For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Bigelow Judson [Male] b. 17 JUN 1876 - d. 27 MAR 1959
Jud had a log cabin on the Bigelow Road in Ellenburgh and maybe a sawmill. There also was a small store that burned down near that road, that Jud had an interest in. Also said to have lived in Plattsburgh part of his life maybe 1920's. He was said to have been living in Malone when Marcia (Mrs. Bert Welch) died at the age of 61 in Plattsburgh.(Judson had a daughter that died in a fire?)
He attended St. Lawrence University in Canton, NY on an athletic scholarship. Throughout the years, Claude has pursued his formal education, attending several universities, depending on where he was stationed. His persistence paid off and he now has a B.A. and an M.A. in Business Administration.
Claude is married to Ardith Louise BAILEY, known as 'Lee'. They have two children, Claudia Lee (BIGELOW) HOWARD and John Claude BIGELOW, and three grandchildren.
Claude spent twenty-two years in the Army Signal Corps. He entered in 1942 and rose through the ranks from private to major. Staying in the Army at the close of World War II, he retired in 1965.
After his retirement from the army he went into the dry-cleaning business. He has owned and operated several plants, in all spending about thirty-five years in the business. He has held the office of President in the Harbor Dry Cleaning Association, California Dry Cleaners Assoc., and International Dry Cleaners Assoc.
Claude's interests and endeavors cover a wide variety of activities. His Masonic career spans from DeMolay to Shriner, he has held the position of Boy Scout Master for five years, played the lead in many plays throughout high school, college, church, and Masons, and sang in several choirs. Claude dabbles in Real Estate and has property in California, Arizona and New York. He has travelled extensively especially in his motor home.
Claude is very sociable, friendly and outgoing; he loves to meet people and enjoys life. If you have met Claude you know what I mean, if you haven't you'll surely want to make it a priority.
Rod Bigelow writes, "My Aunt Ruth lived in Fountain Valley, California (2000) with Everett E. Fitzpatrick. She and Bud used to travel a lot in an Airstream trailer. They traveled all over the west, Alaska and Mexico. Bud used to show home movies of their travels through the Redwoods, Grand Canyon, Rose Bowl Parade, and other great sights that I would have to wait until I was over 50 to see myself. She is still very active for 85 years young, plays Bingo and visits at the senior center and bowling lanes with Everett. She remembers her mother Pearl, Aunt Shum and Uncle Ben Hobbs very fondly, as do I. I visited her in California in late Oct 2000, and her memory is failing, but we remembered when we stayed at Uncle Ben's camp on Chazy Lake and what fun we had. Ruth attended at least one reunion in California, while her brother Claude was president. She was in failing health for a number of years before her death. Ruth died 13 March 2004 in Foutain Valley, California."
only 13 yrs old when his father died and had to quit school to help support the family.
Mr. Roger Lynn Bigelow
July 02, 1917 - November 26, 2003
Bigelow, Roger, 86, of 147 Marconi Ave., Bristol, husband of Ruth L. (McGee) Bigelow died Wednesday, November 26, 2003 at Plainville Healthcare Center, Plainville. Born in Dannemora, NY on July 2, 1917 a son of the late John and Pearl (Hoff) Bigelow he lived in Bristol for several years. He was a corrections officer for the State of NY for 36 years retiring in 1976. He was a US Army Veteran of WWII and a 31 year member of the BPOE #1010 and a 57 year member of the American Legion. Besides his wife he leaves one son Roger Jon Bigelow of Chazy Lake, NY, three daughters Sheri Thompson of Bristol, Kandi Banko of Wallingford, CT and Kelli Klemonski also of Bristol; a sister Ruth Banks of Fountain Valley, CA, 11 grandchildren, 13 great grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. The funeral will be held Saturday 2 pm at DuPont Funeral Home, 25 Bellevue Ave., Bristol, with Rev. Dr. Mark Hansen, Pastor of St. John’s Episcopal Church officiating. Visitation will be Saturday 1 hour before the service at the funeral home. Burial will be at the convenience of the family in NY.
