Genealogy Data Page 1123 (Family Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Olson, Iris 
Gender: Female
Father: Olson, James
Mother: Bigelow, Maranda
Tripp, Maria 
b. 2 JAN 1815
Gender: Female
Father: Tripp, John P.
Mother: Bigelow, Clarissa
Tripp, Lydia 
b. 1817
d. BEF. 1823
Gender: Female
Father: Tripp, John P.
Mother: Bigelow, Clarissa
Tripp, Demarius 
b. 16 JAN 1819
d. 11 MAR 1854
Gender: Male
Father: Tripp, John P.
Mother: Bigelow, Clarissa
Tripp, James 
b. 2 SEP 1821
Gender: Male
Father: Tripp, John P.
Mother: Bigelow, Clarissa
Tripp, Samuel 
b. MAY 1823
d. 1824
Gender: Male
Father: Tripp, John P.
Mother: Bigelow, Clarissa
Tripp, Lydia 
b. 1823
d. 1850
Gender: Female
Father: Tripp, John P.
Mother: Bigelow, Clarissa
Tripp, John 
b. FEB 1825
Gender: Male
Father: Tripp, John P.
Mother: Bigelow, Clarissa
Tripp, Lorenzo 
b. 1827
Gender: Male
Father: Tripp, John P.
Mother: Bigelow, Clarissa
Tripp, Sarah 
b. 1829
Gender: Female
Father: Tripp, John P.
Mother: Bigelow, Clarissa
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