Sostarich David [Male]
Schlaman Mary [Female] b. --Not Shown--
Title: Nostarks.FTW
Title: Nostarks.FTW
Title: Nostarks.FTW
Title: Nostarks.FTW
Title: Nostarks.FTW
Marriage Notes for Eliza WENZEL and Selah HIGLEY:
After their marriage, they came to Framingham, MA and lived on the Captain John Wenzel farm of which Eliza was part owner. He followed farming all his life, but for many years he made boots during the winter months, employing several work men. Selar was a clever mechanic and was often working on some new invention. he made and used dies for cutting sole leather many years before they were put on the market and if he had patented his invention he would undoubtedly have made considerable money out of it. They were members of the Ashland Congregational Church for many years.
• Marriage Record: 4 Oct 1814. In the keeping of the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Montgomery Co., Maryland. Lawrence Pearl's name is spelled Laurence Pearen and Susannah's is written as Susanah Nicholls. This was copied from the original and the original may have been hard to read.?
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