Genealogy Data Page 664 (Family Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
White, George S.
Gender: Male
Marriage: 20 OCT 1919
Boecher, Eunice Ann

b. 10 MAR 1892 Brooklyn, NY
Gender: Female
Father: Boecher, William C.
Mother: Bigelow, Jessie Howe
Bigelow, Marion 
b. 4 JUL 1887
Gender: Female
Father: Bigelow, Edwin Wilder
Mother: Murray, Maud
Bigelow, Charles Russell 
b. 28 JUL 1890
d. 1 JUL 1891
Gender: Male
Father: Bigelow, Edwin Wilder
Mother: Murray, Maud
Bigelow, Wilder 
b. 23 MAY 1892
d. 4 JAN 1907
Gender: Male
Father: Bigelow, Edwin Wilder
Mother: Murray, Maud
Bigelow, Russell Murray 
b. 9 JAN 1896
Gender: Male
Father: Bigelow, Edwin Wilder
Mother: Murray, Maud
Bigelow, Willis Eugene 
b. 10 MAY 1854
Gender: Male
Father: Bigelow, Gershom Palifaux
Mother: Nichols, Mary
Rice, Walter Gershom 
b. 10 JAN 1859
Gender: Male
Father: Rice, Yale
Mother: Bigelow, Mary Augusta
Rice, Ella Augusta 
b. 29 OCT 1861
d. 23 MAR 1862
Gender: Female
Father: Rice, Yale
Mother: Bigelow, Mary Augusta
Rice, Edward Bigelow 
b. 30 JUL 1863
d. 13 SEP 1863
Gender: Male
Father: Rice, Yale
Mother: Bigelow, Mary Augusta
Rice, Mamie Bigelow 
b. 16 NOV 1865
Gender: Female
Father: Rice, Yale
Mother: Bigelow, Mary Augusta
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