Genealogy Data Page 240 (Family Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Lacey, Jedida 
b. 8 SEP 1786 Laceyville, Wyoming Co., PA
d. 4 OCT 1845 Camptown, Bradford Co., PA
Gender: Female
Father: Lacey, Isaac
Mother: Pratt, Lydia
Lacey, Ebenezer 
b. 28 NOV 1788
Gender: Male
Father: Lacey, Isaac
Mother: Pratt, Lydia
Lacey, Isaac 
b. 24 OCT 1790
d. 21 FEB 1854 Laceyville, Wyoming Co., PA
Gender: Male
Father: Lacey, Isaac
Mother: Pratt, Lydia
Lacey, Daniel Pratt 
b. 22 JUL 1792
Gender: Male
Father: Lacey, Isaac
Mother: Pratt, Lydia
Lacey, Lydia 
b. 15 JUN 1794
Gender: Female
Father: Lacey, Isaac
Mother: Pratt, Lydia
Lacey, David 
b. 4 MAR 1794
Gender: Male
Father: Lacey, Isaac
Mother: Pratt, Lydia
Lacey, Sarah 
b. 6 AUG 1799 Laceyville, Wyoming Co., PA
d. 2 AUG 1806 Laceyville, Wyoming Co., PA
Gender: Female
Father: Lacey, Isaac
Mother: Pratt, Lydia
Lacey, Anna 
b. 31 AUG 1801
d. 19 AUG 1806 Laceyville, Wyoming Co., PA
Gender: Female
Father: Lacey, Isaac
Mother: Pratt, Lydia
Lacey, John Canfield 
b. 9 JAN 1804 Laceyville, Wyoming Co., PA
d. ABT. 1885 Laceyville, Wyoming Co., PA
Gender: Male
Father: Lacey, Isaac
Mother: Pratt, Lydia
Lacey, Henry Jackson 
b. 23 APR 1806
Gender: Male
Father: Lacey, Isaac
Mother: Pratt, Lydia
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