E. Bigelow wa teaching at Fresno State College.
Dorothy was active at First Presbyterian Church and many civic organizations including Community Chest, PTA, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and the Parlor Lecture Club. She enjoyed working with young people, and with her sister, Marion, entertained many groups. She had travelled widely and gave many travelogues.
Dorothy (Bigelow) Baer died suddenly on 19 April 1999 at the age of 97, in Fresno, CA. See Memorial from Forge.
She was a librarian
He was a physician and lived in Granville, MA
He graduated at Yale in 1802, was ordained in Middletown, VT the same year, and held the ministry in that town for thirty years. He married Abigail Clark, of whom no information. He died in Middletown 25 June 1832.
Jesse graduated from Yale College, and was a physician at East Haddam.
He was a lawyer and farmer. He had practiced law at Findlay, OH a few years, then moved to IN where he took up the farming aspects of his life.
He early went to OH as we find that he was a Major in the OH Militia in 1839. On 05 May 1840 he married Harriet Hine Frisbie. The marriage took place in Erie county, OH. She was the daughter of Calvin and Charlotte (Hine) Frisbie and born in Rutland; VT on 11 November 1821. Phillip was a merchant by trade.
Was shot in Civil War
He was engaged in early part of life, in banking and became Secretary-Treasurer of the Commercial Bank Savings and Trust Co., in Findley, OH in 1908. He was a member of societies and clubs; Sons of American Revolution, 32nd Mason, Presbyterian. His address was Bigelow Hill, Findley, OH.
Article from "Centennial Biographical History"
Born on a farm now included in the corporate limits of Findlay and resident here all his life, the subject of this sketch has pursued the "even
tenor of his way" unobtrusively, fulfilling without ostentation all those duties and meeting all the obligations required of a good citizen. He has
devoted all his time to the peaceful pursuits of farming, his only ambition being a desire to be considered a worthy member of that class whose ingenuity
and enterprise have placed Ohio among the first of American states in all that relates to advanced agriculture. Mr. Bigelow is descended both on the
side of father and mother, from an ancestry that takes us back to the earliest history of America, and to a period very remote in the chronicles of
England. the genealogy runs to 1243. Henry Bigelow, grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was born in Colchester, CT, Feb 20, 1778, and became
a man of distinction in new England. He attended yale college, was graduated there in 1802, subsequently achieved fame as a congregational minister and
died at Middletown springs, VT., June 25 1832. His son, Philip D. Bigelow, was born at Middletown springs, VT, Dec. 1, 1812, came to OH in early manhood
and settled in Hancock co., in 1841. He engaged in merchandising at Findlay, which he followed until 1853, when he purchased a farm near the city and
lived there until his death, which occurred Aug 13, 1868. During his residence in OH he acquired a position of standing influence, serving on the State Board of Equalization in 1859-60, and for a long period as justice of the peace in Fairfield co. July 10 1839 he was appointed by General Wilson Shannon as major of the OH Militia, and in the discharge of this, as of all other trusts conferred upon him, showed himself to be a man of energy and good business qualifications. May 5, 1840 he married in Erie co., Harriet Hine Frisbie, d/o Calvin Frisbie, and the three sirvivors of their five children are Frank F., Charles H. and Ella J., the latter, now the wife of George L. Cusac of Findlay.
Charles Henry, second child, was born 5 Jun 1854 on the farm where he now reisdes, in the present corporate limits of Findlay, OH. He grew up in this place and nearness to town gave him the benefits of good schools, of which he availed himself to acquire a fair education in youth. After leaving college, Mr. Bigelow returned to his farm, the cultivation and care of which has furnished his continuous occupation from that time up to the present. He has made a success of his business and the appearance of his place indicates that he is a painstaking as well as an industrious husbandman. On October 15, 1879 Mr. Bigelow married Miss May, d/o H. M. Vance, member of a substantial family at Findlay. Bernard Barton Bigelow, whose birth occurred on the 5 of Aug 1882, is the only child of this union. Mr. Bigelow is a member of the Sons of the American Revolution and politically in accord with the principles set forth in the platform of the Republican party.
This family moved into Oregon Territory in 1851 and a letter written by Lucia to her mother, dated 16 September 1851, describes the journey west with her family. Elijah was the son of Reuben and Mehitabel (Harris) Williams and was born on 04 August 1809 at Huntington, Lucerne, PA. He was a lawyer and merchant. Lucia died at
Salem, OR on 22 May 1874. Elijah died at Portland, OR on 16 May 1886. He had three sons by his first marriage. One
died on the Oregon Trail en-route.
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