Genealogy Data Page 1002 (Family Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Harmon, John Andrew 
b. 30 OCT 1855 Saulsbury, PA
d. 22 MAR 1931
Gender: Male
Marriage: 3 SEP 1874
Bigelow, Francesca Almira

b. 6 NOV 1856 Huntingdon Co, PA
d. 16 MAR 1946
Gender: Female
Father: Bigelow, Eliphaz Dr.
Mother: Weidman, Leah
Harmon, Dora Mae 
Harmon, Ira Fred 
Harmon, Lawrence Brown 
Harmon, Oliver Jackson 
Harmon, Mary Leah 
Harmon, Clara Bigelow 
Harmon, James Albert 
Harmon, Mark Nathan 
Harmon, Anna Maud 
Harmon, Ella Lenore 
Bigelow, Harry Alexander 
b. 7 FEB 1872 McAlevy's Fort, Jackson Twp., Huntingdon Co, PA
d. 1936
Gender: Male
Father: Bigelow, Brown A. Dr.
Mother: Tate, Jennie E.
Bigelow, Maud Eunice 
b. 12 JUL 1873 McAlevy's Fort, Jackson Twp., Huntingdon Co, PA
d. 1914
Gender: Female
Father: Bigelow, Brown A. Dr.
Mother: Tate, Jennie E.
Bigelow, Charles Tate 
b. 1 APR 1877 Sigleville, PA
d. 1900
Gender: Male
Father: Bigelow, Brown A. Dr.
Mother: Tate, Jennie E.
Bigelow, Eliphaz Jacob 
b. 5 DEC 1878 Sigleville, PA
d. 1900
Gender: Male
Father: Bigelow, Brown A. Dr.
Mother: Tate, Jennie E.
Bigelow, Samuel Edward Dr. 
b. 5 SEP 1880 Sigleville, PA
d. 1952
Gender: Male
Father: Bigelow, Brown A. Dr.
Mother: Tate, Jennie E.
Bigelow, Frank Clay 
b. 11 SEP 1882 Sigleville, PA
d. 1906
Gender: Male
Father: Bigelow, Brown A. Dr.
Mother: Tate, Jennie E.
Bigelow, Leah Elizabeth 
b. 13 AUG 1884 Belleville, Mifflin Co, PA
d. 1911
Gender: Female
Father: Bigelow, Brown A. Dr.
Mother: Tate, Jennie E.
Bigelow, Ralph Brown 
b. 3 MAR 1886 Belleville, Mifflin Co, PA
d. 1919
Gender: Male
Father: Bigelow, Brown A. Dr.
Mother: Tate, Jennie E.
Bigelow, Lebbeus Isaac 
b. 12 JAN 1888
Gender: Male
Father: Bigelow, Brown A. Dr.
Mother: Tate, Jennie E.
Marriage: 28 DEC 1915
Schneck, Mary Alice
Gender: Female
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