Notes from Arlene Reynolds scrapbook in Brainardsville: Henry attended Colgate 1909. He was the son of Harmon. Married Eva Mae Elliot of Malone 29 July 1913, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. M.J. Elliot. Hattie M. Bigelow, sister of groom attended. Henry and wife lived in Chicago, moved to N. Lawrence 1914 bought store of Mrs. Levi Youmell, lived So. Main St. Henry graduated from Franklin Acad. Malone 23 May 1907:AR 5. AR 7:"Henry, a Chateaugay boy and a graduate of Frank. Acad, who entered Colgate Univ. last fall (1907) has been made a member of Beta Theta Pi Frat. and is playing on the varsity football team."also on AR 7:"Mrs. M.J. Elliott and dau. Miss Eva were Xmas guests of Mr. & Mrs. A.J. Elliott.(1912)"
AR 10: Buying store in N. Lawrence and Living in house formerly owned by William Chambers.also visits to Ogd.etc in 1915-16. AR 17: Has wedding announcement July 29, 1913 and birth announcements for son Paul Harmon,and daughter Marion Margaret. AR 18: notes on party breaking camp on Buckhorn Point July 1903 mentions Henry J. and scholarship won by Henry J at Frank. Acad. AR 37: Gen.Store bought as well as adjoining building as furniture and under-taking business and barn in the rear.also ice house built adjoining; Feb 27,1918. Children:
Dwight Ernest Jr., was an Air Force Officer in the U. S. Air Force. He was stationed in California in 1952, Wyoming 1952-3, Texas 1953, IL 1954, Italy 1963-67, MS 1967-68, WA 1968-1970, AK 1970-71, WA 1971-75 and has resided at Seattle, WA since 1971.
They were parents of three sons
He served Revolutionary War, and was mentioned in will of father in law Ezra Bigelow.
Alfred was a banker.
1857 he was in Franklin co., IA and served in Co. H., 32nd Inf., IA Vols. during the Civil War. He was a saddler by trade and owned his own business.
was engaged in business as a flour dealer in Buffalo
BIGELOW, Lucious S., general manager and secretary of the W. O. Hickok Manufacturing Company, Harrisburg, Pa., and its active head since the spring of 1888, was born in Homer, Courtland county, N. Y., September 6, 1859. During his childhood Mr. Bigelow lived in Homer, N. Y., Jackson, Mich., Silver Creek, N. Y. , and Buffalo, N. Y. At the last named place, he, as a youth, took a lively interest in the art of printing, and started in an amateur way a printing office, in a building adjoining the rear of the family homestead. Some time later he took into partnership a brother, now of Boston, then connected with one of the Buffalo banks.
Business increased, and by degrees this small office grew into prominence. It was removed into the business portion of the city, and conducted under the firm name of Bigelow Bros.. to which firm, later, a third brother, then connected with the auditing department of the F. and P. M. railway at East Saginaw, Mich., was admitted to partnership, the business having been again extended.
Later. the founder of this well-known concern, receiving a flattering proposition from a company of large lumber operators, took a responsible position with them which at times called him into Pennsylvania. During these trips into the Keystone State Mr. Bigelow met and subsequently married Miss Sarah Esther Harris, born in Harrisburg, and one of the few living direct descendants of John Harris, who settled on the present site of Harrisburg, and of John Harris, his son, the founder of the city which bears his name, and who gave to the State of Pennsylvania, for the site of a State house, the beautiful spot upon which that building now stands, and to the city of Harrisburg "Market Square," for market purposes.
Although Mr. Bigelow's lumber connections were in Tonawanda, near Buffalo, N. Y., the largest lumber shipping point in the world, he decided to live in Harrisburg, making that city the center of the territory which he controlled and conducted in the sales department of the business. During his early residence in Harrisburg ', Mr. Bigelow met many of the business men of that city, and receiving one day a request to drop into the office of one of these gentlemen, be complied, and was there told that the board of directors of the W. 0. Hickok Manufacturing Company had at a recent meeting decided to offer for his acceptance the position of general manager and secretary of that company. This suggestion was an entire surprise to Mr. Bigelow, since he had known nothing of the proposed plan, but his early training in printing and bookbinding having' well fitted him to conduct the mechanical end of the Hickok Company's business, which is the manufacturing of bookbinder's and paper ruler's machinery, and his experience in later years having fitted him to conduct the office, sales department and general business, he finally, after deliberation, decided to accept the offer, although in doing so he gave up a very desirable position and business. Certain suggestions made by the directors of the Hickok Company decided him to make the change. The business has prospered under Mr. Bigelow's management; its line of manufactures has received material additions, thus enlarging its field of usefulness and profit. The concern is doing a large foreign as well as domestic business. The recent addition of a bicycle department to the line of manufactures of the Hickok Company was purely the outcome of suggestions and investigations made by Mr. BigeIow. His untiring efforts, coupled with a highly expert assistant in the foreman of that department, whom he has secured from another city, bids fair to make of it a marked success. They will build the highest grade of wheels.
