For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Buck Titus [Male] b. 27 JAN 1735/36 Wethersfield, Hartford Co, CT - d. 25 AUG 1776 Wethersfield, Hartford Co, CT
Militiaman, war casualty
Married by Capt. John Chester
Wetherfield, CT marriage records shows Ruth married Benjamin Smith not her sister Mary as some records show.
Children: all born in Wethersfield, CT pre "Families of Western NY, Western NY Family Histories page 120" and Recvords of Wethersfield, CT at New England
Lived in Wethersfield and later settled in Wintonbury parish, Windsor, CT in 1700 removed to Simsbury, CT; David was a cordwainer and shoemaker
First Settlers of CT and MA page 227 Case family
Daniel Case and Penelope resided in Terry's Plain in Simsbury
Genealogy of the family of Charles Adams 1772-1801 by elmo Walter Adams 1969
Thomas Adams, 5th child, 4th son born 1689 Canton married 25 De 1712 Martha Buttolph born 2 Apr 1694, daughter of David Buttolph of Simsbury, Witness to Sergeant Daniel Adams' will. Date of dath not known. Resided in Simsbury and Canton, Ct area. Note that there is a Buttolph-Williams house built about 1692 in the town of Weathersfield, located about 4 miles south of Hartford. This town was settled in 1634 by people from Watertown, MA. The house is open to the public May 15-October 15 by the Antiquarian and Landmarks Scoeity of Ct. It is possible that additional data might he had on Thomas and Martha from records associated with this landmark or other public records.
Thomas received from his fathers' will: 40 acre "new field" and Matson's Field
History of Ancient Wethersfield
John Rose tombstone near the large granite Rose Family monument in wethersfield cemetery says "Mr. John Rose, died 5 June 1751in 78th yr"
He left no will; his estate by ord. of Probate court - Inventary at £7340-5-01; distrib. made 23 March 1753, Jonathan Belding and John Stillman distributors, son John adm'r
Ebenezer's gg grandfather John1 Alexander was a native of Scotland and came to Windsor, CT in 1644.
from Colonial Families of the United States Vol VI page 20
Captain Ebenezer Alexander known as the "FIghting Deacon" of Northfield, MA. Lived previously at Wethersfield and Coventry, CT he filled many important offices in the town of Northfield, MA, saw much service in Father Rasle's War, serving as Ensign under Capt. Thomas Welles and as Lieutenant under the famous Capt. Benjamin Wright; 9th March 1744-45, he was commissioned Lieutenant in the expedition against Cape Breton; was at the capture of Louisburg, 17 June when Sir William Pepperell gave him a Captain's Commission, 13 July. In 1746 he served under Governor Shirley in the Expediton for the redution of Canada; in 1748 althought then sixty-four years old he was a lead of a company ranging the woods in the search of Indians; was Deacon in Northfield for forty years.
Ebenezer served in the French and Indian War 1746-1749
The daughter of Richard Warren and Alice Jenway in Hertfordshire, England, she was born Abt. 1529 in Bassingbourn, Cambridgshire, Eng. Her death was recorded at St. Leonard,N/E Chapel, London,England. John and Helen had four children
John Foote of Royston was one of our oldest confirmed ancestors. He was born about the year 1530 in the town of Royston, Hertfordshire, England.. He owned a small manor house along with some land in the town. John was the father of Robert Foote of Shalford, and the Grand Father of Nathaniel Foote the Settler. John died before. January 1558/59 in Royston, , Hertfordshire, England.
John Foote died before 18 Jul 1558. When the undated will of John Foote of Royston, Cambridgeshire, England, tallow chandler, was probated His will revealed that he had a wife named Helen, sons Robert and John, and daughters Aves or Avis (Alice) and Elizabeth. The will also alluded to the testator's brother Foote, first name not stated and his two older children.
