Genealogy Data Page 392 (Family Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Bigelow, Lucy 
b. FEB 1798 Brookfield, Orange Co, VT
d. 27 SEP 1882 Brookfield, Orange Co, VT
Gender: Female
Father: Bigelow, Josiah
Mother: Waters, Lois
Davis, Samuel
Gender: Male
Marriage: 8 APR 1824
Bigelow, Hannah

b. ABT. 1801 Brookfield, Orange Co, VT
Gender: Female
Father: Bigelow, Josiah
Mother: Waters, Lois
Small, Lucy 
b. 3 DEC 1809 Brookfield, Orange Co, VT
Gender: Female
Father: Small, Noble
Mother: Bigelow, Lydia
Small, Julius 
b. 7 DEC 1812 Brookfield, Orange Co, VT
Gender: Male
Father: Small, Noble
Mother: Bigelow, Lydia
Small, Noble 
b. 5 MAY 1814 Brookfield, Orange Co, VT
Gender: Male
Father: Small, Noble
Mother: Bigelow, Lydia
Small, Walter B. 
b. 17 SEP 1816 Brookfield, Orange Co, VT
Gender: Male
Father: Small, Noble
Mother: Bigelow, Lydia
Small, Eleanor 
b. 27 DEC 1818 Brookfield, Orange Co, VT
Gender: Female
Father: Small, Noble
Mother: Bigelow, Lydia
Small, Nabby 
b. 1 JUL 1821 Brookfield, Orange Co, VT
Gender: Female
Father: Small, Noble
Mother: Bigelow, Lydia
Small, Eliza 
b. 29 MAR 1829 Brookfield, Orange Co, VT
d. 18 JUN 1842 Brookfield, Orange Co, VT
Gender: Female
Father: Small, Noble
Mother: Bigelow, Lydia
Bigelow, Minorice 
b. 15 MAR 1814 Brookfield, Orange Co, VT
d. 22 MAY 1860 Barre, Washington Co, VT
Gender: Male
Father: Bigelow, Josiah
Mother: Hurlburt, Electa
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