Genealogy Data Page 382 (Family Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Wilhelm, Johanna Carl 
Gender: Female
Father: Wilhelm, Karl Edward
Mother: Bigelow, Sarah Esther
Wilhelm, Sarah Josephine 
Gender: Female
Father: Wilhelm, Karl Edward
Mother: Bigelow, Sarah Esther
Bigelow, Lucius Storrs 
b. --Not Shown-- Buffalo, Erie Co, NY
Gender: Male
Father: Bigelow, Lucius Seymour Jr.
Mother: Rarrell, Hermine
Marriage:--Not Shown--
Russell, Suzanne
b. --Not Shown--
Gender: Female
Bigelow, Mary Perry 
b. 4 MAY 1869 Buffalo, Erie Co, NY
d. 16 MAR 1871
Gender: Female
Father: Bigelow, Samuel Olney
Mother: Perry, Mary Louise
Utter, Alva G. 
b. 23 FEB 1859 Trempeleau Co, WI
d. 1860
Gender: Male
Father: Utter, Charles
Mother: Farrar, Elizabeth
Utter, Euretta 
b. 23 FEB 1861 Trempeleau Co, WI
Gender: Female
Father: Utter, Charles
Mother: Farrar, Elizabeth
Utter, Osceola 
b. 27 MAY 1863 Trempeleau Co, WI
d. 1 NOV 1871 Trempeleau Co, WI
Gender: Male
Father: Utter, Charles
Mother: Farrar, Elizabeth
Utter, Oralinda 
b. 19 DEC 1865
d. 8 DEC 1926
Gender: Female
Father: Utter, Charles
Mother: Farrar, Elizabeth
Utter, Willie Russel 
b. 1 OCT 1868 Trempeleau Co, WI
d. 11 APR 1869 Trempeleau Co, WI
Gender: Female
Father: Utter, Charles
Mother: Farrar, Elizabeth
Utter, Elmer Russel 
b. 27 MAR 1871 Trempeleau Co, WI
d. 11 JUL 1889 Trempeleau Co, WI
Gender: Male
Father: Utter, Charles
Mother: Farrar, Elizabeth
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