For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Bigelow Moses [Male] b. 12 JAN 1800 Lyon's Farms, Essex Co, NJ - d. 10 JAN 1874 Newark, NJ
born 12 Jan 1800 at Lyons Farms, NJ. He was married (1)1832 to Eliza Tichenor, daughter of Isaac Tichenor. He married (2) 4 Feb1836 Julia Ann Breckenridge Fowler, daughter of Dr. Samuel Fowler, the mineralogist. She was born in Hamburg NJ 17 Feb 1813, and died in Newark 3 June 1878. Moses died 10 Jan 1874, also in Newark. Moses studied for the law, but never practiced it.
Moses was a varnish manufacturer, the business enduring for two generations. Moses also invested in railroads as early as 1835, firmly believing that rail transportation would play a large part in the development of commerce throughout the country. He drafted the charter for Mechanics' Fire and Marine Insurance Company. He held directorships in several Newark banking and lending institutions, as well as Citizens' Gas-Light Company.
He was the first Democrat ever elected as Newark's mayor, serving from 1856 through five terms. He reorganized the police department, created the board of health, and established a city dispensary of health care for the poor. He inaugurated a block system of mapping and numbering within the city, established a sinking fund to eliminate city indebtedness, and formed the City Acqueduct board. During the Civil War, he was active in raising funds for the Union cause. Later in life he was manager of the State Asylum for the Insane, and organized the New Jersey Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, being much appalled at the general treatment of livery and dray horses.
Moses was a varnish manufacturer.
born at Burlington, 21 Apr 1771, and was a carpenter by trade, and a Quaker. The Monthly Meeting of the Society of Friends at Burlington records that Thomas was "disowned" from the church for marrying out of discipline, i.e., out of the Quaker faith. By 1803 Thomas and Rebecca were residents of Jefferson county, OH, and became landowners there. In 1817 they were again in good standing, and belonged to the Smithfield Society of Friends in Jefferson county. In 1829 they sold their property and purchased land in Morgan county, OH. Thomas KIRBY died at Pennfield, OH 3 Feb 1837; Rebecca on ??.
signed 1776 Pequannoc Remonstrance & served in Revolutionary War. 1790 he was on census at Halfmoontown, Albany Co., NY now Saratoga Co. In 1800 he was in Oneida Co. with 1 son and two daughters under age 10, 2 sons 10-16 and parents ages between 26 and 45. In 1820 he was at Coverntry in Chenango Co. He applied and got Rev. War pension. In 1838 he wrote a letter from Chanango Co. to his children in Cuba NY and referred to his pension and family members and his own approaching death. We have no further records of him.
"On Memorial of William Bidwell, of Hartford, Administrator of the estate of Daniel Bigelow, late of Hartford, deceased: Showing to this Assembly the s'd Daniel Bigelow died intestate, leaving three children by his first wife, whose maiden name was Hannah Bidwell, which Hannah was owner of land when she married unto s'd Bigelow, and that the s'd Bigelow had by s'd Hannah, one son and two daughters which still survive, and that all the movable estate is not sufficient to pay all s'd Bigelow's just debts, and shewing that Martha, one of the daughters of s'd Daniel and Hannah, who is now 13 years old, is an idiot and wholly incapable of doing anything for herself, and memorialist would ask that some person be appointed to estate of s'd Martha to pay a bill of L 24, 12s, which was ordered, and appointed Joseph Pitkin and Jonathan Bull. "
Lieutenant John 3 BIGELOW, son of Joshua 2, John 1, and Elizabeth (FLAGG) BIGELOW was born 20 Dec 1681 in Watertown, Middlesex, MA. John had 2 sons with first wife Hannah _____. Her grave found in Cemetery Rd Cemetery,Colchester 110494.RJB with her grandson John 5son of John 4.(this grave of Hannah appears to be a wife of John 5, not Lt. John) Lt. John born in Watertown,early moved to Hartford,CT, his grave in the Colchester Common Cemetery found 110494.RJB. Also stones for Hanna Munn, other Munns and Bigelows including children of Asa and Dorothy. When John moved to Hartford he followed his uncles John 2 and Jonathan 2 BIGELOW.
