Genealogy Data Page 441 (Family Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Bigelow, Cornelius 
b. 7 DEC 1816 Flatbush, NY
d. 24 NOV 1864 Hartford, Hartford Co, CT
Gender: Male
Father: Bigelow, William
Mother: Van Buren, Sarah
Bigelow, Sarah Anne 
b. 3 FEB 1819 Flatbush, NY
d. 15 APR 1880 Hartford, Hartford Co, CT
Gender: Female
Father: Bigelow, William
Mother: Van Buren, Sarah
Bigelow, William 
b. 23 DEC 1820 Flatbush, NY
d. 31 AUG 1851 Hartford, Hartford Co, CT
Gender: Male
Father: Bigelow, William
Mother: Van Buren, Sarah
Marriage: 24 SEP 1849
Waterman, Lucy
b. 6 MAY 1826
d. 1 APR 1882
Gender: Female
Bigelow, Catherine Post 
b. 24 JUN 1823 Brooklyn, NY
d. 29 JUN 1824 Brooklyn, NY
Gender: Female
Father: Bigelow, William
Mother: Van Buren, Sarah
Bigelow, Charles Elisha 
b. 24 MAY 1826 Brooklyn, NY
Gender: Male
Father: Bigelow, William
Mother: Van Buren, Sarah
Bigelow, Anne E. 
b. ABT. 1829 Hartford, Hartford Co, CT
d. AFT. 1850
Gender: Female
Father: Bigelow, Elisha
Mother: Morris, Nancy
Bigelow, Charles Elisha 
b. OCT 1831
d. 3 MAR 1835 Hartford, Hartford Co, CT
Gender: Male
Father: Bigelow, Elisha
Mother: Morris, Nancy
Bigelow, Sophia W. 
b. ABT. 1837
d. AFT. 1850
Gender: Female
Father: Bigelow, Elisha
Mother: Morris, Nancy
Bigelow, Mary P. 
b. ABT. 1842
d. AFT. 1850
Gender: Female
Father: Bigelow, Elisha
Mother: Morris, Nancy
Bigelow, Elizabeth Webster 
b. 19 JUL 1780 Hartford, Hartford Co, CT
d. 3 AUG 1780
Gender: Female
Father: Bigelow, Cyprian
Mother: Webster?, Elizabeth
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