For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Albers Mary Anna [Female] b. 16 JUN 1834 Lengerich, Germany - d. 26 FEB 1907 Germantown, Clinton Co, IL
ALBERS, Maria Anna
BORN: Jun 16, 1834, Lengerich
DIED: Feb 26, 1907, Germantown, Clinton County, IL
PARENTS: Herman Heinrich ALBERS
Maria Engel BUDDE
EMIGRATION: 1864 - arrived NY Nov 8, 1864 on the ship Georg
P ROLFES 44, farmer from Germany
Mary Anna 30, T (f) 7, C (f) 4, Bernard L 2, George 6 mo
MARRIED: Philipp ROLWES his entry
CHILDREN: Theresa/Thecla? ROLWES born ca 1857, Hannover
Christina born ca 1859, Hannover
Bernard L born ca 1862, Hannover
George born ca 1864, Hannover
Elisabeth born ca 1866, IL
NOTES: 1870 IL census, Clinton County, p. 331
Rolwes, Philip, 49, laborer from Hannover
Mary 32, Hannover, Christina 11, HO, Elisa 4, IL
SOURCES: Maria Anna's birthdate was on her tombstone and her parents' names were on her death record at St Boniface parish. Her sister Theresa was thought to have been born in Lengerich so that parish's records were checked and a birth/baptism entry was found there for Maria Anna. Her children's information was taken from the passenger list of the ship Georg and from the 1870 census.
Also known as Fritz.
also called Lizzie
Lived in Breese, 1881.
Settled in Clinton Co., 1857
Also called George.
HILMES, Johan August
BORN: Apr 7, 1864, Gersten (parish in Lengerich)
DIED: Feb 22, 1932, Germantown
Anna Maria MEYER
EMIGRATION: 1868 - arrived Baltimore Oct 15, 1868 on the ship Stella
Bernhard HILMES 44, from Prussia, Anna Maria 43, Theresia 15, Johan B 12, Bernh Joh 7, Joh Aug 4, Bernh Alb 65, Ges Ad 73
MARRIED: Maria Elisabeth ALBERS born in Germantown, IL (whose mother Maria Christina HOFF was from Baccum, Emsland - her mother's entry)
marriage: Jun 17, 1890, Germantown, Clinton County, IL
RESEARCHERS: Connie Albers (
SOURCES: Johan August's dates of birth and death were supplied by Connie Albers who found those dates on a funeral prayer card in the possession of Ray Richter. With that information an entry was found for Johan August in Walter Tenfelde's book Auswanderungen und Auswanderer aus dem ehemaligen Kreise Lingen nach Nordamerika which gave his place of birth, his parents' names and the emigration information.
Lived on land owned by a Theodore Albers, in 1872.
Previously married.
Also called Benjamin in some records.
Last name spelled Kaiser in some records.
Settled in Clinton Co., IL in 1860
Franz ALBERS, having been born and reared in that country. Emigrating thence to the United States, he proceeded at once to Illinois and became one of the first settlers of Germantown Township, Clinton County. Beginning here with limited means, but with an abundance of energy, tact and keen judgment, he gradually attained prosperity, and at the time of his death was numbered among the successful and wealthy farmers of the county, his landed possessions aggregating several thousand acres. He passed away in 1866, at the age of fifty-three years. Three years prior to his demise his wife departed this life, aged forty-four years. A native of Germany, she was known in maidenhood as Christina DIECKMANN.
Also called Francis Albers
In 1881, listed in Carlyle, Clinton Co., IL
Settled 1852
In the milling business at Germantown, IL.
Also spelled Sherman, in some records.
On the 8th of February, 1870, Mr. Schurmann was united in marriage with Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Franz ALBERS, further reference to whom will be found in the biographical sketch of F. H. ALBERS. Mrs. Schurmann was born in Germantown Township, Clinton County, in December of 1853, and received a good education in the public schools of the home locality and the Sisters’ School at Breese. Their union has resulted in the birth of nine children, of whom the following are living: Annie, a graduate of the Ursuline Convent at St. Louis; J. Henry, a finely educated young man, who is now in the creamery business with his father; Edward, a graduate of Jones’ Commercial College of St. Louis; August, Carrie, Paula and Cecilia, who are conducting their studies in the home schools. Elizabeth and Leo are deceased.
engaged in the bakery and confectionery business at Nickerson, Kan
child #9
6th child
AT 2 US Navy, WW 2
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