He married (1) at unknown date, Hannah _______. Following the birth of their first child, they moved to Colchester,CT in early 1709, and there his wife Hannah's death is recorded 31 Mar 1709. John then married (2) 4 Nov 1709, his cousin Sarah BIGELOW, daughter of Jonathan 2 and Rebecca SHEPHERD BIGELOW, born unknown date. Sarah buried in Colchester Common Cemetery, near Lt. John. Sarah was born Hartford, Hartford,CT unknown date. She is said to have been a tailoress by trade, and to have brought John as dowry a bushel of silver coins earned with her needle. With this money, they built "the most elegant house on Bulkeley Hill" bringing 12 men from Hartford, 25 miles through the woods by a blazed trail. There was not sufficient skilled labor to be found in Colchester. The house stood until the 1870's. Sarah died 13 Oct 1754 in an epidemic fever which claimed also her son Asa and 2 of his children, all within 6 weeks. John then married (3)Abigail ________,whose headstone states she died 1 Aug 1760 in the 58th year of her age, as John's 3rd wife. (Addenda: Abigail identified in Joshua Hempstead diary as follows: "Wed, Sept 17,1775. Afternoon I went to Capt. John Miller's and married his mother [Abigail) to Mr. John Bigelow and he carried her away about 3 o'clock." Hempstead was a justice-of-the-peace in New London, CT. Abigail said to have probably been nee Lewis, and a widow of Jeremaih Miller.)
He then married (4) Hannah Munn, of whom no records. May be headstone in Colchester Common Cemetery, where a lot of Munns are buried. John died 8 Mar 1770 in Cochester, New London, CT. He made his will 1769, bequeathing the house and part of his personal property to Hannah, lands and property to sons David & John Jr. and 6 shillings apiece to children of his deceased son Asa, whose children he had raised.
Headstone in Colchester Common Cemetery " In Memory of Mrs. Sarah ye wife of Lt. John Bigelow who died July 13,1754 at age 75.""So Pious,Prudent, Patient and Kind. Perhaps he Equal may not be left behind." (Age may be wrong or misread) John's headstone reads"In Memory of Lt. John Bige(cont. on next line)low who died March ys 1770."
Headstone to the right of Lt. John in Colchester Common Cemetery reads " Abigail wife of Lt. John Bigelow died Aug 1,1760 58th yr""She was a vir____ among women.""
Headstone in Colchester Common Cemetery near Lt. John's looks like Hannah, may be male Isaiah Munn "d. Sept 23, 1799 60 yrs old"..Next to that stone is Mr. or Mrs. Abi, consort to Hannah or Isaiah MUNN died Oct 3,1823. Age 80. These stones are also near Asa 4 BIGELOW, whose children John raised after Asa died.
Colchester Settler Lieutenant John Bigelow
Lieutenant John Bigelow and His Family
Local History by Kevin Tulimieri
COLCHESTER - In 1864, Charles M. Taintor described the first settlers of Colchester in the Preface of the Extracts From The Records of Colchester as: "a body of men of the highest respectability, and of the first families from different parts of the country.... " The group was indeed a company of distinguished families, many members the descendants of New England's first colonial leaders. These prominent men were led to Colchester in 1698 by Quarter Master Nathaniel Foote, also from an important colonial family. Foote was a leader in the early Connecticut militia and the grandson of a founder of Wethersfield. The Footes' celebrated reputation attracted many members of New England's leading families to the new plantation "at or near the place Called Jermiah's farme upon the Rode to Newlondon."
