For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Fehr Maria Catherine [Female] b. 6 JAN 1886 Germantown, Clinton Co, IL
1st child
4th child
1st child
Here rests in God. Son of Wm. & Marg. This bitter hour struck a too early blow, you were taken out of our comfort, but we say that it is what God wanted, He thought it best. *
Served in the army.
Will lists a step son Joseph Scheer.
Kevin Mueller, 33
Kevin B. Mueller, 33, of East Alton died Friday, Jan. 1st, 1999, from injuries received in a car accident.
A son of Benedict and Mary Ann Vollet Mueller, he was born in East St. Louis on Feb. 4th, 1965. On Oct. 1st, 1988 in Marydale, he married Pamela S. Albers, a Beckemeyer native, and she survives.
Other survivors include one son, Shanan Mueller at home; his parents of East Alton; two brothers, Randal F. Mueller of Hilton, N.Y. and Daniel Mueller of East Alton and three sisters, Lisa Palus of Wicomico, Va., Lori Ann McQueen of Wichita, Kan., and Karen Matthews of O'Fallon.
Mr. Mueller owned Winners Circle Marketing Co.
Funeral services were held at 10 a.m. Tuesday, Jan. 5th, at St. Kevins Church in Rosewood Heights. Burial was in Woodland Hill cemetery in East Alton.
The Paynic Funeral Home in Rosewood Heights was in charge of arrangements.
Paul J. Peek, 75
Paul J. Peek, 75, of Aviston died March 5th, 2004, at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital in Belleville.
She was born on January 16th, 1929, in Breese, the son of Ben and Catherine Wellen Peek, and they preceded him in death. On Nov. 17th, 1953, at St. Felicitas Church in Beaver Prairie, he married Dolores Albers, and she survives.
Also surviving are three sons, Chuck, Rick, and Randy Peek, all of Aviston; six daughters, Linda Peek of Belleville, Debbie Peek, Nancy Schomaker and Barb Boggs, all of Carlyle, Shelly Pickett of Aviston and Stacey Hettenhausen of Okawville; 13 grandchildren, and two sisters, Marcella Ortmann of Germantown and Lorraine Strake of Breese.
In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by a brother, Vic Peek and two sisters, Adele Delong and Ruth Simonoff.
Mr. Peek was a farmer. He was a U.S. army veteran in the Korean War. He was a member of the American Legion Post 1239 in Aviston.
He was also a member of St. Francis Parish in Aviston, where his funeral service was conducted on Monday, March 8th, at 11 a.m. with Rev. Dan Friedman officiating.
Interment was in St. Francis Cemetery in Aviston.
Visitation was at Hempen Funeral Home in Aviston.
Pansy M. Pollmann, 90
Pansy M. Pollmann, 90, of Carlyle died Saturday, Oct. 30th, at Carlyle Healthcare Center.
She was born May 14th, 1914, in Lake Township, Clinton County, the daughter of Ellsworth and Wilhelmina “Minnie” Jannett Davis, and they preceded her in death. On May 21st, 1938, at St. Mary’s Church in Carlyle, she married August “Bacon” Pollmann and he preceded her in death Dec. 5th, 1987.
Surviving are two daughters, Claudia A. Albers of Germantown and Janis J. Seiffert of Carlyle; and two grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
She was preceded in death by two grandchildren.
She worked at Trimfoot Shoe Company in Carlyle. She was a lifetime member of United Church of Christ in Carlyle, Goldsmith-Terry V.F.W. Post 3523 Auxiliary, Carlyle, and Carlyle Senior Citizens.
A funeral service was held Tuesday, Nov. 2nd, at 10 a.m. at United Church of Christ, with Rev. John Riggs officiating.
A funeral service was held Tuesday, Nov. 2nd, at 10 a.m. at United Church of Christ, with Rev. John Riggs officiating.
Burial was in St. Mary’s Cemetery.
Visitation was at Frerker Funeral Home in Carlyle.
ALBERS, Maria Theresa
BORN: Oct 13, 1828, Lengerich
DIED: Jan 7, 1908, Germantown, Clinton County, IL
PARENTS: Herman Heinrich ALBERS
Maria Engel BUDDE
EMIGRATION: 1858 - arrived New Orleans Nov 20, 1858 on the ship Sirius
Clemens KALLAGE 25, Hannover to St. Louis
Theresa 31, Clemens 1/2
marriage: Sep 7, 1858, Lengerich
*Maria Theresa's death record said she was the wife of Clemens HOFF but this appears to have been a mistake. Clemens HOFF was probably the husband of Maria Theresa's daughter Anna KALLAGE (marriage Apr 10, 1883 between J Clemmens Hoff and Anna Karlage.) When Clemens KALLAGE died in 1901 in Germantown his wife was listed as Theresa ALBERS.
CHILDREN: Clemens KALLAGE born 1858, Hannover
Anna KALLAGE born ca 1863, IL
NOTES: 1880 IL census, Clinton County, Germantown (LDS online census)
RALLAYE, Clemens 48, from Hannover
Thresia 52, Hannover
Anna 17, IL
1900 IL census, Clinton County, Germantown
KALLAGER, Clemens, Oct 1831, Germany, marr 52 yrs, emgr 1850
Theresa Oct 1826, Germany, 1 of 3 ch living, emgr 1850
SOURCES: Theresa's parents' names, her year of birth (ca 1829) and place of birth were on her death record at St Boniface parish. Lengerich parish records were checked and a corresponding birth/baptism entry was found there for Maria Theresa. That date corresponds to a Tenfelde entry for Maria Theresa KALLAGE geb ALBERS which gave her husband's name, marriage information and emigration information. Names and years of birth for the children were taken from the passengerlist of the ship Sirius and the 1880 census.
