For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Albers Anna Maria [Female] b. 30 NOV 1839 St. Louis, MO - d. 26 MAR 1883 Breese, Clinton Co, IL
(census says born in Germany?? Why would children be born in Germany if father born in IL?)
Some records call her Maria.
Title: Nostarks.FTW
Albers, Frank
1920 census
b. ca 1861 IL
father born Hanover
mother born Hanover
Real Estate Agent
Wife: Etta W.
b. ca 1864 KY
father born KY
mother born IL
Albers, Dwight b. ca 1900 IL Mechanic, Tire Company
Albers, Paul H. b. ca 1903 IL
Frank H. Albers, Deputy Circuit Clerk of Clinton County, and an influential citizen of Carlyle, was born in Germantown, Ill., January 18, 1860. He is of direct German descent, his father, Franz ALBERS, having been born and reared in that country. Emigrating thence to the United States, he proceeded at once to Illinois and became one of the first settlers of Germantown Township, Clinton County. Beginning here with limited means, but with an abundance of energy, tact and keen judgment, he gradually attained prosperity, and at the time of his death was numbered among the successful and wealthy farmers of the county, his landed possessions aggregating several thousand acres. He passed away in 1866, at the age of fifty-three years. Three years prior to his demise his wife departed this life, aged forty-four years. A native of Germany, she was known in maidenhood as Christina DIECKMANN.
In the parental family there were seven children, all of whom attained mature years, and five are now living. They are, Theodore, who is living on the old homestead; Elizabeth SHERMAN, whose husband is in the milling business at Germantown; Catharine, the wife of H. ALBERS, a resident of Germantown Township, Clinton County, who though bearing, the same name is not related to our subject; Caroline, the wife of F. H. WERRIES, who is engaged in the bakery and confectionery business at Nickerson, Kan.; and F. H., of this sketch. Those deceased are, Mary, who became the wife of Clements NIEBUR and died in Breese, Ill.; and Christena, who married Dr. Charles E. GISSY and died in Breese.
Spending the days of childhood upon the home farm, our subject at the age of twelve years came to Carlyle, where he made his home with a brother-in-law. His education was commenced in this county and completed in the St. Louis University, where he prosecuted his studies for three years. For about six years he filled a clerkship in Carlyle, and in 1888 accepted the position of Deputy Circuit Clerk, in which position he is still serving to the utmost satisfaction of all concerned. For four years he has been Township Collector. Since Mr. NIEHOFF, the present Circuit Clerk, has been holding the office of Inspector of Insurance at Springfield, he has had the entire control of the office at this point.
Reared in the faith of the Roman Catholic Church, with which his parents were identified, Mr. Albers is prominently connected with that religious organization at Carlyle. Politically a Democrat, he has ever taken an active interest in the welfare of his party, and no one rejoices more at its success than does he. He is the owner of considerable valuable property in Clinton County, including two hundred and twenty-four acres in Germantown Township, two tracts of eighty-four and forty acres respectively in Looking Glass Township, and some farming land in Santa Fe Township. The land has been placed under a high state of cultivation, improved with good buildings, and is devoted to the raising of grain.
Source: Portrait and Biographical Record of Clinton, Washington, Marion and Jefferson Counties, Illinois Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, IL, 1894
Also named Eleanor.
Mechanic at a tire company
Albers, Frank E.
b. 03/07/1913
d. 10/24/1983 bur. St. Boniface Cem., Germantown, Clinton Co, IL
Wife: Adella E. Olliges (married twice)
b. 01/27/1920
d. 07/15/1991 bur. St. Boniface Cem., Germantown, Clinton Co, IL
(Wife of Frank E. Wife of August G.)
(Her Children listed on grave)
(His Children listed on grave) (I don't think we know whose children are whose, so this information is not very useful)
Albers, H. Joseph (probably the same as Joseph H. Albers b. 05/04/1890 below)
1920 census
b. ca 1891 IL
father born IL
mother born IL
Wife: Budde, Elisabeth M. ?
b. 05/22/1890 IL
d. 04/16/1971 bur. St. Boniface Cem., Germantown, Clinton Co, IL
father born Hanover
mother born Hanover
Albers, Herman A. b. ca 1914 IL (also listed below)
Albers, Eleonora E. b. ca 1916 IL
Albers, Catherine H. b. ca 1918 IL
Albers, Leona F. b. ca 1919 IL
Albers, Henrey
1920 census
b. ca 1874 IL
father born IL
mother born IL
Coal Miner
Wife: Carline
b. ca 1873 IL
father born Germany
mother born Germany
Albers, Edwin b. ca 1898 IL Laborer
Albers, Victor b. ca 1900 IL Miner
Albers, Walter b. ca 1902 IL Miner
Albers, Leona b. ca 1905 IL
Albers, Paul b. ca 1908 IL
Albers, Melvin b. ca 1913 IL
1910 Census
listed as Henry J. Albers
married 13 years
6 children, 5 alive
mother born Germany
Wife's name listed as Carrie
Edwin, Victor, Livina (Leona?), Walter, and Paul all living at home (Paul's age listed as 4)
Also called Carline or Carrie in some records.
Listed as a laborer in the 1920 Clinton Co, IL census
Listed as a miner in the 1920 Clinton Co, IL census
Listed as a miner in the 1920 Clinton Co, IL census
Possibly listed as Livinia, in the 1910 Clinton Co, IL census.
1920 Clinton Co, IL Census lists her as a housekeeper at home.
was in the Naval Air Corps during WWII and died in a plane crash. He is buried in Willowdale.
Was called Dick.
died at 5 weeks of age
Albers, Henry John
1930 census
b. ca 1894 IL
father born IL
mother born Germany
married at age 22
Wife: Cecilia
b. ca 1893 IL
father born IL
mother born IL
married at age 23
Albers, Leona b. ca 1917 IL
Albers, Norbert b. ca 1919 IL
Albers, Viola b. ca 1923 IL
Albers, Henry Jr. b. ca 1926 IL
Albers, Richard b. ca 1929 IL
1920 Census
Henry John listed as coal miner
Cecilia, Leona, Norbert living at home
Served in Army Air Corps. Left for service 11/10/1942, at age 24. Occupation: farmer.
Sgt US Aircorps WW 2
From St. Cecelia Church.
Albers, Henry W.
1930 census
b. 10/04/1895 IL
d. 01/26/1973 bur. St. Boniface Cem., Germantown, Clinton Co, IL
father born IL
mother born IL
married at age 23
Wife: Hilmes, Catharine W.
b. 10/02/1896 IL
d. 06/03/1992 bur. St. Boniface Cem., Germantown, Clinton Co, IL
father born Germany
mother born Germany
married at age 22
Albers, Raymond Henry b. ca 1920 IL
1920 Census
Flour Mill Laborer
Wife's parents listed as born in Hannover
no children at that time
also called Katy
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