Among the list of early Colchester settlers who followed Foote into the Connecticut wilderness was "John Bigloo a son of Joshua Bigloo of Watertown, which John Bigloo now dwells in Hartford on the east." The Bigelow family, as the name has been adjusted to over the years, settled early in Colchester and played an important role in town for generations. Lieutenant John Bigelow arrived in Colchester between the years 1706 and 1709. He was the grandson of John Bigelow, a proprietor of the early Massachusetts Bay Colony at Watertown. Lieutenant John Bigelow, the son of Joshua, must have been in Colchester by 1709, when town clerk Miceall Taintor recorded the birth of his son and resulting events: "John bigelow son to John bigelow b. March 25th : 1709 - hannah the wife of John bigelow Dyed March 31t: 1709 - John bigelow.... & Sarah Bigelow m. November 4th: 1709."
After what appears to be a tragic start in his new home, Bigelow persevered and continued to be involved in the early Colchester community. He had his second child in Colchester on July 17, 1712, a daughter named Sarah. Later that year, on December 31, 1712, John "biglo" was entered in Taintor's Record of Colchester as being elected as a "lestor," or lister. The lister was the colonial equivalent of a tax assessor, a person who would list the value of each person's property for tax purposes. A symbol of success, town offices such as "lestor" were reserved for the most respected members of the community. This was the first of many important positions Bigelow would hold, a tribute to his popularity in Colchester over many years.
The Bigelows soon added another child to their family, a son Jonathan, on May 21, 1714. John Bigelow remained involved in town affairs and on "Decembr ye 27, 1714," he was elected for two positions, "Inspecter" and "Surveyer." However, less than a month later, he was elected to his most important position yet. On "Jenewary the 4th, 1715," Bigelow was elected as a member of the seating committee for the Meeting House. In the early days of Colchester, as in most New England towns, the pews in the Meeting House were arranged according to your prominence in town. First, the status of the seats had to be established. The initial design seems to have caused some controversy and was revised less than a week later. Taintor reported the final layout on "Jenewary ye 10th.... the pue next to the pulpitt to be the first - 2d in dignety is the 2d pue & the fore seat to be equall In Dignetie. 3d in Dignety is the second seat - 4th is the third seat equall with ye third Pue - 5. is the fowrth seat equall with the fowrth Pue - next the fifth seat: next: 6th - 7th - 8th - " The rules for seating the congregation instructed the committee to consider: "first the 12d & 3d Rate for buelding the meeting hows to be Considered in Conjuction with the present List of estates - further in the next place age with other quallefiecations to be considered.... further it was voated that the seators shall also Consider the last years List with ye other abovementioned....." Bigelow and five other highly respected men in the community were elected for this important job. Unfourtunately, the final arrangement of seating in the Meeting House was not recorded, so we don't know where Bigelow seated his own family. However, over the next few years, Bigelow continued to serve in Colchester's most distinguished town offices.
The Bigelow family celebrated their own success with the birth of Asa on September 3, 1720, the third child of John and Sarah. Then it was back into community service a few months later. On December 27, 1720, "sergt ebenr Dible Sargt Nathaniell foot & John biglow ware chosen to Inspect into the encroachments made by persons: by fencing & takeing into thayr Improvement further & more then was layd out to them: in their other Devisions of land: & said Comittie shall give such persons Reasonable notice to thro up or Remove thayr fence - that so the town in generall may be benefited there by - & if any person or persons shall neglect to lay to the Comons : such land : so Incroached : eigther in the town street or in : devisions of land thay are hearby Impowered to prosecute : any such person in the law for thayr so doing." Bigelow's new position, with the power to adjust boundaries and prosecute violators, was a very powerful office. Sharing committee work with Sergeant Foote, the son of the original Colchester settler Nathaniel Foote, also shows the continued rise in Bigelow's status.
A few years later, Isaac Bigelow becomes active in Colchester and begins to appear in Taintor's Record. It is unknown exactly when Isaac entered town or his exact relation to John Bigelow. But he must have been in Colchester for a while before December 1723, when he was elected to the position of "Colecteror," or tax collector. Without doubt, dealing with the town finances was taken very seriously and reserved for the most trusted and respected members of the community. Although Isaac doesn't appear in Colchester's earliest records, he quickly earned a prominent position in town. The next December, Isaac was again elected to serve the town, this time as a "waywarden," taking care of the town roads.