Sister Mary, Asc
Born on Staten Island, New York, to Moses & Abigail (Sturges) Hulbert, Elias became a blacksmith by trade. He worked in New York for a while then moved to Loveton in Pennsylvania, and eventually headed west to the farmland of Bradford, Illinois.
He married Hannah, the wife of his deceased brother, Jacob Hulbert, in 1819. Elias took on their daughter as his own (Jane Hulbert), and Hannah and Elias had many children.
Elias lived and worked in Bradford through the 1850s - 1870s.
Hannah died in 1842.
Eventually, Elias remarried.
Elias came to Bradford Township, Lee County, IL, ca. 1842
Elias and Hannah dwelt in Rhinebeck for several years, afterward in Terrytown, Wyalusing, and Loveltown, all in PA. They then settled on a farm in Section 29, Bradford Twp., Lee Co., IL, where she died in 1842, and was buried in a cemetery on their farm.
Although death has laid its chill hand upon our subject and has stilled his pulse, there is still emanation of his spirit breathing out remembrances of the good that he has done, and examples that might well be emulated by the young. Mr. Hulbert was born in Bradford County, Pa., January 24, 1836, and was six years of age when he was brought by his parents, Elias and Hannah Hulbert to this county. He grew to manhood in Bradford Township where the father located on coming to the county and engaged in cultivating the soil as his life occupation. He devoted his time and attention to that pursuit very successfully until his deatb which occurred January 5, 1888. Mr.Hulbert was married in Dixon, September 29, 1859, the lady of his choice being Miss Loraine L. Evitts. She was the daughter of Ralph B. and Elizabeth (Bosworth) Evitts, the father, a native of Pennsylvania and the mother born in New York. Her parents came to this county from New York and settled in Bradford Township, where they made their home until their death. They were the parents of five children, three daughters and two sons, of whom Mrs. Hulbert was the second in order of birth.
The wife of our subject was born near Buffalo, N. Y. July 28, 1836 and was only six years of age at the time her parents removed to this county, where she received a good knowledge of books and grew to a useful womanhood. She made her home under the parental roof, where she received a careful training by her most excellent mother until her marriage with our subject. To them were born three children: Harvey D., who married Hattie Hegart; Charles M. married Sarah Hegart, and Mattie J., who is the wife of Frank E. Frost, well known in this section.
Mr. Hulbert, of this sketch, was honored by his fellow-townsmen with many positions of responsibility and trust, and in all of them gave the utmost satisfaction. Among them we mention that of Assessor, Collector of his township, etc. In politics he was a firm adherent of Republican principles and hence always cast his vote in favor of that partys candidates. Since the death of her husband Mrs. Hulbert has conducted the estate which fell to her and has thus proved her efficiency and ability to manage a farm and build up a business which is both profitable and pleasant. The farm numbers one hundred and twenty acres and is cultivated in such manner as to be exceedingly productive. Prior to his death our subject introduced the Bradford Mutual Insurance Company in Lee County and acted as its Treasurer and agent, having built up a thriving business in that line.
Source: Portrait and Biographical Pg 320
This family apparently moved on from Illinois to Marshalltown, Marshall County, IA. between the 1870 and 1880 censuses. Most likely the move was in 1879, as the children are listed as being born in Illinois.
listed as boarders in the household of Joseph M. and Ellen F. Durell in Marshalltown, Marshall County, Iowa June 14, 1880.
Lived in Missouri in 1888.
proprietor photo shop 1889-1890 directory for St. Louis, Missouri, residence 3121 Olive.
Lived in Los Angeles, California in 1910.
Sept. 14, 1873 The Dixon Sun, Dixon, IL.
A very long, interesting article about the wedding of Durand F. HULBERT and Miss Alice L. SHAW.
Excerpts: Wedding of Durand F. HULBERT and Miss Alice L. SHAW at house of bride's father, in Bradford, on the 14th inst., was without exception the most brilliant and enjoyable affair ever witnessed in that section of the country.
Bridesmaid Miss Lois STARKS and Mr. WILSON of Sublette, groomsman.
Durand the s/o Mr. Thoms HULBERT, was born in Bradford and his home until 3 yrs. ago when the family removed to Missouri. He engaged in a very successful business and at the same time has prosecuted his law studies and just admitted to the bar.
In a log house which stood upon the precise spot where the house now stands in which this couple were married, a little company of neighbors were gathered to witness the same rite performed for the father and mother of the bridegroom, over 30 yrs. ago. Their wedding trip was in a lumber wagon.
Over 100 attended this wedding and the happy couple took the midnight train east from Franklin intending to stop 2-3 days at Niagara, go thence to New York and then Europe for 4-5 months.
Lived in Stanley, Colorado.
Died in 1956, following a major surgery.
Lived next to Darius and Joseph Sawyer in Clark County, OH in 1820.
Called me on 08/08/11. Has information on Wetta family from France.
About 1760, Mr. and Mrs. Child removed to Upton, Mass., where he purchased a farm, and was ever after known as one of the substantial and reliable citizens, though not found much in public affairs. It may be with propriety mentioned here that part of the descendants of Mr. Josiah Child added the terminal "s" upon their name; it is found that in the later years of Mr. Child's life some records of business on the Upton town books have the "s," and a like statement may be made of his son Asa Child. A descendant of Mr. Asa Child, Mr. Walter Childs, of San Francisco, Cal., (who sends us the pleasing narratives in his line,) expresses the very earnest hope that "a return to the more correct and euphonious mode of spelling and speaking the name will not be delayed." Upon these venerated ancestors the blame rests, and between them we must divide the responsibility. Three of Mrs Child's children were born in Grafton the others after his remove to Upton.
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