Index for surnames beginning with L (Family Pages)
[Lies, Naomi Marie] - [Loomis, Nehemiah]
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
[L., Mary] - [Learned, Moses]
[Learned, Samuel] - [Lies, Michael William Edgar George]
[Lies, Naomi Marie] - [Loomis, Nehemiah]
[Loomis, Philip] - [Lytle, Jane]
Lies, Naomi Marie (b. --Not Shown--)
Lies, Nikolaus (b. 15 NOV 1827 - d. 2 SEP 1905)
Lies, Peter (b. 19 MAR 1867 - d. 19 AUG 1936)
Lies, Peter James (b. 16 DEC 1861 - d. 29 MAR 1934)
Lies, Peter John (b. 8 MAR 1918 - d. 16 AUG 1948)
Lies, Peter Joseph (b. 28 NOV 1899 - d. 8 JUL 1974)
Lies, Raymond John (b. --Not Shown--)
Lies, Raymond Joseph (b. --Not Shown--)
Lies, Richard Dean (b. --Not Shown--)
Lies, Rodney Peter (b. --Not Shown--)
Lies, Rose Marie (b. 18 MAY 1892 - d. 6 DEC 1965)
Lies, Shannon Elizabeth (b. --Not Shown--)
Lies, Sharon Elizabeth (b. 10 MAY 1952 - d. 29 APR 1953)
Lies, Sharon Marie (b. --Not Shown--)
Lies, Susan (b. 2 OCT 1892 - d. 2 JUL 1894)
Lies, Susanna Marie (b. 12 JUN 1893 - d. 16 MAY 1971)
Lies, Theresa
Lies, Theresa A. (b. --Not Shown--)
Lies, Vernon Patrick (b. --Not Shown--)
Lies, Virginia
Lilly, Sarah Margaret
Limbird, Rose (b. 1873 - d. 1917)
Lincoln, Ralph Edward (b. 16 OCT 1884 - d. 15 FEB 1967)
Lincoln, Richard Edward
Lindberg, Alma Kristina ( d. 1944)
Lindley, Helen
Lindley, Jean
Lindley, Margaret (b. 26 OCT 1820)
Lindsay, Mary Adelia (b. 5 MAR 1864 - d. 14 OCT 1913)
Lindsley, Maria (b. 1834 - d. 1903)
Lindt, Cynthia Ann
Lindt, Debra Marie
Lindt, Karen Sue
Lindt, Marvin James
Lindt, Nancy Kay
Lindt, Roger Marvin
Lingwood, John (b. 1546 - d. 1592)
Lingwood, William (b. 1508)
Link, Lester
Linnebur, Maxine
Linneman, ?
Linneman, Mary
Linsley, Charles H. (b. 1 MAR 1861)
Linsley, George L. (b. 27 NOV 1862)
Linsley, Israel
Linsley, James L. Rev.
Linsley, James R. (b. 27 FEB 1859)
Linsley, Levi S. (b. 7 MAR 1869)
Linthicum, ?
Linwood, Agnes (b. ABT. 1564 - d. 14 APR 1619)
Lipsmeier, Joseph
Littell, Mary (b. 8 AUG 1825)
Litti, Anne (b. ABT. 1663 - d. 19 FEB 1707/08)
Little, Etoile
Littlefield, Frances Olive (b. ABT. 1911)
Littlefield, Mary Josephine
Littlefield, William
Littleton, John
Litzner, Donna
Livermore, Abigail (b. ABT. 1685)
Livermore, Abijah (b. 26 DEC 1745 - d. 8 AUG 1802)
Livermore, Benjamin (b. 25 APR 1749 - d. 24 JUL 1802)
Livermore, Elisha ( d. 3 JUL 1754)
Livermore, Elisha (b. 21 AUG 1755 - d. 3 SEP 1790)
Livermore, Elisha (b. 8 JAN 1719/20 - d. 13 FEB 1795)
Livermore, Elizabeth (b. 5 MAY 1758 - d. 25 APR 1802)
Livermore, Grace S. (b. 1809)
Livermore, Jonas
Livermore, Josiah
Livermore, Josiah
Livermore, Mary (b. 11 APR 1684 - d. 14 AUG 1753)
Livermore, Mary (b. 1744 - d. 1744)
Livermore, Mary (b. 20 FEB 1778)
Livermore, Mary (b. 23 OCT 1747)
Livermore, Sarah (b. 8 SEP 1751)
Livermore, Thomas (b. 4 OCT 1760 - d. 20 NOV 1791)
Livings, Robert Charles (b. --Not Shown--)
Livingston, Francis K.
Livingston, John A.
Llewellyn, Joseph
Lloyd, John T.
Lobdell, Ethel
Locke, James W. (b. 6 OCT 1813 - d. 4 MAR 1844)
Lockhart, Charles Roland
Lockwood, Evelyn
Lockwood, George R.