The next year, John Bigelow re-appears in Colchester's town records. He is now listed with the title of Sergeant, reflecting a promotion in the militia. The first entry bearing Bigelow's new title is on December 13, 1725, when he is elected to three different positions. First, "Sergt John biglow" and "Isaac biglow" are both elected as "howards," supervisors of the town's animal population. Seargeant Bigelow was also elected as one of the "Tithingmen," to collect money for the support of the church and preacher. The third position was with "ensign Wells" and "serg Ephream foot" in the important work of the "Choole Comittie," creating the town's first district schools.
The 1725 entry is the last surviving record of John Bigelow's work in Colchester. He continued to rise in rank in the militia, eventually reaching the high level of Lieutenant. Liuetenant John Bigelow died in 1770, leaving two children from his first wife and five by his second wife, Sarah. His son Asa would also become involved in town affairs and the local militia. During the Revolutionary War, Asa served as Assistant Commissary to Commisary General Champion of Colchester. It is reported that Asa himself drove a heard of cattle to General Washington's starving troops at Valley Forge. He was a carpenter by trade and in 1794, Asa shingled his barn with the first cut nails seen in Colchester. Asa Bigelow became a large land holder in Colchester, owning about 700 acres. Following his father's interest in education, Asa was one of the original trustees of Bacon Academy. He had a total of 11 children: three sons and seven daughters survived to adulthood. Three of his daughters married respected ministers and his son Asa became a successful New York merchant.
The influence of the Bigelow family continued to be felt in Colchester for many years. Looking through Taintor's Record, it is clear that John Bigelow, and later Isaac, played important roles in the community. Even among the distinguished group of Colchester settlers, Lieutenat John Bigelow maintained a proud family tradition of leadership and earned the respect of the community he served.
Biographical Review of New London County, Asa R. Bigelow, by Beers 1880
Taintor's Record of Colchester, Transcribed by Charles Taintor 1864
Corrections contributed by Anne Bigelow, Forge Editor: You mention Asa, Lt. John's son, near the end of the article, whom you say served during the Revolutionary War and in 1794, used the first cut nails in Colchester. Your information is correct ; however, this Asa is Lt. John's grandson, not son. I can easily see how the mistaken connection was made - let me explain.
Lt. John's son, Asa, died 3 Oct 1754, Colchester, from a fever which also claimed the lives of his mother, Sarah, and two of his children within the space of six weeks. This Asa had nine children, the eldest was also Asa and died of the same fever on 18 Sep 1754. His youngest was a posthumous child, born 12 May 1755, and was also named Asa (after his dead father and dead eldest brother!) This is the Asa in your article. He lived with his grandparents, Lt. John and new wife until age 14 so it is easy to see how he is confused with his father, Asa.
You wonder in your article how Isaac Bigelow is related to Lt. John. He is John's first cousin, (Isaac was the son of Samuel Bigelow, a brother to Joshua, Lt. John's father). They had the same grandfather, John Bigelow of Watertown. Our records say that Isaac first bought land in Colchester in 1712 and was admitted as an inhabitant in 1717. You also state that Lt. John had five children by his second wife, our records indicate only three (Asa is the youngest).
born 3 Sep 1720 at Colchester, New London, CT. Family tradition says that "while fitting out for college he met Dorothy OTIS, which caused such a violent headache that he was obliged to give up college and was married 13 Dec 1737 -- he being 17 years of age and she 16 -- and they went to live with his parents." Dorothy, daughter of Nathaniel and Hannah (THATCHER) OTIS, was born 16 Apr 1721 in Scituate, MA. She was a Mayflower descendant through John HOWLAND.