He left to the church of Royston, 20s;
To wife Helen, all lands and tenements in Royston for life; and L80 to be divided among all the children;
To servant Maud Smythe L6/13/4 to her marriage;
L3 that my brother Foot oweth to his two eldest children;
To wife's brother Richard Warren the younger and to her uncle John Jenawaye of Stoone, 40s each;
To wife the rest;
To son Robert a goblet, feather bed and bedding;
To son John Foot a silver salt, feather bed and bedding;
To Aves Foote and Elizabeth Foote, daughters, each three of the best spoons, bed and bedding;
All the remainder to wife named executrix.
They resided in Weathersfield, Wallingford. and finally moved to Branford CT in 6 AUG 1659.
After Roberts death in 1681, Sara married again to Aaron Blachley of Branford in the year 1668. They lived in Guilford, CT. Robert and Sara had eight children. (See Vol I. Pgs 28 and 29 for more information)
27th U. S. President, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Secretary of War, Provisional Governor of Cuba, Civil Governor of Philippine Islands, judge, attorney, and author, married Helen HERRON (1861-1943), 23rd First Lady. Pres. TAFT was father of Sen. Robert Alphonso TAFT I (1889-1953), grandfather of Sen. Robert Alphonso TAFT II (1917-1993), and great grandfather of Ohio Gov. Robert Alphonso TAFT III (b. 1942).
William attended Emmanuel College in Cambridge, and was installed as rector of St. Nicholas, Stevenage on 6 Dec. 1598, by Bishop CHADDERTON. He was married about 1604 at Stevenage, Hertfordshire, and was succeeded there by Rev. Richard MEREDITH on 27 Oct. 1629. A memorial tablet on the north wall of the church at Stevenage, Hertfordshire reads as follows (translated from the Latin):
Here lies William Pratt, Bachelor of Sacred Theology, and most illustrious rector of this church during thirty years. He had three sons, John, William, and Richard, and the same number of daughters, Sarah, Mary, and Elizabeth, by his renowned wife, Elizabeth. At length, the course of his life being run, and his age becoming burdensome, he emigrated to the Celestial country in the year of salvation 1629, aged 67.
Elizabeth - Wife of William at time of his will (1629).
William arrived at Hartford, CT with Rev. Thomas HOOKER in 1636. In 1645 he sold his lands and moved to Saybrook, CT. William served in the Pequot Indian War, was named Lt. in 1661, and was representative at the General Court from Saybrook for 23 sessions. William was married in 1636 at Hartford, CT to Elizabeth CLARK, daughter of John CLARK, who was from Great Mindon, Hertfordshire (about two miles from Stevenage). Elizabeth married second William PARKER, Sr. Children of William PRATT and Elizabeth: Elizabeth married second William BACKUS, Jr.; John married Sarah JONES; Joseph married first Sarah CHAPMAN, and second Margaret PARKER; Sarah married first Isaac WATROUS, and second David KNIGHT; William married Hannah KIRTLAND; Samuel married first Ruth HUNTINGTON, and second Elizabeth PECK; Lydia married John KIRTLAND; and Nathaniel married first Sarah BEAUMONT, second Sarah (CLARK) WILLARD, and third Rebecca.
Ancestor of Humphrey Bogart
b. Nov. 12, 1643, Wethersfield, Hartford Co., CT; d. Aug. 18, 1716. Married on Jun. 2, 1659 at hartford, Hartford Co., CT to Nathaniel STANLEY (b. about 1638, Hadley, Hampshire Co., MA; d. Nov. 14, 1712, Hartford, Hartford Co., CT), son of Thomas STANLEY and Benet TRITTON. Sarah and Nathaniel were in Hartford by 1669, and were received by the Hartford Second Church Mar. 31, 1678. Both were buried in the Center Church Cemetery. Children of Sarah and Nathaniel STANLEY: Nathaniel died in infancy; Sarah died at age 20; Joseph died at age 4; Hannah died at age 7; Mary married first Nathaniel HOOKER (son of Rev. Samuel, and grandson of Rev. Thomas), and second John AUSTIN; Susanna died at age 2; and Nathaniel.
Died young
died in infancy
died at age 20
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