Lockwood, Sarah
Logan, Angeline
Logan, John
Lohmiller, Aline
Lombard, James
Lombard, Jesse
Lombardi, Tesca Bruna (b. --Not Shown--)
Loney, Daniel John
Loney, Gregory Charles
Loney, Kevin
Loney, Theresa Marie
Loney, Vivian Irene
Long, David S.
Long, John J.
Longbathome, Elizabeth (b. 13 OCT 1560 - d. 1616)
Longbotham, Brian (b. ABT. 1520 - d. AFT. 1569)
Longden, Lillian
Longfellow, Abigail (b. 25 SEP 1794)
Longfellow, Augusta A.
Longfellow, Bernice
Longfellow, Betsy (b. 17 OCT 1788)
Longfellow, Charles (b. 28 MAY 1812)
Longfellow, Daniel
Longfellow, Daniel (b. 14 NOV 1768 - d. 21 NOV 1787)
Longfellow, Daniel (b. 9 MAY 1792 - d. 11 NOV 1857)
Longfellow, David (b. 1 JUN 1800)
Longfellow, Deborah (b. 27 DEC 1800)
Longfellow, Enoch (b. 15 JUN 1775 - d. 27 AUG 1829)
Longfellow, Isaac (b. 18 SEP 1772 - d. 1 MAY 1830)
Longfellow, Jacob (b. 29 JAN 1766 - d. 15 AUG 1856)
Longfellow, Jacob W.
Longfellow, Jonathan
Longfellow, Jonathan (b. 6 SEP 1770 - d. 8 JAN 1835)
Longfellow, Levi (b. 19 AUG 1804)
Longfellow, Lucy T.
Longfellow, Lydia (b. 1 MAY 1806)
Longfellow, Lydia (b. 6 AUG 1784)
Longfellow, Martha C.
Longfellow, Mercy C. (b. 11 JUL 1798)
Longfellow, Nathan (b. 14 JUL 1782 - d. 12 JUL 1785)
Longfellow, Nathan (b. 26 SEP 1789 - d. 20 NOV 1870)
Longfellow, Nathan (b. 30 DEC 1743 - d. 9 APR 1796)
Longfellow, Nathan L.
Longfellow, Peggy (b. 16 AUG 1780)
Longfellow, Ratchford (b. 9 OCT 1777 - d. 18 AUG 1793)
Longfellow, Sally (b. 2 JUL 1786 - d. 28 APR 1789)
Longfellow, Sally C.
Longfellow, Samuel (b. 7 APR 1808)
Longfellow, Sarah E.
Longfellow, Stephen (b. 19 MAY 1802)
Longfellow, Tahpenes ( d. 15 JAN 1851)
Longfellow, William (b. 24 SEP 1796)
Longley, William III
Longstreth, James P.
Longworthy, Jenette
Lonsdale, Julia Ann (b. 26 MAY 1837)
Lonsdale, Matthew
Lonsdale, Nancy Agnes (b. 10 JAN 1835 - d. 3 JAN 1925)
Lonsdale, Richardena
Look, Elizabeth
Loomer, David E. (b. 23 APR 1866 - d. 27 SEP 1908)
Loomer, Rita Louise (b. 1 APR 1883 - d. 17 APR 1947)
Loomis, Abigail
Loomis, Abigail (b. 1701 - d. 1734)
Loomis, Benjamin
Loomis, Calista Adelia
Loomis, Daniel Sgt.
Loomis, David
Loomis, David
Loomis, Ebenezer
Loomis, Elizabeth
Loomis, Elizabeth
Loomis, Elizabeth (b. 1617)
Loomis, Elizabeth (b. 1671 - d. 1723)
Loomis, Hannah
Loomis, Hannah
Loomis, Harriet
Loomis, Hezekiah
Loomis, Isark
Loomis, Isark
Loomis, James
Loomis, James
Loomis, Jeremiah
Loomis, John
Loomis, John
Loomis, John (b. 1622 - d. 1 SEP 1688)
Loomis, John (b. 29 JAN 1561/62 - d. 29 MAY 1619)
Loomis, Jonathan
Loomis, Joseph
Loomis, Joseph
Loomis, Joseph (b. 1616 - d. 26 JUN 1687)
Loomis, Joseph (b. ABT. 1589 - d. 25 NOV 1658)
Loomis, Josiah
Loomis, Lois (b. 2 JAN 1804)
Loomis, Lucilla A. (b. 22 MAR 1842 - d. 7 JUN 1874)
Loomis, Lydia
Loomis, Lydia (b. 1 NOV 1808 - d. 10 JAN 1877)
Loomis, Mabel
Loomis, Martha
Loomis, Mary
Loomis, Mary
Loomis, Mary
Loomis, Mary (b. 1679 - d. 1719)
Loomis, Mary (b. ABT. 1620 - d. 19 AUG 1680)
Loomis, Mary Irene
Loomis, Matthew
Loomis, Mindwell
Loomis, Mindwell
Loomis, Moses
Loomis, Nathaniel
Loomis, Nathaniel
Loomis, Nathaniel
Loomis, Nathaniel (b. 1626 - d. 19 AUG 1688)
Loomis, Nehemiah (b. 1670 - d. 1740)
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