Asa died 9 Oct 1754 of a fever which also claimed the life of his mother and two of Asa's children within 6 weeks. He died intestate; Dorothy was appointed adminstrator and property distributed among the three sons, and daughters Sarah and Betty. Dorothy married (2) 12 Oct 1762 Isaac DAY, a widower with 7 children. By him she had a son, Charles, born 14 July 1763, although two of Isaac's sons by his first marriage are often erroneously assigned to Dorothy. Isaac died, also intestate, and his property distributed among all his children, including Charles. Dorothy then married (3) Dec 1768 Joseph LANGRELL, another widower with 5 children. At his death he left Dorothy one-third his personal property and the use of his house during her lifetime. His children descend from Richard WARREN of the Mayflower
Dorothy died 10 Nov 1794 at Lebanon, CT. Her will provides for her BIGELOW children, Charles DAY having inherited through his father. She is buried in Lebanon, with all three husbands named on the headstone.
Headstone "Asa Bigelow 35 yrs old Oct 9,1754." Afa ?" It was near the Munn stones and a broken one nearby may have been his first child Asa (16351) who died in the same time period of the same fever. Daughters:Delight & Betty buried nearby with son Jonathan & Elizabeth OTIS (his wife) and their children and grandchildren. Asa's Headstone found in Colchester Common Cemetery with Lt. John and about 50 others, Sarah, Abigail, etc.
born in Colchester, New London co, CT on 10 Aug 1740. He was married there on 24 May 1759 to Elizabeth OTIS, daughter of James and Sarah (TUDOR) OTIS, born 1736 Colchester. They lived in the old house that his grandparents (Lieutenant John 3 and second wife Sarah BIGELOW) had erected on Bulkeley Hill. Jonathan was admitted as a freeeman 13 Apr 1761. In 1774 he was made Corporal in Capt. Eliphalet Bulkeley's 3rd Co, 12th Regt., Connecticut militia. He was drafted out of Capt. Bulkeley's 2nd Co, Regt militia in Apr 1777, and paid a fine of 5 pounds for not joining the army when drafted. He signed the oath of loyalty 16 Dec 1777, and admitted freeman 13 Apr 1778. Jonathan served as surveyor of highways in 1782, as lister (tax assessor) in 1786, and as tithingman in 1787 and 17888. He was innholder for many years, as we learn from the Connecticut Gazette, which mentions him as such in 1782. Again, the elisha Niles Diary, on 6 Jan 1807 notes that the writer, Niles, stayed the night at Jonathan Bigelow's inn. Jonathan was a member of the Wooster Lodge of Masons, and held office in 1818.
The 1820 tax list of 1st Society, Colchester assessed among Jonathan's possessions, half a dwelling, $200; 60 acres, $1020; 1 horse, 2 neat cattle, 1 clock, no polls ages 21-70. His will was drawn up 4 Apr 1822, and gave son James the barn, the great steelyards, the old loom, and farming tools; to daughters Dorothy BROWN, Betsey GREEN, Sarah T. WING, and Eunice BARDWELL "all my personal estate" including notes against Benjamin GREEN; and the
residue to son James. He died 13 Jan 1823, his wife Elizabeth on 31 Aug 1821. Distribution
was made 9 Jan 1824.
1790 census: CT - New London - Colchester - Jonathan Bigelow: 1-1-4-0-0
born at Colchester, New London co, CT on 13 Nov 1744. She married (1)19 Nov 1761 Elias Ransom, son of James and Sarah (Treadway) Ransom. He was born 17 Feb 1730 at Colchester. They lived in Colchester a few years, then moved to Great Barrington. He died, leaving 8 children, and Sarah married (2) 28 Apr 1774 Ichabod Hopkins, son of Timothy and Jemima (Scovill) Hopkins. He was born 7 Dec 1744 probably at Waterbury, CT, and died 20 Oct 1819 at Great Barrington. After his death, Sarah acted as a midwife for many years and assisted at the birth of more than 150 infants, usually travelling on horseback, and many times having to ford the Housatonic River. In her late years she moved to the vicinity of Buffalo, and died 10 Aug 1831 at Amherst, Erie county, NY.
Her first three children were born at Colchester, the rest at Great Barrington.
