Genealogy Data Page 383 (Family Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Utter, Abbott Charles 
b. 8 FEB 1876
d. 3 AUG 1953
Gender: Male
Father: Utter, Charles
Mother: Farrar, Elizabeth
Utter, Edna May 
b. 19 MAY 1878
d. 1964
Gender: Female
Father: Utter, Charles
Mother: Farrar, Elizabeth
Utter, Lee Everett 
b. 11 JUN 1883
d. 24 MAR 1907
Gender: Male
Father: Utter, Charles
Mother: Farrar, Elizabeth
Utter, Helen E. 
b. 1854
Gender: Female
Father: Utter, Charles
Mother: Jones, Eunice
Utter, Mary Amelia 
b. 1835
d. 1853
Gender: Female
Father: Utter, Eleazar Dr.
Mother: Bigelow, Mary
Utter, Caroline 
b. 1853
d. BEF. 1870
Gender: Female
Father: Utter, Francis A.
Mother: Cowdery, Sophia
Utter, Frank Howard 
b. 1858
d. 1865
Gender: Male
Father: Utter, Francis A.
Mother: Cowdery, Sophia
Utter, Clarence L. 
b. 1860 Trempeleau Co, WI
d. 1927 Trempeleau Co, WI
Gender: Male
Father: Utter, Francis A.
Mother: ?, Clarissa
Utter, Dora 
b. 1863
d. 1942
Gender: Female
Father: Utter, Francis A.
Mother: ?, Clarissa
Utter, Frank C. 
b. 1865
d. 1928
Gender: Male
Father: Utter, Francis A.
Mother: ?, Clarissa
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