Mr. Bigelow is a stockholder in the J. H. McFarland Printing Company, a member of the Board of Trade of Harrisburg and the secretary of the Association of American Manufacturers. In his political views he is a Republican. He is a member of Market Square Presbyterian church and is solo bass in its choir. He is a trustee of the Paxtang Presbyterian church. The children of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Bigelow are: Katharine, Harris Storres and Allen Caryl.
killed by a fire engine on Howard University Campus where he was a student.
When still a boy he went with his father, R. D. Bigelow, to Upper Canada, where he lived about four years, when they moved to Wisconsin, where he worked at the blacksmith trade about ten years. He came to Iowa in May, 1850, where, locating in Washington township, he spent three years. Bought the place where he still resides, in Williamsburgh, in 1868. Farming and blacksmithing were his principal business. He married Harriet E. Vargason (Vargesen) (also mentioned as Miss Harriet E. Varyason) of Wisconsin; b 1828 and died 12 August 1897. They lived in Woonsocket, South Dakota where he was a blacksmith. He died 26 November 1888 in Woonsocket. James L. Bigelow was one of the early pioneers. There were only two married men in Independence at the time he came. He ground the corn for his bread seven weeks, in a coffee-mill. He has passed seventeen days at a time without seeing the face of a white man. There was only one corn mill in the county, and people came for sixty miles to grind. They could grind about two bushels a day. Though they can remember some severe hardships, yet they look upon those days as being full of pleasure and happiness. True fellowship then existed.
They moved to Canada. Once Blanche became pregnant with Elsie they moved back to the USA so she would be an American citizen. George worked on the railroad, He was a gang Forman for 15 to 20 men, who unloaded coal for the steam locomotives. They would push coal cars up on a raised track and unload the coal in bins. Then dump it into the locomotive tenders. When they did away with the Humphres and put in an elevator coal chute my dad operated that on the day shift. A night employee let the cable on the elevator run out and while my dad was putting them back on, he got his hand tangled in the cable. It almost tore his arm off. Later he got blood poisoning in his arm and died from it. At the age of 39 years 4 months 4 days.
He was well liked and a good husband, father and provider for the and take care of 7 children. His wife got a widows pension from the state, and with what money her husband left her she supported all the children. She washed dishes in restaurants and hired out to do house work. During the 1930 C.P.A. had sewing rooms where the government made clothes for the needy. She worked in the sewing rooms when her husband was alive.
they lived in a small farm house about 1 mile out side of Huron S.D. When her husband died she sold the farm and she had a small house in Huron. It had 2 bedrooms and a combination kitchen and dinning room, and it had an enclosed front porch. It was crowded but they managed. There were many hardships. Food and clothing were hard to come by. But they all survived. A lot of people were affected by the depression so they didn't know how poor they were. She also lived in Neb. but went back to Huron, SD. She had 15 Grandchildren and 21 Great-grandchildren. She died November 12, 1971 in Beresford, SD; Burial: 15 Nov 1971, Union, SD. He had died December 08, 1923 in Huron, SD.They lived in Alpena, most of their lives, and were farmers . George: Burial: 10 Dec 1923, River Side Cemetery, Huron, SD; Occupation: Rev. at Congregational Church
He was veteran of the II World War and Korean War. Member of the American Legion Post 43. Occupation: Human Resource Agency
Known as Uncle Butch, he served in the Navy from 1 Oct. 1965 to 20 Sept 1969
Elmer grew upon a farm near Viborg S.D. Graduated from Hurley High School in 1948.He served in the U.S. Navy. for 4 years during the Korean War. During the course of his life, he farmed near Beresford,until 1968 and then farmed north of Parker S.D. He moved to Worthing in Jan. 1989. He worked in Construction and Meat Packing Industries. He was last employed as a Federal Meat Inspector at John Morrell Company in Sioux Falls,, SD. He was a member of St. Edwards Catholic Church and Bradshaw American Legion Post 177 in Worthing S.D.
Served in the war of 1812
Horace was a cabinet maker in northern Vermont and employed by the Ethan Allen Furniture Company.
Alfred was a farmer and in 1830 was of Hart county, KY and listed as "Alphred Bigalow" then later, of Hamilton county, KY. He moved his family into OH where his sixth child was born and he is listed in 1840 census of Miami township. Alfred died in Illinois.
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