He lived with his grandparents to the age of 14, at which time he was apprenticed to learn carpentry with a Mr. Amos Wells, with whom he lived 7 years. At the age of 21 he was drafted into the army, went on a short campaign, and became a Sergeant. Afterwards as Assistant Commissary to Col. Champion (Commissary General), he went on several campaigns into NJ, PA, and VA. He was the first carpenter in Colchester to take up the use of cut nails (1794). He married 5 Feb Lydia NEWTON, born 27 Dec 1759, daughter of ??? NEWTON. They lived in Colchester, where he died 28 July 1830, and she on 31 July 1844.
drowned 22 May 1793 while dipping sheep in mill-pond near his father's house.
He married at the home of his brother, James, on 13 October 1822 Nancy Hurd. The marriage was performed by John Bigelow, Deacon and Justice of the Peace - (16321.6). Nancy was the daughter of James and Nancy (-) Hurd and born about 1804 at East Hadam, CT according to census record. They resided in Colchester where he died on 15 May 1877 and his widow also died there on 25 December 1892 age 88. Guy was a farmer
Edward Fuller Bigelow, editor and proprietor of the Middlesex County Record, the Observer, and the Colchester Advocate, has demonstrated that new enterprises in newspaper fields in Connecticut need not of necessity prove unfruitful. In addition to the three papers which he controls and manages, he has a large printing and job office at Portland that is meeting with gratifying success. The energy shown by Mr. Bigelow in his work has entitled him to the success that has crowned his way. He was the pioneer in newspaper enterprises in Portland. Associated with him was the late William A. Chapman, who, like the subject of this sketch, possessed the instincts of the born newspaper man. The Observer, which is one of Mr. Bigelow's ideas, is the only paper of the character issued, being devoted especially to natural history. It has met with remarkable success, many scientific people, naturalists, and microscopists in particular being interested in it. The Colchester Advocate is also a popular publication, and has a successful patronage. Mr. Bigelow is a member of the board of education; and is connected with the Episcopal church in Portland. In politics he is a republican. He belongs to the Ancient Order of United Workmen, the Odd Fellows lodge, and the Order of United American Mechanics. He was born at Colchester, January 14, 1860, and was educated at Bacon academy. From the age of sixteen until twenty-six he was engaged in teaching, principally in Colchester and Portland. He has a wife and three children. The former was Miss Mary A. Pelton of Portland prior to her marriage with Mr . Bigelow.
killed by the kick of a horse
He was a ship's carpenter.
ROGHAAR, Florence Irene BIGELOW - ofDelray Beach, FI, died in her sleep November 19,2004 at the age of98. She was born April 14, 1906, in Dorchester, MA, the only daughter of Marion Kelley and Nathaniel Foote Bigelow, who traced his ancestors to the Puritans who arrived in the Massachusetts Bay Colony from England in 1630. Florence grew up on a farm in Colchester, CT, went to Morse Business College in Hartford, CT, Learned to type and take shorthand and then got a job. She met her future husband, George Roghaar, taking saxophone lessons, and sang and danced her way through the Depression in a Gypsy routine with her friend Florence Parker. As a resident of Winchester and Arlington Philharmonic Society, Friends of the drama and the order of the Eastern Star. She sang in the choir of the Arlington Pleasant Street Congregational Church for many years. She traveled around the world and delighted in bringing home gifts to her grandchildren. Throughout her long life Florence was loved by her friends and family for her generous heart, cheerful disposition and sense of humor. She will be missed, She leaves a son and daughter-in-law George and Florence Roghaar of Boca Raton, FI, a daughter Linda Roghaar
Horace had moved from CT to Sangerfield in 1802 with his mother and stepfather. He learned the trade of hatter and spent most of his life in Sangerfield where he died on 27 July 1871.
Leander was a physician
Chandler was a blacksmith by trade, but later became a farmer. He resided many years in Bergen and was State Loan Commisssioner. In 1852 he moved, with his family, to Dundee, Monroe, MI where he resided until his death there on 27 November 1872.
He graduated from Hamilton College in the class of 1861 and was in the Civil War. They had 2 children, but we have no data on them.
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